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Chapter 146: He is not an opponent now!

"This safe area is really...something fickle." Looking at the safe area, Zhou Yutong spit out slightly.

"Of course, the safe zone is the biggest variable in this game!

Sometimes, although there are many teams taking advantage in advance and seemingly dominant, they may become disadvantaged when the next safe zone appears. "Su Liyang smiled and said, "And this is one of the charms of this game. You never know where the safe zone will be in the next second!" "

"Let’s see, NTU College and Kyoto College are now at the two ends of the iron bridge. It looks like there should be a fight!


Just as Su Liyang's voice just fell, only a "bang!" was heard, and a 98K crisp voice sounded abruptly over the iron bridge.

Next second.

A knockdown prompt appears in the upper right corner.


[JingDu, LiMuGe used Kar98k to headshot NanDa, Yun]


"Xiu Ah Mu Ge, you deserve to be the younger brother of the Asian sniper god, and it compares with your brother!"

After Li Muge knocked down one person, his teammates also laughed and praised.

"However, our position should be exposed in this way, and it should be impossible to block the bridge."

Li Muge frowned, and he looked more nervous than his relaxed teammates.

There is no other reason.

Because he had learned from his cousin Su Liyang that the man who killed him with a single shot also came to the college league.

Although he hadn't seen Chen Yefeng from beginning to end, he had already seen Chen Yefeng's terrifying knockdown in the upper right corner, which was simply crushing all existence.

"This shot... awesome!!!"

When Zhou Yutong looked at the OB screen, Wei Wei thought and praised it.

"Of course." Su Liyang also smiled. "Li Muge of Kyoto Academy is also a very talented player. If you give him time, maybe he will be another rising star."

"However, although this shot knocked down a person from the NTU Academy, their position was also exposed, letting the lurking teams know that someone was blocking the bridge."


"Brother, someone is blocking the bridge!"

On the other side, after hearing the gunshots, Chen Yuan reported like a scout.

"Don't be afraid, go and destroy them!"

Chen Yefeng opened the eight-fold mirror, glanced at it slightly, and immediately led Song Haoran and Chen Yuan forward.


On the other hand, after Li Muge knocked down one person, Kyoto Academy also moved forward while suppressing firepower.

At the same time, Chen Yefeng and the others arrived. There were wolves in front of them and tigers behind them. Under the attack from front to back, NTU was too exhausted to cope, and finally was eliminated.

"Damn it, make someone else's wedding gown!" Watching Chen Yefeng and the three of them replace the location of NTU, someone from Kyoto College immediately started to complain.

"Snipe and clam fight, the fisherman has a profit!"

Listening to his teammates' constant complaints and complaints, Li Muge's brows were tightly frowned.

Because he already knew who the man who robbed the three of them was through the knockdown prompt in the upper right corner.

Thinking of his previous pious challenge with Chen Yefeng but was ignored and rejected with disdain, Li Muge took a deep breath.

He wants to wash away his shame! ! !

As the light of the future domestically produced sniper, he didn't want to fall down so easily.

You must take revenge!


"It looks like Li Muge and Chen Yefeng have met." Zhou Yutong recalled that Su Liyang had given Li Muge such a high evaluation just now, and he couldn't help but smiled and asked: "Which one of them do you think is better?!"

"If you say that in a while, maybe Li Muge has a chance to defeat Chen Yefeng!"

"what do you mean……"

"Now he is not Chen Yefeng's opponent. It can even be said that he is not worthy of being his opponent!"

Hearing what Su Liyang said, Zhou Yutong said with some curiosity: "Then, if he meets you, who is better among you!?"

"I was not an opponent to him before, because he used to be known as an insurmountable existence!" Su Liyang said here, his conversation turned, "But after all, it is before. Now, I am confident. If we fight, then He will be severely trampled by me!!!"


Su Liyang's words are rampant, but he does have this capital.

After all, he is now a man known as the Asian sniper!

In the official live broadcast room, fans of Chen Yefeng and Su Liyang also flew up.

"Sure God is still domineering!!!"

"Ahhhhh!!! Ayang, I want to give you a monkey!!!"

"So crazy? I'm afraid I won't put my elder brother in the eyes!"

"The people who pretended to force the family to prepare, rushed to Su Liyang's live broadcast room with me tonight!"

"This wave of my first-class stone men flashed and patted the floor!"


Fans on both sides were quarrelsome in the live broadcast room, and they held their own opinions.

Su Liyang's fans felt that even if Chen Yefeng was so good before, it was also before. What can I brag about now?

Naturally, fans of Chen Yefeng needless to say, your Su Liyang's honor is less than half that of your uncle, why is it so rampant?

You know, my elder brother is pretending to be a man of the world. Whether you are an Asian or a world sniper, let's touch it if you don't agree!


And the other side.

Looking at the three boxes in front of him, Chen Yuan still licked happily even though the third-level bag was already full of dangdang.

"Brother, this is the first time I have picked up so many good things!"

Looking at the various magnifiers, accessories and medicines in the box, the little girl smiled happily.

"There will be four more boxes later!"

"Are you talking about a few people on the opposite side?" Chen Yuan said thoughtfully.

Chen Yefeng nodded, and through the knockdown just now, he had already known who was opposite.

At the thought of what Chen Yuan had said to himself at the beginning, Chen Yefeng was furious.

This little guy dared to covet his girlfriend! ! !

Uncle can bear it, aunt can not bear it either!

He felt that he must teach this kid named Li Muge well.

What is the future of domestically produced light, I want you to understand what is called "the heavens and the heavens, and the people outside the world!"

It's too late to say, then soon!

When Chen Yuan happily licked his bag and Song Haoran watched the surroundings to prevent a sneak attack.

Chen Yefeng decisively pulled out 98K.

Side head!

Open the mirror!

Flick the gun, pull the trigger, and it's done in one go!


The crisp gunfire reverberated over the iron bridge, and the knockdown prompt appeared in the upper right corner.


"ShangDa, Feng used Kar98K headshot to knock down JingDu, LING"


All this scene was captured by the OB screen, everyone only felt that the eight-fold mirror opened and closed, and then one person at Kyoto Academy was knocked down in the next second!

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