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Chapter 206: Call from Old Chen



Liu Li couldn't hold back again, the tea he drank in his mouth spouted out.

Gao Chao was so crazy that he exploded, "You are deceiving too much, I have tolerated you for a long time, I want to complain to you!"

"Then what, understand, my wife has a baby."

"You are obviously laughing at me, you have never stopped!"

"Mr. Gao, right? Don't worry, we have received strict training." Jiang Cheng stopped and coughed vigorously to ease his smile halfway through.

"No matter how funny we are, we won't laugh unless...can't help it!"

Seeing that Gao Chao was about to get angry, Liu Li quickly stood up and said, "Well, Mr. Gao, you leave a phone call, and then go back and wait for news. After we investigate the results, we will Call to inform you."

"Good, good!" Gao Chao nodded frantically, like a chicken pecking at rice, "You bring more black dog blood, mahogany swords, donkey hoofs, etc., that thing to ward off evil spirits, I must be right!!!

"Good, good!" The two said with perfunctory laughter.

Seeing that someone finally believed him, Gao Chao was also relieved.


After Gao Chao greeted Chen Yefeng and his group to go out, he could clearly hear the crazy laughter from the security room behind him.


Gao Chao didn't think too much, anyway, he had told them, believe it or not it was their business, he wouldn't come here anyway if he was killed.

"What I said is true!" Gao Chao said seriously when he looked at his good brother and didn't believe him.

"I believe it!" Chen Yefeng nodded seriously, and said at the same time: "Little wish, how about you?"

"Brother, I believe it too!" Chen Yuan nodded very cooperatively.

"You..." Gao Chao stopped talking, always feeling that these two brothers and sisters were perfunctory, but he had no evidence.

"It's too early, let's go back!"

As the eldest sister of the e-sports club, Ying Yingying naturally began to arrange.


As soon as Chen Yuan yelled, he was interrupted by Chen Yefeng.

"Brother has something to do, go back by yourself!"

"Okay, pay attention to your body~" Chen Yuan glanced at his good girlfriend, then at his male **** cousin, finally showing a smile that I know.


A group of people dispersed.

Just as Chen Yefeng was about to ask Gao Chao if he wanted to send him back, the servant also left without looking back.

Separated from the crowd, Gao Chao walked out of Zhongshan Park because of the snot and tears he had just cried. He also found a public toilet to wash his face.

However, when he went to a toilet by the way and was about to leave, he suddenly found that the door of the public toilet was closed from the outside! ! !

At this moment, Gao Chao was desperate.

It’s not incomprehensible that public toilets are closed. The question is, before you close the door, can you check if there is anyone inside?

Are you afraid that someone will come in and steal it at night?

of course.

The most desperate is yet to come.

After Gao Chao complained helplessly, he only felt a cold wind blowing, and then a sound familiar to him rang in his ears.

Intermittently, and very hoarse.

"You...just...kicked me down, you have head..."

this moment.

Gao Chao's mentality collapsed!


the other side.

"Tonight is another sleepless night!" Looking at Ye Shengxue next to him, Chen Yefeng deliberately said to the fans in the live broadcast room.


"Minato, Brother Uncle is starting to pretend again!"

"That's it? Brother brother, don't you really think I would be envious, do you? I'm a man with twin girlfriends!"

"Uncle brother is only ten seconds, what can you do!"

"If you have the ability, come to a live broadcast, otherwise don't talk!"


After Chen Yefeng simply blew a few sentences tonight is another sleepless night, watching the barrage of various ridicules also turned off the outdoor live broadcast.

He and Ye Shengxue held hands and walked slowly towards the hotel where he was staying.

On the way, Ye Shengxue asked without knowing what his thoughts were: "Hey, do you have any plans after the holiday period?"

Chen Yefeng thought about it seriously, "What's your plan? Anyway, I'll talk about it when the time comes."

"Not going to travel or something?"

"Do you have this idea?" Chen Yefeng glanced at Ye Shengxue, only to find that Nizi was looking at herself with a single glance, not knowing what horrible idea she was making.

"Yes, it's not bad to travel and relax!" Ye Shengxue nodded fiercely.

"Traveling is pretty good, but where can I travel by myself?"

"I am alone."

"Then you don't have anything to do with you, if you travel alone, what if you run into a bad person?"

Ye Shengxue: "???"

How do you feel a little different from the answer you expected?

This guy... really annoying! ! !

Looking at Ye Shengxue who walked in front and didn't know why he was angry.

After secretly saying that a woman is in trouble, Chen Yefeng felt his head was big.

The needle in the seabed of a woman's heart, this sentence is really true!

What kind of anger is this! ?

Could it be...

Is it wrong to remind her to be safe?

A weak woman, traveling alone, isn't it all right? What is it?


Along the way, neither of the two spoke.

Chen Yefeng also ended up leisurely.

Before leaving, Chen Yefeng said goodbye, but Ye Shengxue only left her the back of her head.

This made Chen Yefeng very depressed.

However, he didn't think too much.

after all.

Women can't get used to it, the more they get used to it, the more finished! ! !

On the way home, Chen Yefeng received a call from his own old Chen.

"Dad!" Chen Yefeng yelled while looking at the caller ID.

But who knows that Lao Chen on the other end of the phone seems very excited, "Don't call my father, I don't have your father!"

Chen Yefeng: "..."

What's wrong with Lao Chen, why is he so angry?

"I've been confused by your unbelievable thing." Old Chen sighed, "Do you remember how you promised your dad no?"

"I forgot..." Chen Yefeng said without blushing and heartbeat.

"You bastard, how did we make an agreement at the beginning? If you didn't win the championship, you would go and give me a diploma, but what are you doing now?

Just as Chen Yefeng was about to find a reason to just say something, she heard the voice of her sister Chen Shiyi on the phone.

"Dad, I just opened a bottle of 82 wine, would you like to drink it?"

"I can't drink anything now!!!

Wait, how many years? "

"82!" Chen Shiyi's voice sounded again.

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