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Chapter 172: The kid next door was blown up and cried!

Looking at Chen Yefeng, who was close at hand but had not been discovered, Iguodala sighed with excitement in his heart.

Worthy of being a wife! ! !

Gou is really amazing!


"Uncle brother, what are you doing? Go and **** them!"

"Uncle brother won't persuade you?"

"What an international joke, my elder brother just squeezed out a dozen twelve, how can these little two people be my elder brother's opponent!"

"I feel that things are not that simple. Uncle must have a conspiracy!"

The people in the live broadcast room also began to have heated discussions.


And in the game screen at this time,

Yamazaki and Jersey didn't find anything wrong, and didn't know that there was a hungry wolf staring at this place.

Because they feel that they have an absolute numerical advantage, the other party will definitely gather together.

Although one person is special, Yamazaki and Jersey don't think they are the same as Aoki.

If he dares to jump out, definitely let him know how powerful they are!

While talking about the next move, the two were also preparing to enter the house. After all, it was somewhat unsafe to be outside.

Under Chen Yefeng's gaze, the two entered the house on the roadside.

And he crawled forward sneakily.

"Sure enough, I knew that Uncle Brother was not at ease!"

"What do you mean by being innocent? Opposite is the little devil, the eldest brother is clearly doing good deeds!"

"Suddenly, I feel a little distressed about these two little devils, and I will definitely suffer the brutal shame of my brother!"

"My eldest brother didn't single out 99 of them, it's enough to save face, okay!"


"Did you hear anything?"

After entering the house, Jersey frowned and asked Yamazaki next to him.

"What sound? Why didn't I hear it?"

"Just a click, it seems that someone is about to throw thunder..." Jersey was talking, suddenly the glass next to the two of them shattered.

Then, Yamazaki and Jersey can see a green, round winter thing rolling into the room.


"Oh Maiga..."

The two reacted very quickly, and they quickly hid in the small room on the side to prevent them from being blown to the ground directly.


Almost the moment they hid in, the grenade exploded.

The entire house seemed to be trembling, and the explosion of gun smoke filled the room.

"Fucked! We were in the middle!" Yamazaki also knew that something was wrong.

Jersey was also very depressed. They had deliberately surveyed the surroundings just now, and they didn't find anyone.

"Damn, where were they hiding just now?"

The two are talking.

Another fragmented grenade was thrown in, and after the explosion, the whole house was shaken again.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Chen Yefeng searched the entire P City just now, but there were as many as ten fragmented grenade.

Now he is even more crazy throwing the grenade into the house, creating an artificial bombing zone.

Both Yamazaki and Jersey were about to cry.

Although there was a window in the side room, the window couldn't get out at all. Seeing the smoke exploded in the living room of the room, the two had to hide in the side room and shiver.


The good times didn't last long. After Chen Yefeng threw a grenade into the room, it accidentally hit the wall, and finally bounced into the side room where Yamazaki and Jersey were hiding.



Looking at the fragmented grenade close at hand, both Yamazaki and Jersey were stunned.

damned! ! !

How many grenades did he pick up?


After the explosion, two knockdown prompts in the upper right corner popped out instantly.


"HeiTian used the fragment grenade to blow up RiD001..."


"HeiTian used shard grenade to blow up RiD002..."


All were shocked at this moment!

The people in the live broadcast room even laughed.

"666! As expected of the eldest uncle, he solved the two little devils without a trace of blood!"

"Hey, my elder brother is worthy of being a role model for me to pretend to be in the world. I learned this wave!"

"I learned what I learned, I will go to the Japanese service to play like this another day!"

"Don't throw the grenade when you find it. Wrap it with egg liquid and stick bread crumbs. The little devil next door is blown up and crying!!!"


"What's the matter with you two?" Hearing the ghost calls of Yamazaki and Jersey, the person in charge Xiaodu couldn't help but questioned.

"Little fool, you have to avenge us!" Jersey is going to die depressed.

It's fine to say that he was killed in front of the gun, but it was such an aggrieved method of death that made him dissatisfied at all.

If you have the ability to let me go, let's do a real fight!

"Don't worry!" The little fool wanted to get angry, but in the end he gave up.

Anyway, he was still alive, and there were already a lot of people around him, even if 14 people had been eliminated, the total number still had an absolute advantage.

In this friendly match, they must play without a face!


"Brother Feng, knock down two more, you really are!" Wang Genji, who was on the same team, also sighed loudly.

"Where is the number one in the world." Chen Yefeng was as humble as ever.

"Brother Feng, we are all assembled, do you want to come together? Let's just rush to the little devil!"

"I still follow the plan just now, sneak into the little devil and see the situation!"

"Okay, then we will still follow the secret code we said!"


Chen Yefeng also walked into the room.

Look at it at a glance.

The room was a mess, and it was a bit horrible to be bombed.

However, Yamazaki and Jersey fell on their knees in front of Chen Yefeng, and suicide became a luxury.

"I have two captives, but you are too far away from me. It seems that I can only educate them!"

Chen Yefeng stared condescendingly at Yamazaki and Jersey, then put the gun away, took out the saucepan, and put a lid directly on Yamazaki's head.

It's almost like a stern father beats a son who can't hold back!

"Md! Shi can be killed and not humiliated! Can you please give me a happy one!" Song Haoran was a little bit suspicious of life by Song Haoran, and now he was so ashamed by Chen Yefeng in front of so many people, he suddenly felt himself 'S life has become extremely gloomy.

If God gave him another chance, he felt that he would never come to this terrible place! ! !

But despite Yamazaki's madness to despair, Chen Yefeng didn't rush or slow down, slapped him one after another.

"Little fool, you must wash away our shame!!!"

Jersey looked at Yamazaki who had turned into a box, and then at the pan that greeted him, also making a tragic voice.

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