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Chapter 152: Facing each other!

This is cruel e-sports! ! !

And people will only remember the winner!

"Brother, we hurry up to accept the award!" Chen Yuan stretched out his hand and pulled Chen Yefeng, who seemed to be stuck in memory.

Pulled by Chen Yuan, Chen Yefeng slowly got up from the chair and walked in front.

"I said, we can be regarded as winning glory for the school this time. How will the school leaders reward us?" Wang Genji had a sullen smile. Although this game didn't have a game experience, since it won the first place, then this It's nothing.

"I don't know, anyway, our e-sports club will definitely be taken seriously!" Song Haoran said with his fist clenched.

Graduate school is different from Kyoto college in that it is special.

It is special because it pays more attention to the personal interests of students, such as piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, basketball and football.

The so-called Three Hundred and Sixty Lines are the best!

Going to graduate school has always believed in this principle, reading must be read, but... this is not the only way out.

Therefore, Shanghai University attaches great importance to personal interests.

Less coercion, more respect.

E-sports has only become popular in recent years, so Shanghai University E-Sports Club is strictly a new association in the sense of Shanghai University.

So it is far inferior to the long-established societies such as basketball, football, and calligraphy.

Although there is also the Cos community as an emerging community.

But it is much better than the e-sports club.

After all, there are almost all scented young ladies in this club, wearing all kinds of beautiful clothes and exquisite makeup, and they are not welcome.

"I heard that there are medals in the college league this time, but I don't know if it's gold!" Wang Genji muttered as he walked.

"Could you be a little city mansion!" Chen Yuan gave a blank look, "Don't open your mouth and just make money. Are you short of money?"


Seeing Wang Genji nodded seriously, Chen Yuan didn't know what to say.

Because she has never bothered about money...


The four people slowly walked to the podium, Zhou Yutong also held the microphone, and walked over gently with a graceful step.

"Okay, let us congratulate these four players again and congratulate them on winning the college league championship!"

"Then...before the game, I wonder if you guys thought you would stand here?" Zhou Yutong smiled slightly.

At the same time, he handed the microphone to Wang Genji's mouth.

Seeing Zhou Yutong, who is known as the goddess of the nation, in front of him, smelling the scent of if there is nothing in the air, Wang Genji was so excited that he didn't know what to say.

"It seems that our player is very excited now!" Zhou Yutong laughed and teased, "Don't worry, we have plenty of time!"

"Get up, I'll come, I'll come!" Chen Yuan squeezed Wang Genji aside excitedly.

The little girl cleared her throat to the microphone, and finally said solemnly: "Ahem, first of all, I must first thank the leaders of our school, and secondly, I must thank the Magic City TV. Of course, I may also thank CCTV in the future! !!!"

Zhou Yutong: "..."

Chen Yefeng heard that the back of his face was green, this little girl who made people worry, she would go to the room without training!

"Ahem!" Zhou Yutong also hurriedly took the microphone back, "Okay, thank you very much for the wonderful words of this female player!"

Chen Yuan: "???"

what's the situation?

I obviously haven't finished speaking, okay, I still have a lot to say!

After Zhou Yutong put away the microphone, he placed it next to Chen Yefeng's mouth.

Seeing the sly color in the depths of the woman's eyes in front of him, Chen Yefeng curled his lips helplessly.

Before the game, who knew that this woman was a special guest, you said that your good national goddess is improper, so what kind of commentary came here?

Thinking of this, Chen Yefeng twitched slightly at the corner of his mouth. After sorting out his emotions, he immediately glanced at the crowd indifferently.

Zhou Yutong couldn't help but admire this simple emotional change.

You deserve to be the person you look at at a glance. This temperament transformation can be said to be fluent, it's simply awesome!

"Then, player Chen Yefeng, do you have anything to say?"

Seeing Chen Yefeng who seemed particularly indifferent and his words and deeds were just right, Zhou Yutong felt even more satisfied.

"Actually, there is nothing to say." After Chen Yefeng finished speaking, the corners of his mouth slowly rose, and through the OB screen, it was reflected in the eyes of everyone in the Kyoto Academy Gymnasium.

"Wow! Xiaoxue, your boyfriend is so handsome!!!" Ye Shengxue's roommate, Xiaorong, covered her cheek, and sighed idiotically, "If I had such a handsome boyfriend, I would definitely make him unable to get off. bed!"

"Fuck you, what are you talking about!" Ye Shengxue's face blushed slightly.

"I didn't say why I can't get out of bed, it's because you think too much, OK!"

"Ignore you!"


On stage.

Zhou Yutong asked, Chen Yefeng replied.

"Then what do you want to say in the end?"

"I want to say..." Chen Yefeng smiled slightly, "Hurry up, it's time to finish eating!"


In the official live broadcast room, many fans were immediately amused.

"Shente, it's time to eat. Uncle meant that this game is not as important as his eating?"

"Uncle brother is starting to pretend to be forceful again, my youth is back!!!"

"My elder brother is simply interviewing ghosts!"

"What do you know, my uncle is called true temperament, what can I say, is it impossible to stop eating when I am hungry?"

"That is, people are iron rice or steel, so you panic if you don't eat a meal!"


Zhou Yutong didn't expect that Chen Yefeng, who had just cooperated well with her, would suddenly say such a sentence, that immediately revealed an embarrassment on the face of Yujie Fan's full face with light makeup.

"Ahem, in that case, we now have to invite Su Liyang to award medals to the players who won the college league. At the same time, we also hope that the colleges that qualify for the domestic competition will have a better place on another battlefield. Brilliant play!"


After Zhou Yutong's words fell, only four young ladies dressed in gorgeous clothes, tall, with long hair curled up, and rugged, smelling all over, slowly walked up from the side of the podium.

The four award-presenting girls each held a box with a golden medal in it, lying quietly in it.

Su Liyang smiled and walked forward, taking out the medals from left to right, first hanging around his neck for Song Haoran, then Wang Genji, and then Chen Yuan.

But when Su Liyang was about to hang a medal for Chen Yefeng, he refused.

"You don't have the qualification yet!" Chen Yefeng said coldly, regardless of the current situation.

"I didn't plan to do this either, worthy!"

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