: Miasma invades, Xuantian Realm encounters catastrophe

So Shouyuan Su Chen is not worried.

Moreover, he also has some relatively powerful immortal-level treasures that can make his lifespan close to infinite, so there is no problem of worrying about his lifespan at all.

He saw from some of the records he signed in that the conditions for going to the Immortal Realm in the Lower Realm were very harsh, and one had to reach the Ultimate Realm of the Great Emperor.

The same is true for monks in the immortal world who want to come to the lower world. The conditions are very difficult.

These are the rules set by Dao Dao to protect the lower realm.

However, Dao is the highest will of the plane. If it is not affected by the rules he sets, it is unknown how strong it is.

This is one of the reasons why Su Chen doesn’t want to leave Xuantian Realm so soon.

Because once you leave here, you may not come back for a long time.

In fact, for Su Chen, it doesn’t matter where he goes. Because he has a system, he doesn’t need to practice or work hard at all. He just needs to lie down and lie down.

His system takes a long time to sign in, so it is better to stay in the Xuantian Realm and be comfortable without having to worry about encountering any dangers.

Su Chen looked at the sky again. To be honest, he had completely lost interest in the so-called miasma, and he didn’t even have the desire to fight.

Because from what he has learned so far, the strongest strength of the Miasma side has definitely not reached the immortal level.

Maybe it’s above the Great Emperor Realm.

To him, this kind of cultivation is really no different from that of an ant.

The Hongmeng Immortal Physique is a terrifying physique in the Immortal Realm that can kill enemies beyond levels. Not to mention that it is just above the Great Emperor Realm, even if it is really at the level of the Red Dust Immortal, he is not afraid.

He can even be killed easily!

And…it is impossible for immortals to exist in the lower world.

If it exists, it means that the other party’s background is extremely terrifying, and this may be something Su Chen has to avoid for a while.

Then, Su Chen turned his Hongmeng Eye again and looked at the powerful men outside Xuantian Realm.

After thinking for a moment, he raised his hand and waved out a white light, disappearing in Wangyun Mountain instantly.

These people protected the Xuantian Realm, which was very admirable, so Su Chen also left a protective measure for them to save their lives at the critical moment of life and death.

Fifteen years passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past fifteen years, the Xuantian Realm has returned to its former prosperity, and the power of heaven has become increasingly powerful, almost able to accommodate the powerful men in the realm of the Great Emperor.

In recent years, because there has been nothing related to miasma in Xuantian Realm, and there is a strong man like Su Chen, everyone has relaxed a little.

The Su family also grew very rapidly, and saints and strong men were born in an endless stream. Unfortunately, the cutting-edge forces were still not strong enough.

Apart from him, the Su family has no strong person in the quasi-emperor realm of their own.

But this will happen sooner or later.

The current Su family has a very deep foundation, with no shortage of skills, resources, and treasures.

In addition to what the Su family collected by themselves, Su Chen also put many things he signed in and obtained in the Su family.

Therefore, the current Su family is definitely a big treasure. In the entire Xuantian world, no force can compare with the Su family in terms of resources.

Another thirty years passed like this.


The entire Xuantian Realm was shaking, and countless powerful men looked up with solemn expressions.

“It’s still here!”

A powerful quasi-emperor raised his head and said in a serious tone.

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At the same time, all the powerful men who had reached the quasi-emperor level in the Xuantian Realm burst out with their own auras, and then quickly headed towards the Eastern Region, and they all rushed to the Su family.

“The Cangyun Sect has come to pay homage to the Su Family Leader!”

“The Bingyun Imperial Clan has come to pay homage to the Su Family Leader!”

The voices of strong men sounded outside Wangyun Mountain. All the quasi-emperor strong men added up, there are at least close to fifty. This is all the high-end combat power left in Xuantian Realm now.

However, among these powerful quasi-emperors, there are only twenty-three who are above the sixth level of quasi-emperor.

There are only thirteen people who have reached the ninth level of quasi-emperor.

To be honest, although there are many quasi-emperors, they are actually useless. A weaker emperor might not be able to do anything to them, but two emperors can almost be completely crushed.

If the great emperor were stronger, such as reaching the third level or above of the great emperor, this group of quasi-emperors would have almost no chance of winning.

Therefore, according to normal circumstances, without Su Chen’s sudden appearance, Xuantian Realm would almost certainly be destroyed.

As soon as a group of powerful quasi-emperors appeared, Xuantian Realm erupted in violent vibrations again. The previous vibrations came from outside the world, but this time they came from Xuantian Realm.

“Demon Realm!”

“Why are you letting the Yin Realm break away at this time? They are weakening our Xuantian Realm. Have all the Demon Realm already surrendered to the miasma?” ”

These beasts, if this happens, I will definitely go to the Demon Realm. It will turn the world upside down.”

A group of powerful quasi-emperors couldn’t help but exclaimed. They never thought that the demon world would actually cause trouble at this time.

The Yin Realm and the Yang Realm have been enemies from beginning to end. Even when facing the attack of miasma, they never helped the Yang Realm.

Of course, since the Yin and Yang realms are one, they did not cause trouble.

But this time something suddenly happened in the underworld, which made them all feel bad.

Almost everything the Demon Realm has done over the years is contrary to guarding the Xuantian Realm. The worst case scenario is that they have betrayed the Xuantian Realm.

The ancestor of the Cangyun Sect looked anxious. He bowed again and said with a pleading look on his face:

“Master Su, Xuantian Realm is facing a powerful foreign enemy now. Please lead us to fight against the enemy.”

“Yes, Xuantian Realm.” The head of the Su family is the strongest in the world now. As long as the head of the Su family gives the order, I will definitely be able to do anything.” “Please, the head of the Su family, lead

us to fight against the enemy!”

“Please, the head of the Su family, lead us to fight against the enemy!”

one after another shouted . The sound of calling sounded, and everyone who came here had a determined look on their face, as if they were going to die.

Although they knew that Su Chen was very powerful, Miasma was not an ordinary enemy, so it was hard for them to believe that Su Chen could solve Miasma by himself.

Almost all of the people who come here are the defeated soldiers who survived the battle with the miasma. They have average qualifications and have little hope of breaking through to the realm of the Great Emperor. Even if they become the Great Emperor, they will definitely not be able to ascend in the future.

In this case, why not dedicate yourself to ignite the entire Xuantian Realm and let this place full of vitality continue to survive.

Along with their shouts, the tremors in the entire Xuantian Realm began to intensify, the earth began to shake crazily, and massive amounts of demonic energy began to emerge.

Outside the boundary, it seemed as if someone was hammering away with a giant hammer. When you looked towards the sky, you could see ripples spreading out in all directions.

People of this generation in Xuantian Realm have never seen such a terrifying scene, and their faces were filled with helpless fear.

Even many saints and strong men can only find a place to huddle up.

Monks of their level are no different from cannon fodder in this war.

At the top of Wangyun Mountain.

Yan Wanwan’s face was full of panic, like a frightened deer. She pulled Su Chen tightly and said with worry:


Although the two had no feelings at first, after getting along for so long, Yan Wanwan had long since As her own man, she has long been accustomed to relying on Su Chen.

So she was very worried about whether there would be danger.

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