Amazing financial resources, as entrenched as ever

When Liu Yunfei heard this, there was no regret in his eyes. He said with difficulty,

“Dad, he ruined my cultivation. I want to kill him. I must kill him!”

“Shut up!”

The middle-aged man said. The man couldn’t help but roar angrily: “The man just now has a higher level of cultivation than your grandfather. Why did you kill him?”

“You idiot, from now on you can stay in Liu’s house for me and be your good-for-nothing young master.”

Liu Yunfei listened . Wan’s pupils suddenly shrank, how could this be possible, that man’s cultivation level was not that of the Immortal King.

But… Immortal Lord!

He only felt his breathing was stagnant, and his throat seemed to be choked by something, making it impossible for him to breathe.

Pain, regret, despair, all kinds of emotions came to mind.


A shrill scream sounded, and Liu Yunfei’s expression was filled with discomfort. At this time, even if he was being stupid, he knew what a great opportunity he had lost.

Behind Su Yuanba is a strong Immortal Lord, and he was personally picked up by this strong man, which shows how much he is taken seriously.

If he can establish a good relationship with Su Yuanba and receive the life-saving grace, his future will definitely be bright.

Now not only was the opportunity missed, his cultivation was ruined, and his status in the Liu family would plummet in the future. Such consequences made him collapse.

Liu Yunfei was still wondering before, if a powerful Immortal King came to Ten Thousand Stars City, would his grandfather not notice it?

Now it seems that it is not that they are not aware of it at all, but that the powerful Immortal King of Ten Thousand Stars City is too frightened to move.

Until Su Chen left, his grandfather did not dare to come, only his father came.

This behavior is too obvious, and I just don’t want to have anything to do with him.

In other words, if he had been killed just now, the Liu family would definitely not take revenge, but kick him out of the Liu family and draw a clear line with him.


Liu Yunfei suddenly went crazy, but the middle-aged man beside him looked indifferent.

He is not completely heartless, he has loved Liu Yunfei in every possible way since he was a child, but he is too stupid and seeks death in every possible way.

Moreover, the Liu family doesn’t owe him anything. It has provided him with an excellent cultivation environment since he was a child, as well as resources that others cannot envy.

This time, he will not give up Liu Yunfei completely, but will bring him back to the clan to heal his injuries.

This was also the last time he helped Liu Yunfei.

It can only be said that he is to blame for what happened today.

Fengyu City.

After returning to the Su family, Su Yuanba still had an unreal feeling.

We really left that hellish place!

For a proud person like Su Yuanba, being controlled and favored by others is simply the ultimate torture.

But now the torture is finally over.

“You kid, I thought you wouldn’t even come up.”

Su Yuanba smiled at Su Chen. In the past, he thought that Su Chen might have some enemies in the fairy world, so he never ascended.

Now it seems that is not the case.

But he wouldn’t think too much about these things. Su Chen naturally had his reasons for doing so.

In fact, if Su Chen didn’t show up, he would have been able to escape sooner or later. Liu Yunfei was a brainless idiot. After he became the Great Luo Jinxian, he could just have been designed to die directly.

Su Chen smiled and said: “Fourth uncle, this is the new Su family in the fairy world. The positions remain unchanged. From now on, the Su family will be left to you to take care of. I am used to being lazy and I can’t do anything about the family.”

Hearing this. With these words, Su Yuanba suddenly felt a little dazed, feeling like he had returned to the Xuantian Realm.


Su Yuanba smiled immediately.

With the appearance of Su Chen and the establishment of the new Su family, he quickly found his condition and returned to the same appearance as when the Su family in Xuantian Realm was.

His personality is not as dull as before, and he has become as enthusiastic as before.

This is the influence brought by Su Chen.

When there was no Su Chen, everyone was cautious and kept a low profile. Sometimes they didn’t even dare to speak loudly, for fear of attracting the attention of some powerful person and getting into trouble.

Although this kind of caution is often unnecessary, it is precisely because of this that the people of the Su family are kept alive.

But now that they have Su Chen as their backer, their mentality has naturally changed a lot.

Su Chen was also very happy to find a core figure, and he looked into the distance.

“I don’t know what happened to that kid Xiao Yan.”

Among all the people, Xiao Yan’s qualifications are naturally the first, and he has countless treasures, so it is naturally impossible for him to be involved in the turbulence of space.

It’s just that there is no sect like Lingxiao Sect in Canglan Realm, so Xiao Yan is definitely not here.

After hundreds of thousands of years, that little guy has probably grown to an extremely terrifying level, right?

Su Yuanba has already reached the late stage of Xuanxian. According to his estimation, Xiao Yan will at least start as a Da Luo Jinxian.

“Let’s fight steadily first.”

Su Chen took a deep breath. The Su family’s foundation is weak now. He needs to cultivate the family first. After they can stand alone in the Canglan world, they can then go to the major worlds to find others.

But it will definitely be soon.

The next day.

Su Chen called Su Yuanba over and handed over the resources he had compiled.

“These things are the resources for the Su family’s daily expenses. They are still the same as those in the Xuantian Realm. They can be distributed to the people below on a monthly basis. Come to me when you use them up.”

Su Yuanba glanced at the space ring in his hand. There was a purple star on it. Red space stone.

As his consciousness came out, when he saw the scene inside clearly, he froze on the spot.

He didn’t see any resources inside, but he saw a lot of ‘stacks’ of space rings, and even a small note was kindly placed beside them.

“Immortal crystal!”

“Immortal level magic weapon!”

“Heavenly materials and earthly treasures!” “Kung Fu



All kinds of things were dazzling. Su Yuanba didn’t know why, but his heart had already begun. Get nervous.

No way, no way.

Could it be that after coming to the fairy world, Su Chen’s financial resources were also so incredible?

When he was in Xuantian Realm, Su Chen had used his terrifying financial resources to deeply impress and even shock them.

After arriving in the fairy world, he thought he could suppress Su Chen a little.

But now it seems that it cannot be suppressed.

Su Yuanba looked towards the pile of space rings of fairy crystals, his spiritual sense penetrated them, and he immediately saw the mountains of fairy crystals.

Top Immortal Crystal!

Su Yuanba suddenly took a breath of cold air, his pupils widened, he glanced around and quickly integrated the number of immortal crystals.

“Fifty…five hundred billion, top immortal crystal!”

He was stunned on the spot. This amount was beyond his knowledge.

Although he didn’t know much about the Liu family in Ten Thousand Stars City, he also knew that the Liu family, which owned the Immortal King, could not have so many top-level Immortal Crystals.

They don’t even have a tenth.

This is too perverted!

I casually throw out 500 billion top-level fairy crystals, and then tell you to come back to me when you are done with them.

I’ll be a good boy!

This is 500 billion top-level immortal crystals!

The key is that there are so many things next to it. This Immortal Crystal is worth 500 billion, so the other things cannot be too bad.

Su Yuanba looked at the space ring next to him that held the immortal magic weapon.

Weapons are neatly arranged inside, including swords, guns, swords, halberds, bells, seals, hooks, etc. Almost any weapon can be seen.

“Oh my god, there is actually a seventh-level immortal-level magic weapon. This is a treasure that even the Liu family does not have. They just have a broken seventh-level magic weapon.” ”

No, what is this!”

“Eighth-level immortal level magic weapon. Weapons! I made them!”

Su Yuanba couldn’t help but curse, mainly because he was too shocked and needed to vent his emotions.

The eighth level Immortal Rank, this is probably the only one in the entire Canglan world, right?

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