The Soul-Eating Lord, Zhao Tai’s back-up man

After killing Sun Qiliang, Su Hua’s fighting spirit rose to the extreme. He moved his neck and said in a cold tone.

“Can you please use a little more force? There will be no pressure at all.”

The next moment, the terrifying aura was released, and Su Hua’s palm slashed forward. Another early stage True Immortal from Qianli Merchant fell directly on the spot.

The situation has completely reversed.

Originally there were six true immortals among the three major chambers of commerce, but there were only two powerful true immortals in Duobao Pavilion.

But now there are only four true immortals left in the three major chambers of commerce, and the two true immortals of the Qianli Chamber of Commerce were directly killed.

Zhao Tai of Tengyun Chamber of Commerce is also injured now, and his fighting ability is not as good as his peak.

Although the three major chambers of commerce… no, there should be two major chambers of commerce now.

There are four powerful true immortals among these two major chambers of commerce, but no one thinks they can win now.

Su Hua… is too strong!

Su Hua’s expression became even more unruly. He was no longer as calm as before. He was like a god of death and was killing Wu Mu again.

Shocking fluctuations were heard, and Wu Mu’s expression changed drastically.

“Let’s block him together.”

Although I was very reluctant to admit it, the current situation was indeed beyond expectations.

Su Hua’s fighting power is too strong!

This is still because Xu Zhen didn’t take action. If he did, Duobao Pavilion would add a strong person in the middle stage of True Immortal, and their situation would only be worse.

Except for Zhao Tai, the other three powerful true immortals were all gathered together.

“The mantis’ arm is just blocking the car.”

Su Hua laughed wildly. A mark appeared on his head, and then it quickly grew in size, covering the sky and the sun, exuding an extremely terrifying power.

“It’s just the beginning now!”

This is his magic weapon, the Sea Seal.

However, it was damaged during the ascension. It was not until Su Chen gave him a large amount of resources and treasures recently that Su Hua repaired the natal magic weapon.


The sea-turning seal carried the power of destroying everything and landed instantly. The terrifying sense of oppression made the hearts of Wu Mu and the three of them throb.

“How is it possible? How could he, a true immortal in the early stage, be so powerful? Is the immortal body so terrifying?”

Wu Mu looked horrified. Faced with the blow from the sea seal, his heart was filled with despair. That kind of power Far more than he could bear.

In front of Fan Haiyin, he felt extremely small.

“President Zhao, save me!”

At the critical moment, Wu Mu couldn’t help shouting to Zhao Tai in the distance. One of the three major chambers of commerce will prosper, and one will suffer.

Without him, Zhao Tai would not have been able to suppress the other chambers of commerce in Fengyu City alone.

Su Hua laughed and said: “Hahaha, you will all die, don’t worry.”

The sea-turning seal suddenly fell, and the three great immortals of Wu Mu were annihilated in an instant.

His natal magic weapon was refined with many treasures, and its power is very terrifying. Without this magic weapon, his strength would be half-step Xuanxian at most.

But with his natal magic weapon, his strength can reach the early stage of Xuanxian.


Deathly silence!

The entire Fengyu City fell silent, leaving only the unhurried sound of the wind. Everyone put down what they were doing and looked into the distance in horror.


All dead! ?

It was originally a battle without any suspense, but it ended in a disastrous defeat for the three major chambers of commerce.

Now two of the three major chambers of commerce have been wiped out, and only Zhao Tai is left in Tengyun Chamber of Commerce.

Xu Zhen opened his mouth wide and his pupils were filled with deep shock. He was so shocked by the scene in front of him that he could not speak.

Is Su Hua’s strength so terrifying?

One person fought against the six true immortals, killing five and injuring one.

He looked towards the unruly Su Hua in the sky. Xu Zhen suddenly felt a little strange to this son-in-law.

Is this the same Su Hua who has always been calm?

Is it… because of his status as the head of the family?

At this time.

Su Hua looked at Zhao Tai and smiled coldly: “How about it, President Zhao?”

Zhao Tai’s eyes were bloodshot, and his face was full of disbelief.

His fists were clenched and his whole body was shaking, and he didn’t know whether it was because of anger or fear.

How is this possible, how is this possible!

Zhao Tai kept roaring in his heart. It was really hard for him to accept that Su Hua killed his people so easily.

Su Hua said in a joking tone: “I’m afraid President Zhao didn’t expect that I could solve the heart-eating poison, right?”

“Don’t worry, I won’t kill you. Since you like to ruin people so much, then I will let Feng Yu Let the people in the city take a look and it turns out that President Zhao is actually from the Demon Cult.”

“Let you feel the feeling of being reviled by countless people. Hu Guang knows a lot about you, and it is very simple to collect evidence.”

Zhao Tai was thinking Trembling, he knew that Su Hua would definitely do such a thing.


He thought it was strange that the Heart Corroding Gu was unlocked before, but after seeing Su Hua’s strength and his immortal body, he understood the reason.

Number ninety-fifth on the Immortal Physique List, Lieyang Immortal Physique.

The nemesis of the Heart Eclipse Gu is something positive, let alone this kind of extreme Yang.

Taking a deep breath, Zhao Tai stopped worrying about these things, and his eyes gradually calmed down.

“So, do you think you are bound to win?”

Su Hua’s eyebrows twitched, and he asked slightly curiously: “So President Zhao has other methods? You might as well use them all and let me see. Let’s see what the situation is.”

To be honest, he was not afraid at all now.

Zhao Tai’s strength is not as good as him, even if he uses some tricks, there is no threat to him.

Moreover, even if he encounters an unsolvable problem, he can shake people off.

I can’t help it, I’m so arrogant now.

Su Hua had no scruples in his heart. It felt so good to be protected.

Looking at his contemptuous expression, Zhao Tai felt murderous intent surge in his heart. He restrained his inner emotions, then raised his hands in the distance and said,

“The matter is out of control, please take action, Lord Sect Master.”

Sect Master?

Everyone was shocked. Is Zhao Tai still a member of some sect?

They quickly looked in the direction Zhao Tai was looking, and saw a turbulent void there. A middle-aged man slowly walked out of it with his hands behind his back. His temperament was quite a bit like that of an outsider.

“This is… the great elder of Dunshi Sect!”

“Something is wrong. Why does Zhao Tai call him the master of the clan? Isn’t this obviously the elder of Dunshizong? Could it be that something has happened in Dunshizong now and the great elder has taken over? ?”

“How is it possible? I am a disciple of the Escape World Sect. Everything in the sect is fine now.”

Discussions suddenly started, and it was obvious that they were all confused about the situation in front of them.

Was Zhao Tai beaten stupid?

He actually called the great elder of Dunshi Sect the sect leader.

Su Hua frowned the moment he saw the person coming.

Gradually, he put away the contempt on his face and his expression became serious.

The great elder of Dunshizong glanced at Zhao Tai, and then looked at Su Hua in the distance, his voice was extremely calm:

“A fairy body is qualified to expose my identity.”

After the words fell, his appearance changed, and he became A handsome young man dressed in white, he has the feeling of a gentle older brother.

However, the moment his true appearance appeared, everyone in Fengyu City felt a little numb, and their eyes were full of fear.

“How could it be him!”

“The Lord of the Spirit-Eating Sect, the Spirit-Eating Venerable.”

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