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Chapter 197: Chen Yefeng's plan

"People say that there are more red wines better than Lafite in 1982." Ye Shengxue said.

This amused Chen Yefeng, "Listening to what you mean, you seem to have had a better one?"

"No!" Ye Shengxue smiled, "but I have seen others drink it."

"Why do you feel pitiful when you talk?" Chen Yefeng patted Ye Shengxue's head, "I will definitely let you taste it another day!"


The birthday party was very lively and everyone was very happy to eat.

After all, there are many delicacies in five-star hotels that no one else has seen before.

After drinking for a while, Gao Chao, Wu Liang and the others, who were full and drunk, didn't know where they found a deck of cards and threw them.

"Single one six!"

"Damn, you can beat me with seventeen cards? You can beat me with seventeen cards, I will eat this table on the spot!"


After staying for a while, Chen Yuan also wanted to go to the haunted house to play.

For his cousin’s birthday today, Chen Yefeng, as his cousin, will naturally do his best to satisfy his request.

Of course, Chen Yefeng actually had his own plans in mind.

Think about it, in such a terrible place in the haunted house, holding hands with my girlfriend, suddenly a very scary ghost appears, then you can't force yourself into your arms.

"Brother, how about we go to Zhongshan Park?

I heard that a new haunted house was opened there. It is said that it is very exciting during the day, and it will definitely be even more exciting in the evening! After Chen Yuan finished speaking, he greeted Lu Jiayu on the side, "Xiao Yu, how about you?" "

"My brother wants to take me to other places to play, I won't accompany you for a little wish."

"All right." Chen Yuan sighed very regrettably, and immediately ran over to hold Chen Yefeng's arm and discussed with him how to scare others later.

"Don't scare yourself." Chen Yefeng curled his lips helplessly as he listened to the prank proposed by the little girl.

After all, today is her birthday, it is her temperament, and it will not be too late to wait until later to slowly adjust.

A group of people stopped a few taxis and drove to Zhongshan Park. In the car, Chen Yefeng couldn't help but beating on the side to find out whether Ye Shengxue was afraid of ghosts.

However, it is a pity that Nizi's face turned red, but she didn't give a correct answer.

Could it be that I am afraid of embarrassment so I am embarrassed to admit that I am afraid of ghosts?

Looking at Ye Shengxue's blushing face, Chen Yefeng thought.



The taxi arrived at Zhongshan Park.


"Ding! Congratulations to the host Zhongshan Park for signing in successfully, and a special reward scene tricky card!"


When Chen Yefeng heard this, his brows were overjoyed.

I just used my mobile phone to discuss with Gao Chao and the others, but I didn't expect the system to help me in an instant.

Apart from anything else, Chen Yefeng used it directly.

at this time.

The sky is almost completely dark,

Chen Yefeng also greeted others to walk towards the haunted house and meet Chen Yuan, who was one step earlier.


"Let's do this later!" After Chen Yefeng's hint, Gao Chao Wu Liang and the others were also plotting a major event.

"Don't worry, let Afeng embrace the beauty tonight!"

"What are you talking about?" Ye Shengxue looked at the few people who were close together, and couldn't help asking.

Although she is not very familiar with other people, after all, she is old classmates with Gao Chao and Wu Liang, and she knows a little bit.

In short, the two people get together, no matter what they discuss, there is nothing good to specify anyway.

Otherwise, how could these two guys laugh so trivially and excitedly! ! !

"It's nothing, it's nothing." Of course, Gao Chao wouldn't say how his group was discussing how to scare Ye Shengxue, so that Chen Yefeng could give full play to his boyfriend's true nature, and then embrace the beauty.

"It's getting late, let's go in quickly."


Gao Chao and their group took the lead in walking in.

"Go, go! I've never been to a haunted house before." Ye Shengxue didn't ask much, and affectionately tugged Chen Yefeng's arm and kept urging.

"Aren't you afraid?" Chen Yefeng looked at Ke Ren in front of him curiously.

It seems... the script is a bit wrong...

"What's so terrible about this?" Ye Shengxue raised his head, "There are no ghosts in this world. Anyway, they are all faked by the staff."

"Well, let's be scared later, don't hide in my arms." Chen Yefeng frowned, and when he was about to follow in, he found Chu Sheng standing in place with a tangled expression on his face.

"Go, what are you doing in a daze?" Chen Yefeng greeted Chu Sheng.

"I won't go in, you can go in." Chu Sheng shook his head, and took many steps back as he spoke.

"Damn! You are not afraid of ghosts!"

"Hmm!" Chu Sheng nodded directly.

Chen Yefeng: "..."

Damn it!

The dignified seven-foot man is actually afraid of ghosts, and he is not afraid of being laughed at.

Thanks to you having such a brute name, you didn't expect to be so timid.

It's really not a person to look like, and the sea is not to be measured! ! !

"Hurry up and keep up, it's all fake! If you look at you like this, are you still a man?!" Chen Yefeng curled his lips and greeted Chu Sheng again.

As a result... the head shook like a rattle, and he seemed to say nothing to go in.

Even more.

The servant also gave a serious explanation: "If you think about it, if there is no such thing in this world, why would the ancestors suddenly know this kind of thing? Someone must have seen it, so there is a description of this kind of thing. !

I would rather believe in what is there than in what is not. Anyway, I will not enter in anything, I am waiting for you outside, so you can do it for yourself. "

After speaking, Chu Sheng took a few steps back quickly.

"Look at you, like a girl!" Chen Yefeng was amused by Chu Sheng's appearance, "Well, you can sit here by yourself, and we will come out immediately."

With that said, Chen Yefeng took Ye Shengxue's hand naturally and walked into the haunted house.

Seeing the two people coming in hand in hand, Gao Chao Wu Liang and the others also glanced at each other, and after a wink, quickly followed.

As for the little girl, Chen Yuan, she couldn't wait to run in with her roommate.

The lights inside the haunted house are very dim, giving people a very deep feeling, and there are various scary patterns on the walls.

There are even blood-red blood-red handprints, which look a bit gloomy and chilling.

The conductor lying on the counter yawned lazily. After all, who would come here to seek excitement at this late hour, except for the group that looked like female college students just now.

At this time, Chen Yefeng and a group of people came over.

"Is it still open?" Gao Chao leaned forward and asked.


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