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Chapter 200: You are afraid it is not an illusion!

"What am I..."

Although they knew they were all fakes, Chen Yefeng still couldn't stand this scene abruptly, his face turned green, and he immediately turned around and ran back.


After he ran two steps, he suddenly remembered that Ye Shengxue was still behind.

Just as he was about to turn around and go back to run with her, the scene before him made him wonder what to say.

I saw that Nizi looked excited and stretched out her hands to shake hands with the three female "ghosts" one by one.

"Hello, hello, after waiting for you for so long, you finally came out!

You guys are a little better than the one just now, but I don’t think the clothes you wear should be so white. It’s better to have a little red, which will be more perfect. "

Chen Yefeng: "..."

Let's play! ?

Shouldn't this Nizi be taken aback, then hid in her arms for comfort!

The female "ghost" was also blank when Ye Shengxue held her hands. This little sister seemed a little different from the previous ones...

Ever since.

In Ye Shengxue's friendly conversation, the female "ghosts" tearfully told the two people the hidden passage leading to the next scene.

"Can you save some face for others!" After entering the next scene, Chen Yefeng glanced at Ye Shengxue, who seemed to feel a little dull about it, with a headache.

"Obviously they are too fake, how can you blame me!"

"You did it like a special leader who went to the countryside for inspections, don't you blame you!?"

"Humph! Ignore you!"


The people in the live broadcast room can't stand it anymore, showing affection in front of so many people, don't you know that you will die soon?

"I'm not sour at all! Really!"

"Big brother, I figured it out. You made a special trip to show off your girlfriend today. Do you think I don't have one? You wait for me to find a pump to inflate my girlfriend!"

"Together with!"

"Brothers in the pretending family, feel like a good match and type me the word "good" on the public screen!"


As they walked, they also looked at the next new scene.

The structure seems to be a scene with the theme of a hospital. Chen Yefeng also reminded Ye Shengxue not to always look like an old friend who hasn't seen each other for a long time. Saying hello seems to hit these "ghosts".

After all, if this continues, how should he and Gao Chao implement their plans?

"Xiaoqing, when will this tricky scene be triggered?"

Concerned about the major events of his life, Chen Yefeng also asked System Xiaoqing in his heart.

"Host, hello!

Scene trickery is based on the surrounding environment, can create a kind of image similar to phantom, as the name suggests, its main function is to be used to puppet people. "

"I know the truth, when does the question start!"

"This is random!"

Hearing the answer, Chen Yefeng had no choice but to follow Ye Shengxue to move on.


A gust of cloudy wind blew Chen Yefeng could not help but shiver, which also made Ye Shengxue even more excited.

Could it be that...what new ghosts are there in this scene?

where! ?

Come out and let me see!


the other side.

Gao Chao, Wu Liang and Fan Tong, who had already broken into the last horror scene of the haunted house, were hiding in the dark at this time.

They have been hiding here since they came here.

The purpose is of course very simple.

Just waiting for Chen Yefeng and Ye Shengxue to show up, they could jump out to scare Ye Shengxue, and then let their good brothers show off their male qualities and embrace them beautifully.

And the last scene of the haunted house, the layout is a very standard hotel appearance, divided into many small compartments, in a circular shape.

At this time, in the compartment where Gao Chao and them were, tables and chairs were scattered on the ground, and the quilt on the bed was even more tattered, stained with red paint, which looked like blood.

In addition, above the room, there is a white scarf hanging.

It also makes it a bit of a murderous house.

"I said, it's been so long, what is Afeng doing? Wouldn't it have been halfway long ago?" Wu Liang couldn't help asking in a low voice.

"No, if we have said everything, Afeng will not let us dove!" Gao Chao shook his head.

at this time.

A gust of wind blew by suddenly, and the hanging white scarf was slowly swinging.

"Fuck, Gao Chao... Look... the thing above has moved! It has moved!" Fan Tong pointed to the white veil on it that seemed to be used for hanging, his tone trembling.

"Hey, what are you afraid of, this is all fake!" Gao Chao curled his lips. He had drunk a lot of red wine at his birthday party just now, but when the cold wind blew him, his wine spirit also came up.

"Forget it, let's go ahead and check it out first, get through the last level, and then come back and wait for them, lest you cowardly people are suspicious!"


Just after Gao Chao's voice fell.

A sound that seemed like nothing came from all directions.

This sound is like using a fingernail to scratch on the glass, very hoarse, and abnormally harsh.

Fan Tong couldn't bear to shrink his neck next to him and glanced casually.

As a result, he saw a person sitting next to the bed, his face pale and bloodless, and there was a scarlet scar on his neck.

"Fuck...then...there is someone!"


"It's on the bed, so big!!!"

"Where? Why didn't I see it!?" Gao Chao drunkly glanced at it dimly, and there was no one except the bedding splashed with red paint.

"You're afraid it's not a hallucination!" Gao Chao muttered, then exited the compartment and walked towards the next compartment.

At this time, Fan Tong clearly saw that the man sitting on the bed and wearing white blood-stained clothes suddenly raised his head and smiled at himself.

Don't mention how weird the smile is, it is even more chilling with the sudden gust of wind!

At the same time, the white scarf hanging on the room suddenly shook violently.

"Fuck... you wait for me!" Fan Tong swallowed, looking at the Gao Chao who had already walked out, and hurriedly followed.

For some reason, he felt his teeth tremble.

Isn't it... there really is that?

After all, what the kid Chu Sheng said makes sense, he would rather believe it, and not believe it!


After walking out of the cubicle, the door was closed by Fan Tongshun.

In the room, the hanging white veil stopped swinging, and the person on the bed showed a weird smile and disappeared.

"Why are you yelling so loudly? What if Xiaoxue finds out that we are here? By then, the things we agreed with Afeng will not fall apart?"


Gao Chao gave Fan Tong a helpless look.

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