Give them an explanation

The Tianmen disappeared, and the aura of the Wushi Emperor also disappeared from the Xuantian Realm.

Emperor Aoran and Emperor Miefa were sitting together drinking tea. There was originally Emperor Wushi. They knew that Emperor Wushi was going to open the Heavenly Gate today, so they made a special trip to see him off.

Although Emperor Wushi is much younger than them, in the world of monasticism, there is no such thing as youth, and everyone only looks at his cultivation.

So they also regarded Wu Shi as their peers.

“This guy is so powerful. After going to the Immortal Realm, I’m afraid he can become a strong man soon, right?”

Emperor Aoran suddenly felt a little emotional in his heart. The three of them had been outside the world for too long, and their mentality was a little flat. Without Emperor Wushi Such momentum.

“Yes, Wu Shi is very powerful. Although I don’t want to admit it, that guy may not be able to defeat the three of us.” “There must be a

place for him in the immortal world!”

Several people sighed in low voices, looking at the direction in which Emperor Wu Shi left. , I couldn’t come back to my senses for a long time.

After a while, Emperor Aoran stood up and said calmly:

“All my friends in the Xuantian Realm are almost dead, and there is nothing worth remembering here. I should leave in a few years. ”

Then let’s meet again

in the Immortal Realm!” They had stayed outside the Xuantian Realm for too long, and almost everything about them in the Xuantian Realm had perished.

The Great Emperor of Destruction shook his head and said with a smile: “Stop talking about this, come on, let’s not go home until we get drunk today.”

At least Emperor Aoran still has his inheritance. He has no inheritance at all. In the entire Xuantian Realm, there is nothing related to him. , all recorded in books.

None of my relatives and friends from that time are still alive.

The three of them drank wine, feeling extremely lonely in their chests.

There are still only a few people like Emperor Wushi who are dedicated to cultivating Taoism and have no other distractions.

For most people, they still hope to have someone to accompany them on the road to spiritual cultivation. Although they are not in the same realm, at least they can have someone to talk to and chat with.

Nowadays, there are fewer and fewer people around them, which makes them feel very lonely.

If they were at their peak, they would not have such thoughts. At that time, they were full of momentum.

It’s a pity that in old age, several people have spent millions of years outside the world, and their mentality has already undergone earth-shaking changes.

Looking back, all the friends around me are dead, so what can I do if I only have strong cultivation?

After sighing for a while, several people recovered from their sadness.

Things have happened before, now they have to move on.

More than ten years later, the second great emperor reached the Heavenly Gate.

On this day, Xuantian Realm fell into turmoil again.

Emperor Aoran stood in front of the Tianmen, looking at Xuantian Realm with his eyes full of nostalgia.

After leaving this time, I don’t know when I will be able to come back.

Maybe, never come back.

So before leaving, Emperor Aoran wanted to deeply imprint everything about Xuantian Realm in his mind.

This is his home, where it all begins.

Goodbye, Xuantian Realm!

Emperor Aoran sighed softly, and then resolutely walked into the Tianmen.

In an instant, the Tianmen merged, and the aura of Emperor Aoran disappeared in the Xuantian Realm. There was no longer Emperor Aoran in this world.

A few people in Emperor Aoran are sentimental, but countless people in Xuantian Realm are passionate.

They looked yearning, hoping that one day they could break through the Great Emperor Realm, successfully ascend to the Heavenly Gate, and enter the Immortal Realm.

In the blink of an eye, another hundred years have passed.

Su Xiao successfully broke through the Holy Master and became the strongest person in the Su family second only to Su Hongyuan and the others.

Over the years, the strength of the Su family has skyrocketed. Almost every short period of time, a strong person from the Holy Realm will break through, and many people will break through from the Dao Realm to the Holy Realm.

Su Chen lay down in Wangyun Mountain every day and enjoyed everything comfortably.

It was as if everything in the outside world had nothing to do with him.

Looking at the top of the cloud mountain.

Su Chen was lying on Yan Wanwan’s lap, with her eyes closed and her face looking happy.

So comfortable!

Su Chen suddenly thought of Ning Yan and Lin Yimeng, both of whom were inextricably related to him.

Ning Yan’s attitude towards him was obvious. As long as Su Chen asked, he would be willing to be a concubine.

Of course, there is no distinction between a concubine and a wife here in Su Chen. As long as she is his woman, he will take her seriously.

As for Lin Yimeng, this girl came to Wangyun Mountain some time ago, but her attitude was quite stubborn, saying that she wanted to be able to walk side by side with Su Chen, and then she would not think about love anymore.

But… Su Chen also saw that this was not her true intention.

To say this was nothing more than Lin Yimeng’s pride.

These two women, Su Chen, felt that they should also be given an explanation.

In this world, it is normal to have three wives and four concubines. They have all traveled through time. Why don’t you marry a few more wives and enjoy yourself?

Thinking of this, Su Chen stood up. After saying goodbye to Yan Wanwan, he left Wangyun Mountain and headed for Pingyang City.

Pingyang City, Ning Family.

In a luxurious wing in the inner courtyard, Ning Yan looked at the courtyard in front of him in a daze.

In a daze, she seemed to see Su Chen and Su Chen talking freely in the courtyard, but when she came back to her senses, there was no one in the courtyard.

Over the years, Ning Yan has broken through and become a saint. In fact, she could have left Pingyang City long ago, but she never left Pingyang City.

Because she was looking forward to someone coming back to find her.

Ning Yan looked lonely in the direction of Wangyun Mountain, her eyes expecting: “Su Chen…”

A long time passed like this, and she sighed deeply.

Su Chen married a concubine. It is unknown whether he still remembers her now.

Will he come to me again?

Ning Yan’s shining eyes were slightly lowered, and her face could not hide her sadness. Who would have thought that the iceberg beauty in Pingyang City actually had such a side.

After breaking through to become a saint, Ning Yan’s appearance and temperament have also improved a lot. She has a graceful figure and an even more beautiful appearance. Her fair cheeks are so delicate that she looks like a fairy who is not stained by dust.

Over the years, countless people have pursued Ning Yan.

However, after they heard about the relationship between Ning Yan and Su Chen, they all ran away without saying a word.

Ning Yan looked at a small bracelet on her hand, which was given to her by Su Chen for protection. Whenever she thought of Su Chen, she would look at the bracelet in a daze.

“Su Chen, no matter how long it takes, I will wait for you.”

Ning Yan was very determined. Even if Su Chen didn’t come to see her for the rest of his life, she would continue to wait in Pingyang City.

Until the end of time.

“Ning Yan, you are so stupid!”

Ning Yan couldn’t help laughing at herself, but the determination in her eyes did not fade at all. Ning Yan is such an ultimate love brain.

In her mind, love is more important than her own life.

For love, she is willing to sacrifice everything, even if she has to wait until death in Pingyang City.

Of course, not everyone can make her so willing.

In this world, there is only Su Chen.

Ning Yan took a deep breath, held her head with one hand, and looked expectantly in the direction of Wangyun Mountain.

Suddenly, a warm feeling came from behind, and she was hugged directly. Ning Yan was suddenly shocked.

who is it!

Just when she was about to explode, a soft voice sounded in her ears.

“Yan’er, I’m here to find you.”

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