The Ye family puts forward conditions and a dispute breaks out!

Hearing these words, Ye Qingcang said calmly:

“The mistakes Ye Qingling committed are too serious. Of course, they are not completely irreparable. If you can lead the Su family to join my Ye family, this matter can be discussed, and it can be considered a good thing. It makes up for the mistakes Ye Qingling made at the beginning.”

“Of course, joining my Ye family is not just a word. All the wealth of the Eastern Region, including your Su family, will naturally be allocated by my Ye family in the future.”

After saying that, his face changed. A kind smile appeared on his face.

“But don’t worry, the Su family can be considered one of our own. In addition, Su Chen is also a strong man at the peak of the supreme sage. We will not treat the Su family badly. We will naturally cultivate it as a core force.”

“The strength of my Ye family is the highest in the entire world. The Xuantian Realm is considered powerful. Your Su family can rely on my Ye family and you will not suffer any loss, and my Ye family is equivalent to having a strong general. What does the head of the Su family think?”

Ye Qingcang’s words were very direct and refreshing. , without any twists and turns.

Su Qingtian suddenly frowned. The price… is a bit high, right?

The key is what the Su family can have that interests the Ye family. If they want the Eastern Region, just mention it. Why should they specifically add a Su family?

The Su family has only been in control of the Eastern Territory for a few hundred years, and although it has accumulated a lot of wealth, compared with forces like the Ye family, it is probably incomparable, right?

Suddenly, his eyes narrowed and he turned to look at Su Chen.

Could it be…that they were doing it for Chen’er?

Among the entire Su family, the most valuable one is Su Chen.

As his cultivation level increased, Su Qingtian also knew how terrifying it would be to transform the Eastern Region to that point.

Moreover, Su Chen also has many methods, all of which are unpredictable.

Su Qingtian did not speak. He looked at Su Chen. The father and son looked at each other, which was equivalent to handing over the decision-making power on this matter to Su Chen.

“Why, can’t the head of the Su family be the master?”

Ye Qingcang said with a smile.

Su Qingtian said nothing, and Su Chen didn’t speak either. While they were talking just now, he had already used the Hongmeng Eye to see through the entire Cangshan Mountain situation.

Not only did they find Ye Qingling’s location, they also found out about the five powerful quasi-emperors hiding in Cangshan Mountain.

One of them even reached the ninth rank quasi-emperor!

A strong man of this level is only one step away from the emperor.

In addition, Su Chen also discovered some unexpected gains, which made him feel murderous.

“I want to ask, what if the Su family doesn’t agree?”

Su Chen said calmly at this time.

Hearing these words, Ye Wushang immediately became anxious. He quickly sent a message and said:

“Su Chen, don’t resist the Ye family. With the current strength of the Su family, there is no way that the Su family can be the opponent of the Ye family. Please surrender first and wait for you.” You can consider other things after you grow up.”

Su Chen frowned.

This voice…

He raised his head and began to search among the people in the Ye family, and soon saw an extraordinary-looking young man looking at him.

The two looked at each other, and although they didn’t say anything, Su Chen knew that the voice transmission just now was from him.

Who is this person?

Su Chen’s mind showed doubts.

Although he didn’t know the other party, Su Chen could feel the kindness in his tone.

Not enemies.

Could it be related to his mother?

At this moment, the smile on Ye Qingcang’s face faded slightly. He looked at Su Chen with an indifferent expression.

“If the Su family is willing to surrender to my Ye family, we will naturally treat it as a family. But if not, then the matter of forcibly breaking into our Cangshan Mountain must be carefully calculated.”

Obviously, Ye Qingcang does not intend to stay with Su Chen. To be fair, this might be why he was so forthright in the beginning.

Under other circumstances, Ye Qingcang really might not take action against Su Chen.

But this time, he did so after gaining the consent and support of his ancestor, so he was 100% confident that he could win even if Su Chen was a supreme sage with superior combat power.

After all, the Supreme Sage is always the Supreme Sage. Even if his combat power is very strong, how strong can it be?

Su Qingtian seemed to have noticed something was wrong. He looked at Su Chen with some concern and sent a message: “Chen’er…” What

he actually wanted to say was that if it didn’t work, just leave first.

Although meeting Ye Qingling was a big deal, he didn’t want to harm the entire Su family and Su Chen.

Su Chen waved his hand, then raised his head, his eyes suddenly turned cold:

“To be honest… I don’t like people standing over me. Basically, people who look at me like this will end up… Dead, my suggestion is that you get down first.”

As soon as these words came out, the world suddenly fell into deathly silence. Everyone in the Ye family did not expect that Su Chen would actually say such a thing.

Many of the powerful men in the Southern Territory who were watching were stunned when they heard these words, especially combined with Su Chen’s cold and frosty look, as if he might take action at any time.

what’s the situation!

Does he still want to take action against the Ye family?

“This Su Chen is so courageous!”

“How dare you say such things to the Ye family? You are really ignorant and fearless. He doesn’t know how powerful the Ye family is, right?”

“Being an enemy of the Ye family, don’t They say that they are sleeping powerful quasi-emperors. These four supreme saints and a group of ancient saints are not powerful enough to be matched by him alone.” “That is

, I really thought that I had killed a clone of Heiyi, and I thought that I was the world’s best. Invincible?”

Secretly, many people were very disdainful.

The Ye family is also a veteran force in Xuantian Realm, and it is also an imperial clan. If Su Chen provokes such a terrifying force, isn’t he seeking his own death?

Everyone in the Ye family couldn’t help but laugh when they heard Su Chen’s words.


“Why, are you still planning to kill us?”

“How many years has passed, this is the first time someone dares to speak so wildly in front of Cangshan.”

Ye Qingcang’s eyes narrowed, his expression full of cold murderous intent. I mean, this kind of statement leaves no room for oneself at all.

In fact, his preferred treatment for Su Chen was to kill him directly and then seize the treasures from him.

Because Su Chen is too strong, staying in the Ye family is always a time bomb.

And who knows if he’ll leave any treasure behind.

But if you search for the soul after killing, there won’t be any problems.

The Ye family has a secret method that allows them to temporarily go back and explore all their memories during their lifetime, even if they are completely dead, with their bodies shattered and their souls extinguished. However, the cost of each activation is very high.

But if we can fully obtain all the secrets of Su Chen, then everything will be worth it.

To be able to create the Holy Body and the Imperial Body, to be able to transform the Eastern Region to such a terrifying level, and to be able to become the Supreme Sage in just two to three hundred years, each of these is really shocking.

Thinking of this, Ye Qingcang’s eyes were full of greed and passion.

In an instant, everyone in the Ye family burst out with terrifying auras. With Su Chen’s strength, the ordinary one or two people were really no match for him.

But this is Cangshan Mountain, the base camp of the Ye family.

Not to mention the emperor-level mountain-protecting formation here, these people together can completely crush the strong men below the third level of quasi-emperor.

Although the quasi-emperor is also an emperor, there is still a huge gap compared to the powerful emperor.

Therefore, relying on their numbers, they can still defeat the powerful quasi-emperors.

The powerful aura caused the world to tremble, and countless people looked horrified.

Ye Qingcang’s face was stern, his eyes were full of murderous intent: “You dare to break into our Cangshan Mountain and act so arrogantly in front of us. I will capture you today and show the world what it means to be an enemy of our Ye family. End.”

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