Everyone was stunned, how could this familiar tone seem to have just been heard.

Aren't these sects weak and weak?


The people who came to congratulate yesterday were all those sects that were relatively close to Tianyan, and there were only about twenty or so in strength.

According to the Sect Master's words, it will be merged into the Twenty-One Heavenly Yan...

Weren't the sects near Tianyan all wiped out?

How can it be!

It's a fantasy!!

He Yue didn't care about everyone's skeptical eyes, and said calmly:

"The twenty-one sects that merged into Tianyan yesterday are the Asura Sect ranked forty-seventh in the comprehensive strength of Nanzhou, the Shadow Gate in the seventy-sixth, as well as Wumeizhuang and Tiansha Palace... The weakest ones also have at least two Dao Realms sitting in the town.

As she spoke, everyone was gradually stunned.

How can it be! Really gave Tianyan a net nearby?

Everything that happened in the welcoming hall yesterday, except for Zhao Hu and Zhang Wen who were present, Tianyan and the others did not know.

As He Yue, as the Sect Master of Tianyan, her engagement ceremony was very cumbersome.

The disciples can rest and go to the banquet, but the elders cannot, and they need to deal with all kinds of affairs.

That's why.

Yesterday, there would have been a chance for the owner of Ten Thousand Swords Mountain Villa to send charcoal in the snow, otherwise Wang Qiang would have been present at that time.

Those sect masters who came to congratulate did not dare to think crookedly.

And as for why the twenty-one sects that merged into Tianyan yesterday were not weak.

It's simple.

Does the small sect with weak strength and no slightest right to speak dare to have an idea about the supreme treasure that may appear?

Don't dare.

Therefore, everyone who rushed into the hall yesterday and wanted to snatch the supreme treasure was at least starting from the Dao Realm.

Among them, there were many supreme realm powerhouses like Boundless Sect Master Liu Zhen and Asura Sect Master.

But the elders didn't know!

Listening to the names of one powerful sect after another read out from He Yue's mouth.

They are skeptical of life.

"Asura Sect, Shadow Gate... Oh my God, what the hell happened yesterday!

"According to this calculation, the Southern Region basically belongs to us Tianyan."

"Yes, this is unbelievable, could it be that the sect master is joking."

"Stupid! How can anyone joke about such a thing! There

was everyone's discussion in his ears, and Wu Di muttered incredulously: "Shura, Dark Shadow, Wumeizhuang, Tiansha Palace... How can it be! "

Li Ming, the former waste boy, really did such a shocking thing?

What to do?

A thousand calculations not only did not achieve the goal.

Instead, it gave Li Ming a wave of prestige....

Thinking of this, Wu Di couldn't help but feel discouraged.

"Although it is a good thing that these sects have merged into Tianyan, can our resource reserves support such a big war?"

Inadvertently, an elder's self-talk reached his ears.

His eyes lit up instantly.

That's right.

Resource reserves!

Now Tianyan's resource reserves are absolutely unable to support such a large-scale war.

Moreover, the more sects that join Tianyan, the more resources they eat!

Take this as a breakthrough.

You'll be able to get a round back!

With a calculation in his heart, Wu Di returned to his light and breezy appearance, and gently brushed his sparse beard:

"Sect Master, Deacon Li has subdued the twenty-one sects, this is indeed a good thing, but the huge financial pressure that comes with it, have you taken it into account?"

He Yue's face froze, what Wu Di said was indeed the biggest problem for Tianyan at present.

Regarding the financial crisis, she didn't have any good ideas for a while.

Originally, I planned to discuss it with Brother Ming at night.

He's so smart that he will have a good idea

, but now.

Wu Di raised the question in front of everyone.

It put her in a quandary.

After a moment of silence, she said a little dejectedly:

"Considering it, I am trying to find a way to solve it."

Wu Di noticed the change in He Yue's tone and chased after him with victory: "Oh? Does the sect master have a way?

He Yue was silent again.

After a long time, he said, "Not yet."

"Elders, a war on one continent is about to start, but the resources for combat readiness have not yet been secured, which is ridiculous."

Wu Di snickered, turned to face everyone in the hall, and fanned the flames.

"Yes, yes, the ancestor once said that to fight a war, the soldiers and horses must go first without moving food and grass, and now the big war is about to break out, but we don't even have food and grass!"

"Sect Master, this can't work! Let's delay the unification of the South Continent.

"Sect Master, please take back your life."

"Sect Master..."

in an instant.

Everyone in the temple bowed down.

He Yuegao sat on the throne, and a strong sense of powerlessness flooded his heart.

What to do?

Do you really want to suspend the plan to unify the southern continent?

However, the opportunity was fleeting, and once the news spread, the other sects became defensive against Tianyan.

Then it is even more difficult to think about unification.

No way!

It must not be just settled, Ling Xuan was hit hard, Brother Ming broke through the Mixed Yuan Realm, and Tianyan's strength was definitely enough to sweep the South Continent.

How can you let a great opportunity leave because of insufficient resource reserves!

He Yue's eyes gradually firmed.

"Shut up!"

The aura was wrapped in a cold shout, and it swept through the hall together with the powerful coercion of the peak of the Supreme Realm.

The atmosphere instantly dropped to freezing.

"It is imperative to unify the South Continent, and I will find a way to solve the problem of combat readiness resources."

After dropping a sentence, she frowned and turned away.

At the bottom of the steps, Wu Di, who came out alone, gritted his teeth and knelt on the ground.

Pathos shouted loudly, "

Sect Master must not be angry!"

The voice fell.

The elders who had just been shocked by He Yue also followed closely and spoke one after another.

Many people even knelt on the ground like Wu Di.

"Sect Master must not be angry!"

"Sect Master must not be angry!"


The dissuasion is endless.

He Yue turned his back to everyone and stopped.

Seeing this scene, Wu Di rolled his eyes.

Standing up, he said positively, "Sect Master, you are the head of the Tianyan Sect, and you are responsible for the hundreds of thousands of disciples of Tianyan!" The

tone was sad and indignant, but with a hint of sincere hatred, iron is not steel.

In fact, he encouraged all the elders to gather in protest, half to slap Li Ming in the face, and half for the Tianyan Sect.

He was firmly opposed to the plan to unify the South Continent.

A character as brilliant as the ancestor.

Nor has it been able to achieve the feat of one continent and one case.

Now Li Ming, a yellow-mouthed and white-toothed child, said that he wanted to dominate Nanzhou.

How does this make him believe?

Seeing He Yue standing in place without moving.

Wu Di gritted his teeth and decided to take a strong medicine.

I secretly said in my heart, my old Wu must not personally watch you lead Tianyan to a dead end.

He then strode to the huge pillar of brass cast in the temple that served as a load-bearing one.

Put away your whole body aura.

Rest your old forehead against the pillar.

Looking at He Yuedao.

"Sect Master, if you are determined to go your own way and ignore the overall situation, my old Wu will crash and die here today."


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