Is it my turn?

He Wanling’s face was full of unwillingness. He stepped forward again, held the white jade sword and began to comprehend.

After about a stick of incense, He Wanling was deflected by the sword again.

This time, he failed again!

What! ?

When the people around him saw this, their jaws dropped. It was too outrageous to actually make He Wanling fail twice.

Seeing He Wanling’s increasingly serious look, they began to realize that something was wrong.

This sword intention… is definitely extraordinary, otherwise it would be impossible for He Wanling to understand it.

Soon, He Wanling had tried five times.

But all five times were failures. The one that was closest to success was when he figured out 90% of the sword’s intention. Unfortunately, he still failed in the end.

After that, he kept trying, but after clarifying 90% of the sword’s intention every time, he could no longer make any progress.


He Wanling’s expression turned extremely ugly, and there were some cracks in his proud heart.

If this sword intention was very powerful, he would not be like this, but this is clearly the sword intention that the earthly immortal realm should have.

But why, he just couldn’t figure it out, why he couldn’t even figure out the sword intention of the Earthly Immortal Realm.

He Wanling clenched his fists. He knew that it would be difficult for him to succeed, because after 90% of the clarity was reached, the difficulty would change qualitatively.

Those sword intentions were beyond his cognition.

The white-haired old man spoke softly: “Sir, you are already very powerful. You must also know that every realm of swordsmanship has its limit. This is called the ultimate realm of swordsmanship by us swordsmen.” ”

And if you want to understand this white To use a jade sword, you need to reach the ultimate realm of swordsmanship in the Earthly Immortal Realm.”

Hearing these words, He Wanling’s face was shocked.

I see!

It actually requires the ultimate level of swordsmanship!

But then, he fell into deep thought.

In the eyes of many swordsmen, swordsmanship does not require the ultimate level, only great achievement.

Because it is difficult to break through the extreme state, if it does not take a lot of time, it is impossible to reach that state.

If he were to comprehend the ultimate realm of swordsmanship in the realm of earthly immortals, he might even only be in the realm of heavenly immortals now. If he were in the realm of heavenly immortals, he would still need to comprehend the ultimate realm of swordsmanship.

I don’t know how many years it will take to break through to the realm of true immortality.

In the path of swordsmanship, the ultimate realm of swordsmanship almost always belongs to those true swordsmanship geniuses. Ordinary people are not qualified to understand it at all. Unless they spend a lot of time, they may not be able to understand it in the end.

But He Wanling could really feel the terrifying power contained in this sword intention.

If he can understand the ultimate realm of swordsmanship, then his strength will definitely be stronger.

For a moment, He Wanling was in a daze. He didn’t know whether it was right or wrong to give up on understanding the ultimate realm of swordsmanship.

But if you don’t give up, you will be left far behind by the people in the door.

If he had understood the ultimate realm of swordsmanship when he was in the Immortal Realm, other people in the sect would have left him far away.

But it is undeniable that to walk fast and far, it is definitely better to wear thick clothes.

He Wanling looked at the white-haired old man, then raised his hands and asked, “Old sir, I have something that I don’t understand.” When

everyone around him saw this scene, their eyelids twitched.

He Wanling’s behavior also told everyone how extraordinary the white-haired old man was.

The white-haired old man smiled and nodded: “Please tell me.”

He Wanling immediately said: “Is it really necessary for us to understand the ultimate realm of swordsmanship?” When

everyone around heard this, they all It is to hold your breath and concentrate, and listen with your ears open.

This is something that He Wanling is seeking to solve humbly, and it may also be helpful to their cultivation.

The white-haired old man did not answer immediately, but fell into deep thought. After a long time, he slowly spoke:

“There is only a small difference between the mastery of swordsmanship and the ultimate realm. You should understand how big the difference is.”

“What you want is what you ask for .” What you want is to perfect the way of swordsmanship and sublimate the way of swordsmanship to the extreme, or do you just want the sword to become your weapon, help you kill enemies, and become a killing tool.”

Hearing this, He Wanling’s eyes suddenly widened.

He finally knew what was wrong.

Love and use.

This is the obvious gap. Why he feels that his master’s sword is not as good as the sword intention in the white jade sword is because he is not so pure.

In the eyes of his master, the sword is just a weapon for his offense, and the same is true for him.

But the sword intention in this white jade sword is extremely pure. It is a pure way of swordsmanship.

This…is the sword cultivator!


In an instant, the aura on He Wanling’s body suddenly shook, and his whole person became extremely sharp. His realm has not improved, and his sword intention has not improved.

But the overall feeling given to others is completely different.

Taking a deep breath, He Wanling bowed to the white-haired old man and said, “Thank you for your advice.”

The white-haired old man laughed: “Haha, sir, why should you be so polite? It’s not me who has taught you to wake up, but you yourself.” ”

If If you don’t have the heart to seek the way, how can you discover your own problems? If you have the heart to seek the way, the problem will be discovered sooner or later.”

He Wanling fell into deep thought after hearing this. He did not speak anymore, but fell into deep silence.

After a while, he saluted the white-haired old man again, and then prepared to turn around and leave.

This time when he returns to the sect, he will definitely go into seclusion, understand the ultimate realm of swordsmanship, and pursue the ultimate sword.

Just as he was about to leave, he saw a figure walking towards the white jade sword.

He Wanling paused and turned his head to look with curiosity.

Su Chen walked to the table, and then said with a faint smile: “Can I try it now?”

The young man in charge of the reception

immediately said: “Please.” When the white-haired old man saw that Su Chen wanted to try, he also shook his head helplessly. He shook his head, then closed his eyes and stopped paying attention.

When the people around him saw this, they made pig noises.

“Let me go, this kid hasn’t left yet?”

“He Wanling couldn’t understand it even if he tried. It’s really wishful thinking for a kid with a weak realm to want to understand it.” ”

I think he doesn’t even know how to practice swordsmanship. It’s really not true. I know he came here to join in the fun, but he is so conspicuous, so shameless.”

“Hahahaha, I laughed so hard, it’s okay, everyone just thinks it’s a joke.” A

sarcastic voice sounded, and many people looked at him with joking eyes. He looked at Su Chen.

As soon as He Wanling finished comprehending it, he ran out and jumped around.

Why, does he think that he is stronger than He Wanling in the swordsmanship?

He Wanling also frowned. Even he couldn’t understand. If others want to try, they should at least weigh whether they have the strength, right?

Besides, others have said that at least one needs to be at the extreme level of swordsmanship to understand it.

Su Chen’s cultivation level is not strong, and he has no sword intention. He cannot be a swordsman, let alone an extreme swordsman.

Just a clown.

With a cold snort, he turned around and prepared to leave.

But as soon as he turned his head, a sword intent suddenly shot into the sky and exploded behind him.

He Wanling’s pupils shrank: “What!”

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