Accepting a Disciple, Han Li

Zhao Fei’s figure appeared again, and he suddenly grabbed Zhang Huai’s grave.

In an instant, a large piece of land was grabbed out of thin air, and Han Li hiding in it was naturally revealed.

“Hahaha, Han Li, are you taking us for fools? Do you really think you can drive us away from the mountain?”

Zhao Fei’s figure also appeared, and he laughed wildly at Han Li, with a look of disdain on his face. It seems that victory is already within reach.

Ever since the puppet self-destructed, he had noticed a faint breath in the ground. Although it was only fleeting, he did feel it.

After exploring the surrounding area, he could conclude that Han Li had definitely not left.

So Zhao Fei simply waited here.

Obviously, he guessed correctly.

Han Li glanced at them. He didn’t say anything. He raised the corners of his mouth slightly and showed an extremely weird smile:

“How do you know? Do you think this is the real me?”


In an instant, the terrifying explosion sound sounded again. , Han Li’s figure turned into a puppet again.


It’s a puppet again!

Zhao Fei’s expression turned extremely ugly. He looked into the dirt and saw that Zhang Huai’s body, which was originally buried, had also turned into a puppet.

It’s all fake!

Even the corpse is a puppet.

And from the beginning, he was trapped.

Han Li was hiding around before. He deliberately used this underground puppet to delay time. Now he probably doesn’t know where he has gone.


“Find it for me!”

Zhao Fei yelled angrily, his face extremely gloomy, as if dark clouds were covering him.

Being teased hard.

This made him extremely angry inside.

The two of them explored the surroundings again, but after such a long time, Han Li had no idea where he had gone.

Although Han Li was only in the middle stage of the Red Dust Immortal Stage, his movement skills were very fast, coupled with his strange methods, he was extremely cautious and steady. Once he was out of sight, it would be difficult for them to find him again.

Zhao Fei was a little confused as to why Han Li had learned so many exercises.

Puppetry, Formation, Breath Condensation, Earth Escape…

In the past, in Zhao Fei’s eyes, Han Li was just an insignificant ant, but now it was completely different.

Han Li made him feel seriously threatened.

If Han Li was allowed to leave, he wouldn’t know what methods this kid would use to retaliate in the future.

The most important thing is that he has not yet obtained the secret that can quickly cultivate elixirs.

Han Li can use that ability to quickly break through the realm in the future. If he comes to seek revenge by then, the situation will be terrible.

Damn, damn!


Zhao Fei stopped suddenly. He was slightly startled and looked down, his eyes full of doubts.

What’s going on here?

As soon as he finished speaking, his vision became dim and his head fell from his neck.

“I’ll lend you your head.”

A calm and indifferent voice sounded from his ears. This was also the last sentence Zhao Fei heard.

At the same time, far away from where the battle started, Han Li left his breath on the spot and then flew in another direction.

This was a deliberate cover-up for Zhao Fei and others.

He did this many times along the way to confuse the pursuit routes of Zhao Fei and the two, so it was basically impossible for the two of them to catch up.

But even so, he did not stop and headed towards his destination.

Han Li didn’t stop until he moved continuously for three hours.


He sat under a tree, and after setting up the concealment formation, he began to breathe heavily.

In this escape, nearly 90% of the immortal power in his body was used up. He had to stop to replenish his immortal power, otherwise he might not be able to resist danger.

Of course, it’s definitely not safe on the ground.

So Han Li prepared to use his skills and escape underground. It would be much safer to hide underneath to hide his aura.

Just when he was about to take action, two heads instantly fell to the ground, hitting him right at his feet.

Han Li’s pupils suddenly shrank, everything he was doing stopped, and he stood there like a sculpture.

The heads of Zhao Fei’s uncle and nephew.

who is it! ?

Are you here to kill him or to help him?

Han Li couldn’t help but smile bitterly in his heart, I just sold some low-level elixirs, how could I provoke such a strong person?

Those who can kill Zhao Fei must be at least in the realm of earthly immortals, or even in the realm of heavenly immortals. His current immortal power has been consumed by 90%, his combat effectiveness has been greatly reduced, and he has no resistance at all.

So the best situation is to leave it to fate.

But he really didn’t understand. Is the elixir I sold to Hongchenxian really so tempting?

It can attract Zhao Fei because the other party knows that he can cultivate elixirs, but what are the others doing?

Do they all know?

Han Li didn’t believe it. This method of quickly cultivating elixirs was extremely rare in the entire fairy world. Zhao Fei couldn’t let many people know about it.

At this moment, footsteps sounded, the void ahead shook, and a figure slowly walked out of it.

The moment he saw Su Chen, Han Li quickly saluted:

“Boy, meet the senior!”

It is not easy to tear apart the void in the immortal world. Without the strength of the immortals, it would be impossible to do it.

Su Chen didn’t say anything. He observed Han Li with interest. He had been paying attention to this kid for several days.

His character is good and stable, and he is not a mentally ill person. As long as others don’t provoke him, he will hardly look for trouble.

He also has a gentle personality towards those who are weaker than him, without the ant-like indifference of other monks.

Su Chen could understand his thoughts and would not interfere or destroy.

“Han Li, right?”

Su Chen smiled lightly.

But Han Li had a serious face, and he really came here for himself. It seemed that he might not be able to save the little green bottle today.

Only the little green bottle on his body is mysterious, and other things are unlikely to attract the immortal monks.

“It’s the boy. I didn’t know that senior came to see me specially, but is there something wrong?”

When he said this, Han Li carefully looked at Su Chen’s expression. When he saw that the other party was also looking at him, he quickly lowered his head.

Su Chen slowly said: “I, the leader of Lingxiao Sect, intend to accept you as a disciple. I wonder if you are willing?” ”

As for these two people, let’s treat it as a meeting gift.”

He was too lazy to talk nonsense, so he was very Express your purpose directly.

Take on a disciple?

Han Li was shocked. He did not expect that Su Chen was not here to kill him.

But if my qualifications are mediocre, how can the other party take a fancy to me?

His instinctive caution made him think that Su Chen must have other motives, and it was probably for the little green bottle.

Su Chen was aware of Han Li’s caution, so he said directly:

“Don’t worry, I’m not here for your little green bottle. That thing is not attractive to me.” He had

too many treasures on him, and the little Although the green bottle is somewhat extraordinary and of high grade, it is damaged after all. After it is repaired, his signature will probably be good.

Han Li was suddenly shocked. The other party knew about his little green bottle, but he didn’t seem interested in it.

But one thing he can guarantee is that the person in front of him is absolutely extremely powerful.

Because the little green bottle is almost indistinguishable from ordinary things, it can be seen that he is extraordinary, which is absolutely impossible with ordinary strength.

But why did he come to accept him as his disciple?

Han Li felt extremely solemn. He knew very well how poor his qualifications were, and no one thought highly of him.

After hesitating for a moment, Han Li knelt down directly towards Su Chen and said,

“Disciple, pay homage to Master!”

He naturally had no friendship with Su Chen, but now he had no choice.

If you reject the other party, you may offend him. The consequences of disobeying a strong person are very serious.

If Su Chen really had intentions towards him, at least he would have time to relax.

Of course, the best case scenario is that the other party really wants to accept him as his disciple, although the probability of this is very low, and in Han Li’s eyes it is almost impossible.

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