Space turbulence, who is targeting Xuantian Realm?

Su Chen laughed loudly, then rolled up everyone and disappeared into the Tianmen.

No one in the Xuantian Realm could see clearly who ascended, and the Heavenly Gate was already closed.

After entering the Tianmen, the waves in front of everyone’s eyes were blurred, as if they were traveling through time and space, and the power of the avenue around them was extremely strong.

Ning Yan grabbed Su Chen’s wrist in panic. The scene in front of her was beyond her understanding, so Ning Yan felt extremely uneasy.

Fortunately, after catching Su Chen, I felt a little more at ease.

Su Chen smiled and said, “Don’t worry, this is just a special space formation created by the Great Dao, it’s okay.”

Hearing Su Chen say this, everyone felt a little more at ease.

Yan Wanwan said happily: “I don’t know how everyone is doing in the fairy world.”

Su Chen also had a look of expectation on his face when he heard this.

They haven’t seen each other for hundreds of thousands of years, they must have changed a lot, right?

And that girl Mu Qingling, what level is her sword intention at now?

Although he didn’t know the current situation of the people in the Su family, Su Chen knew very well that none of them had died.

The treasure he gave to the people of the Su family to communicate with each other had another function, that is, it could detect their life status.

Although hundreds of thousands of years are a long time, in the fairy world, the time span is not very large.

The lifespan of monks in the Immortal Realm is very long. Hundreds of thousands of years are equivalent to thousands of years in the Xuantian Realm, or even hundreds of years.

In this space formation, they could not feel the passage of time. Only the daily check-ins told Su Chen how much time had passed.

Half a month has passed.

The space in front of them began to surge, and the sights of several people were filled with white light, making it difficult for them to look straight.

But just a moment later, they seemed to be grabbed by a hand and dragged forward forcefully.

Immediately afterwards there was a whirlwind.

“That’s not right!”

Su Chen’s face suddenly shook, and he said seriously: “Hold on to me, don’t let go.”

He had just noticed that they were about to reach the fairyland.

But Su Chen also noticed that the surrounding space was a little unstable, and there might even be space turbulence. If they were involved in the space turbulence, they might not be able to appear in the same place in the fairy world.

His eyes were a little solemn. There could be problems with the space transmission channel built by the avenue?

This shouldn’t be the case!

Although it was his first time to come to the fairy world, he already had a deep understanding of the fairy world. For example, he understood the regional divisions of the fairy world and even the introduction of some forces.

Su Chen had picked up an Encyclopedia of the Immortal World before, which introduced many things about the Immortal World in detail.

There is not just one similar book, there are many similar things, and they all record many things in the fairy world.

Therefore, Su Chen is more familiar with the fairy world than many locals.

But the scene before him was a bit difficult for him to understand.

Logically speaking, there can be no problems with the space transmission channel built by the power of the avenue, unless there is an extremely terrifying powerhouse who disrupts the space formation.

“Sister Yimeng!”

A voice shouted in surprise. Yan Wanwan quickly took action and grabbed Lin Yimeng beside her, but he missed her.

I saw a turbulent flow of space under Lin Yimeng’s feet, dragging her downwards.

He was about to be caught in the turbulent flow of space, but Su Chen grabbed him and pulled him back.

Just when he was about to pull Lin Yimeng back, several extremely terrifying space blades slashed towards him.

“Puff puff!”

Several hideous wounds suddenly appeared on Su Chen’s arm, and the bones were visible.

Su Chen’s physical body was extremely terrifying, but even with such an appearance, if it were an ordinary person, his arm would have been lost long ago.

Su Chen frowned, and his injured arm suddenly returned to its original state.

He looked towards those spatial turbulences, with a deep solemn look in his eyes.

This spatial turbulence must be man-made. Su Chen noticed that the spatial turbulence just now contained faint spatial fluctuations, as if someone was deliberately guiding it.

If you are involved, you may fall into the direction led by that person.

who is it! ?

Could it be that there is a powerful person from the immortal world looking for someone from the lower world?

But if the lower realm is so weak, how can it attract the attention of people in the fairy world?

Thinking of this, Su Chen’s eyes became more solemn.

Could it be… Xuantian Realm?

Because the previous evil master also came from the upper world, and it was also from the heaven and underworld and the Nine Nether Demon Kingdom.

They definitely have the strength to do this.

Although he was not sure whether it was really related to Xuantian Realm, Su Chen couldn’t help but think about it.

This space turbulence can almost make all the monks who ascended get involved in it.

The Hongmeng Immortal Body that can hurt Su Chen cannot be blocked by anyone below the level of Taiyi True Immortal.

The realms in the immortal world are respectively the Red Dust Immortal, the Earth Immortal, the Heavenly Immortal, the Taiyi True Immortal, the Da Zhi Xuan Immortal, and the Da Luo True Immortal.

Although Su Chen’s current cultivation level is only at the Great Emperor Realm, if he wants to hurt his physical body, he must at least have a cultivation level above the Heavenly Immortal Realm.

This is the terror of the chaotic body!

If a chaotic body were born in the lower realm, even without training, it would be possible to kill the Great Emperor in the Qi Gathering Realm just by relying on the physical body.

Some worries arose in Su Chen’s heart. If the Jiu Ning Demon Kingdom was really targeting the Xuantian Realm, then the situation of the Su family members who had ascended before might not be optimistic.

But thinking that none of their lives were in danger, Su Chen felt a little more stable.

But even so, he was still a little more anxious and had to bring them all together as soon as possible.

With Su Chen’s intervention, several people safely survived the turbulence in space.

Along with several dazzling bright lights, his vision gradually returned to normal.

The sight that caught their eyes made Lin Yimeng and others look dull.

What a nice view!

The scene in front of them was exactly the same as the fairyland they imagined, with beautiful mountains and rivers, fairy spirit floating in the air, and towering trees rising from the ground.

This scene looks peaceful and peaceful, making people feel comfortable.

Every mountain range is full of beauty and looks like a work of art.

The most important thing is that the energy in the fairy world is too abundant.

In comparison, Xuantian Realm seems extremely barren.

“Is this the fairy world!?”

Ning Yan’s eyes were full of shock and expectation. In Xuantian Realm, everyone wants to enter the fairy world. Now she, an originally insignificant little person, has also entered the fairy world!

She was still very excited inside.

At this moment, the immortal power around them began to gather, and then poured into the bodies of several people crazily.

“Don’t resist, this is the immortal power transforming your body.”

Su Chen reminded him softly when he saw this.

Everyone who enters the immortal world will be transformed by the immortal power, completely replacing the original spiritual power with the immortal power. At the same time, the monks who have reached the ultimate realm of the Great Emperor will automatically become the early stage of the Red Dust Immortal.

After hearing Su Chen’s words, several people completely let go and allowed the immortal power to flow into their bodies.

With the influx of immortal power, the aura in their bodies began to rise continuously, becoming more and more terrifying. It only took dozens of breaths to successfully break through to the earthly immortal realm.

The spiritual power in the body has also been completely transformed into immortal power!

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