Sign in at the end of the world: Start by devouring the Flame Demon Lord

Chapter 502: The Eternal Night Owl King, the Powerful Strength of the Eternal Night Dynasty

In the battlefield of the deep canyon, the surrounding vegetation had already been burned and burned in the fierce artillery fire, and the hinterland of the valley instantly turned into a wilderness.

In this wilderness, a terrifying and brutal battle was going on.

It's just that the protagonists of the battle have changed from humans and ferocious beasts to humans and the even more ferocious Royal Family of Evernight!

The human army, which was already scarred in the battle with the beast tide, was even more defeated after being baptized by the Eternal Night Royal Family again.

At this time, the weakness of ordinary humans was revealed. In this battle of awakened people per capita, these human soldiers without superpowers were as fragile as paper toys. They were instantly disinfected by the ferocious Yongye tribesmen. Most of it.

Human screams rippled across the battlefield,

Countless human bodies fell to the ground with mutilated bodies, their eyes full of despair and fear.

The flowing blood gathered into pools of blood on the ground, and the surrounding flames continued to spread, making the battle situation miserable.

Even some powerful awakened ones fell into decline under the siege of many Yongye tribesmen, and eventually died with hatred under countless pairs of ruthless minions.


Somewhere in the battlefield, a huge wave of souls swept from the sky.

A large number of Yongye tribesmen below were swept away by powerful soul waves, black blood gushes out from their seven orifices, and then their bodies began to swell uncontrollably.

In the blink of an eye, the bodies of these Yongye tribesmen were shattered to pieces, with no bones left!

I saw a man with long hair descending from the air with a solemn face, and his whole body was still filled with residual soul fluctuations.

This is a destructive powerhouse!

Finally, the unscrupulous killings of the Royal Family of Yongye triggered the participation of the destruction-level powerhouses on the human side!

As the long-haired man shouted several times, the bodies of countless Yongye tribesmen around them could not withstand the huge soul fluctuations, their bodies collapsed, and their souls died!

Just as the long-haired man was about to turn around and leave, a large number of butterflies suddenly flew past in the sky.

Monster butterflies were flying in mid-air, and a faint feminine laughter could be heard.


The sweet voice reached the ears of the long-haired man, but it was like being struck by lightning. He suddenly stabilized his body and shouted:

"What evil is happening, suppress it!"

An invisible soul light wave instantly hit the group of butterflies flying in the air ahead, and countless butterflies were strangled and crushed.

But the next second, the butterfly fragments in mid-air gathered together again, this time the butterflies all over the sky gathered quickly——

In the blink of an eye, a pretty girl wearing a red dress with a black token hanging around her waist appeared in front of the long-haired man.

Looking at the petite girl with a smile in front of him, the long-haired man's eyes suddenly trembled and he murmured:

"Soul-Eating Butterfly Emperor..."

On the battlefield on the other side, the muscles of his body were all covered with gold. Shi Haotian, who transformed into a golden giant, crushed the black shadows under his feet into slag.

But a large number of Yongye tribesmen emerged from the black shadow behind them at a faster speed.

He roared angrily, and the ground beneath his feet turned into a golden color, and his body became like a copper wall, indestructible.

The Yongye tribesman who tried to sneak attack on his vitals was unable to break through his solid golden defense, and his body was crushed with his backhand.

He was just about to crush the black shadows under him with a wave of his palm, but suddenly a wave of yellow curls blew up in front of him.

The sweeping gravel quickly condensed into a giant hand, instantly clamping down on his outstretched golden arm.

A flash of anger flashed in Shi Haotian's eyes, and he shook his fist violently to scatter the yellow sand in front of him.

But the next second, the yellow sand in the sky gathered in front of him and turned into a yellow sand giant. He opened his arms and fought with the golden giant transformed by Shi Haotian!

And above the head of this golden giant, stood a tall figure wearing armor, with a cracked face that was firm and composed, and an undetectable faint corpse energy released from his body.

And on his waist, there was also a token burning with ghost fire!

In the center of the battlefield, a beast-like monster is driving its huge body to attack the surrounding Yongye tribesmen.


The body of this monster is extremely strange. Its skin is inlaid with the skin of snakes, crocodiles and other ferocious beasts, but its limbs are composed of the limbs of some kind of arthropod.

There is also a long tail trailing behind him, giving him the appearance of a gathering of snakes, insects, rats, and ants. Only one head still retains the appearance of a human being.

The orc monsters wreaked havoc on the battlefield, their eyes turned red and they went berserk.

The surrounding creatures, whether they were the Eternal Night Royal Family or humans, were brutally torn into pieces. Within a few breaths, no living beings could be seen within a radius of hundreds of meters!

The monster roared and leaped into the air to start a new killing spree on the other side of the battlefield.

But at this moment, broken lines like spider webs suddenly appeared in mid-air, the space in front of him suddenly shattered, and a white figure flashed from mid-air.

The monster keenly sensed something and turned his head suddenly, but before he could turn his head to look, a sharp pain came from his back.

The monster suddenly let out a shrill wail, and its body rolled down from mid-air uncontrollably and fell to the ground.

There was a hideous scar on his back with bones visible, and countless blood gushed out from the wound made by the sharp weapon.

A man in a white suit with white hair appeared above the monster, his indifferent face expressionless.

A flash of white light flashed under the lens, and looking at the monster below was like looking at a cold corpse...

In addition, the holy angels and the Apocalypse mechas equipped with destructive weapons also shined on the battlefield, and majestic energy fluctuations were heard everywhere on the battlefield.

Everyone was surprised to find that there were more than twice as many destructive-level warriors on the battlefield? !

These destructive-level warriors all came from the Eternal Night Dynasty, the Owl Kings under the command of the Lord of the Eternal Night!

It was not until this time that people re-examined the Eternal Night Dynasty, a behemoth that suddenly rose in the end of the world...

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