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Chapter 169: Unilateral massacre!

One to twelve!

This scene naturally fell in the eyes of those exchange students who did not take the stage but watched the game.

"Look, Darling, this person is really unlucky, and met three groups led by Aoki."

Originally, Iguodala didn't pay much attention to it, but when the little apprentice noticed the ID displayed and knew that this person was his own wife, he suddenly became a little confident.

"My daughter-in-law is very powerful!"

"Da Jiezi, now is a critical moment, we have to work together externally!" the companion reminded.

"But, what I instigated seems to be the truth, my wife is super awesome!"


Chen Yefeng deliberately stayed in the air for a while when he was parachuting just now. He believed that these people must have noticed him.

And his purpose is very simple, instead of eliminating them one by one, it is better to let them deliver the goods in person.

A very real idea without any pretense of suspicion.

at this time.

Chen Yefeng is located at the tallest building in City P, through which he can jump to the top of other houses.

When he landed, he was also quite lucky, lying there quietly with an M416.

Picking up the gun and bullets, Chen Yefeng also ran to the third floor and jumped directly to the roof of the next building, like a Spider-Man.

And the other side.

The three groups of people led by Aoki had already gathered together, and twelve people gathered in mighty.

"Are you sure he is in this building?" Yamazaki glanced slightly, and then asked aloud.

"Yes, it was here when he landed, but I don't know where it is now, but I believe he should not go far, maybe he is shivering somewhere!"

Just as they were discussing how to eliminate Chen Yefeng cruelly, they could only hear the sound of gunfire suddenly ringing in their ears.

It turned out that Chen Yefeng was afraid that the other party could not find him, so he deliberately exposed his position.

"The gunshot is nearby!"

"Look carefully, you must not let him go!"

Aoki and three groups of people also started a carpet search, wanting to take Chen Yefeng's knife first.

Fans in the live broadcast room saw that Chen Yefeng had not done anything, and they also sent barrage to tease.

"Uncle, tell the truth, can't you?"

"Why, **** them directly, last time I was in the Japanese server, that one person directly killed from the beginning to the end!"

"There is a saying, the little devil and the teletubbies are still too far apart, they are completely mobile supply stations!"

As he was talking, Chen Yefeng heard the noisy footsteps from the headphones.

There was a confident and open smile at the corner of his mouth squatting on the roof. There were only twelve people, so why not come for another fifty?

Looking at the little devils passing by under his feet, Chen Yefeng started!

"Da da da……"

A series of gunfire sounded abruptly, and the silence of P City was instantly broken!

Chen Yefeng didn't give them any time to react at all, and directly knocked down one person first!


"HeiTian knocked down RiA001 with M416 headshot"


After knocking down one person, Chen Yefeng instantly jumped to the roof of another house. It can be said that he changed his position with a shot, very cool!

"This man is upstairs!!!"

Although I didn't see Chen Yefeng, the little devil knew it after hearing the gunshots, but the specific location is still unknown.

"It looks like it should be in this building!" Aoki looked at the three-storey house in front of him with a vicious expression. "A few people will go up with me to kill him, and leave a few people below to guard him. Don't let him run away!"

Aoki can be said to be very angry now, feeling lost.

Twelve people encircled and suppressed one, but one was knocked down first?

Can you play?

After that, the twelve people clearly divided their labor and started to take action.

And Chen Yefeng saw all this in his eyes and looked at the person running up the second floor. He took out the M416 and looked at it decisively.

Watching one figure after another appear on the second floor, appearing in his own line of sight.

Chen Yefeng's eyes showed a cold look! ! !

"Search! Search carefully, and never let him go!"

At this time, Aoki didn't know that several of him had been spotted, and he was still reminding his teammates.

But at this moment.

"Da da da da da da..."

A series of gunfire sounded again.


At the same time, the glass of the windows on the second floor shattered.

The quiet P City was once again broken by gunfire, and three knockdown prompts appeared in the upper right corner!


"HeiTian knocked down RiA003 with M416 headshot..."


"HeiTian knocked down RiB001 with M416..."


"HeiTian knocked down RiC004 with M416..."


The people in the live broadcast room were surprised to see this scene.

Because Chen Yefeng knocked down three people with only 20 bullets!

Although the little devil's equipment is not complete, and some don't even have helmets and defensive armors, you are a bit too scary.

"Is there a big brother who studies medicine, tell me where did this gun hit the little devil?"

"I'm afraid it's not hit the aorta!!!"

"To be honest, I can do it too.

of course……

I mean the three who were knocked down on the opposite side! "


A wave of marksmanship instantly excited fans in the live broadcast room.


When facing the little devil, we can always perform supernormally!

And the other side.

Aoki was stunned. He just wanted to walk up to the second floor, only to see that all his teammates who had been up to the second floor fell to the ground, which really shocked him.

What marksmanship is this?

Isn’t that the best in the world?

of course.

This is not the most important thing!

The important thing is that four people have been knocked down on their own side, and they don't even talk about human figures, even Mao has not seen one.

It can only be known through gunfire that he is nearby, but where is he in such a big neighborhood?

"Aoki-kun, be careful, he is on the top of the building opposite you!" Someone finally discovered the location of Chen Yefeng and quickly reminded him loudly.

Aoki took a look and found that Chen Yefeng was standing on the roof.

Most importantly, he is still doing moves.

That is a very arrogant move.

The character stood upright, stretched out his right hand slightly bent, and then struck his neck vigorously, a very obvious hint!

Seeing this scene, Aoki's face was flushed red, and he was very angry.

"This person is so arrogant, I don't believe it anymore. Could it be possible that the twelve of us can be eliminated by him alone?"

"Come here and get him off the roof, let him know how good we are!!!"

While Aoki commanded, he also quickly evacuated.

Because he was frightened by Chen Yefeng's horrible marksmanship that instantly knocked down the three of them, and he didn't dare to shoot him at all.

And after Chen Yefeng finished the provocative action, he jumped and jumped to the top of other houses.

This is like a Spider-Man flying over the wall, so that the people on the scene also shouted wonderful!

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