: Hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and the Su family is in civil strife

Another hundred thousand years passed in the blink of an eye.

Almost all the familiar people in the Su family have completely left, leaving only some people of very junior generation.

When calling Su Chen, he even needs to use ancestor.

The position of head of the Su family was also passed down to a descendant of Su Yunqian by Su Chen 40,000 years ago.

But even after so long, the name Su Chen is still very popular in Xuantian Realm. If someone says that he doesn’t know Su Chen, he will definitely be laughed at.

But there are only a handful of people who have actually seen Su Chen.

Su Chen’s first disciple, Mu Qingling, also stepped into the Heavenly Gate and entered the immortal world ten thousand years ago.

Looking at the top of the cloud mountain.

Earth-shaking changes have also taken place here. In the past, direct descendants of the Su family could come and go here at will, but now they can’t.

The Cave Heaven Paradise left above has also been moved to the mountainside, which means that the entire highest level of Wangyun Mountain belongs to Su Chen alone.

“I don’t know what happened to them up there.”

Su Chen was still lying on the rocking chair, looking towards the sky with an indifferent expression.

Beside him, there were two dogs sitting, one white and one cyan.

This is exactly Bai Xiao and Qingshi.

In fact, Bai Xiao had already broken through to the Great Emperor Realm and was even able to transform completely, but he still remained the same and stayed by Su Chen’s side.

As for Qingshi, maybe he is used to being a dog and is unwilling to change back to his original appearance.

He may have forgotten that he had already broken through his bloodline and became a dragon with pure bloodline.

In the distance, Yan Wanwan, Ning Yan, and Lin Yimeng were chatting intensely, talking about the beautiful decorations and where they would go to play tomorrow.

After so many years, their appearance has not changed much, they are still as young as before.

Lin Yimeng established a relationship with Su Chen tens of thousands of years ago and became a member of the harem.

The three girls also reached the Great Emperor Realm early on, but none of them had the slightest idea of leaving. They were all accompanying Su Chen at Wangyun Mountain.

For them, the best thing is to be with Su Chen. As for their cultivation level, it doesn’t matter.

On the other side of Wangyun Mountain, there are two women.

Ruoxi and An Qinglian, they have been following Su Chen for a long time, and they are already used to following Su Chen. Since he didn’t leave, these two people naturally stayed in Xuantian Realm.

The comfortable time keeps passing by.

In the blink of an eye, another three hundred thousand years have passed.

Su Chen was already numb to time.

In the entire Xuantian Realm, apart from the huge stone statue outside Wangyun Mountain, there are almost no traces of Su Chen remaining in this world.

Due to the formation set up on the top of Wangyun Mountain, not to mention people from the outside world, even members of the Su family have forgotten that there is an ancestor of the Su family.

Almost all those who knew Su Chen back then had already ascended.

In the current Su family, they heard the name Su Chen from records.

Of course, some people still know about Su Chen, but they feel that the ancestor may no longer be in Xuantian Realm.

But out of respect for Ancestor Su Chen, no one dared to go to the top of the mountain without permission.

Over the years, the heads of the Su family have also changed several times. Almost all of the people who were in charge of the Su family have left for the fairy world.

Due to the changes of the times, the Su family is no longer as indestructible as it was before. Civil strife has occurred, and major factions have emerged. They each scheming and began to protect their own interests.

Of course, there are also a group of people who are always loyal to the Su family.

It’s just that this kind of people seem particularly small under the general trend. At least they have no ability to change the situation of the Su family.

The current Eastern Region is divided among the major factions of the Su family.

If they are separated for a long time, they will be united; if they are united for a long time, they will be divided.

This is also a normal situation. No force can always maintain its peak and stability.

The current Su family actually has almost no relationship with the original Su family. The only relationship is that they are all descendants of the original group of people.

But other than that, the unity of the Su family was completely lost.

In this regard, Su Chen did not interfere.

The Su family is too powerful.

So these people have no enemies at all. In this case, it is only a matter of time before internal problems arise.

The situation of the Su family lasted for nearly 100,000 years.

On this day, civil strife broke out in the Su family, resulting in numerous casualties.

At the same time, the Su family also fell apart. The major factions were divided into several forces and separated from the Su family.

Because Su Chen’s status was too noble, his stone statue was still placed there, and no one dared to touch it. However, because it had been too long, moss had grown on it, and a piece of his arm was broken off.

So all these years, Su Chen’s stone statue has always stood there.

The Su family fell apart, but there was still a group of people who stayed in Wangyun Mountain. These people were the descendants of Su Yuanba.

They have always remained loyal to the Su family, and hope that one day they can rise again and restore the Su family’s former glory.

This day.

The sound of wailing could be heard at the foot of Sujia Mountain.


“My Su family is going to be destroyed!”

Su Quan fell to his knees on the ground, his face full of sadness. He looked towards the top of the mountain with great despair.

“Why is this happening? My Su family once controlled the Eastern Region and dominated the Xuantian Realm. Why did we come to this point?” ”

Ancestor, please open your eyes and save my Su family.”

Su Quan’s face was filled with grief. He couldn’t help but cry bitterly on the ground, feeling desperate for the disintegration of the Su family.

He was originally a staunch defender of the Su family, but he became an alien of the Su family and was besieged by others. He was already a great emperor, but now he is a useless person.

In the entire Su family, his lineage is the only one left with dozens of people left in Wangyun Mountain.

Seeing their ancestors crying at the foot of Wangyun Mountain, many people felt extremely desolate in their hearts.

“Ancestor Su Chen hasn’t come out for so many years. I’m afraid he has left the Xuantian Realm long ago.”

“Su Hai, this bunch of bastards, betrayed the Su family and killed each other. They really deserve to die.”

“My Su family… …Destroyed! Hahahahaha.”

Some people looked crazy and slumped on the ground helplessly. They couldn’t accept that such a thing would happen to the Su family, which was so powerful at the time.

Civil strife, fratricide killing each other, and doing whatever it takes for profit.

Let the originally powerful Su family fall apart.

On the other side, Su Quan was still crying bitterly on the ground. He deeply regretted the situation of the Su family, but hated that he was powerless.

The Su family wrote legends one after another in Xuantian Realm, but today they all disappeared.

The only lineage they have left is just a few remnants and defeated generals. Su Quan’s cultivation has been ruined. If he wants to revive his family, it is tantamount to reaching the sky.

Difficult, difficult!

Su Quan kept kowtowing towards the foot of Wangyun Mountain. He knew that Su Chen’s ancestor was no longer at Wangyun Mountain. Otherwise, why didn’t he stop it when the Su family fell apart.

On the mountainside.

In Jiuyun Taoist Temple, a young Taoist priest shook his head helplessly. He is the current master of Jiuyun Taoist Temple. As for his master and others, they have already left the Xuantian Realm.

He was the one who witnessed the entire Su family falling apart.

“Hey, the Su family is destroyed. When I break through to the ultimate realm of the Great Emperor, it’s time to leave.”

Jiuyun Taoist Temple has always had a mission, which is to protect the safety of Wangyun Mountain. This idea came from his master Ziyang Zhenren It started.

“I can keep Wangyun Mountain, but there is internal strife in the Su family, which I really can’t solve.”

After the words fell, the Taoist priest suddenly moved his eyes slightly and looked in another direction, only to see a handsome, handsome man with a plain temperament. The young man walked slowly down from Wangyun Mountain.

He was accompanied by two dogs.

This scene was extremely ordinary, but he couldn’t help but shrink his pupils and couldn’t hide the look of horror on his face.

“No, he is…”

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