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Chapter 208: Aliang joined Sky Blue

He doesn't actually have a few friends, and...he has all his friends' mobile numbers.

Looking at the strange number, Chen Yefeng was puzzled, but he tapped the screen lightly and the phone was connected.

"Afeng!" A familiar voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Huh?" Chen Yefeng was taken aback for a moment, "Why are you a dog? What can you do?"

After listening to what Ning Fei said on the phone, Chen Yefeng also felt a little foggy, but he got up immediately and stopped a taxi on the side of the road.

Go to the Huainan Hotel Ning Fei told him.


The hotel has arrived.

Staring at the Huainan Hotel, whose exterior decoration is not too gorgeous, Chen Yefeng also took out his mobile phone and prepared to call to confirm the place.

After all, he reported the name of the hotel in Ning Fei's mouth just now when he got on the car, and then he was dragged here by the driver.

As for whether the location is right, we should call to confirm.

Although there are many good people, there are also many bad people. Things are small when they are deceived.

However, as soon as he was about to make a call, he heard a familiar voice from behind.

"Yeah, Afeng, you are here so soon!"

Turning around, Chen Yefeng saw that Ning Fei was carrying two big bags in his hand at this time. It seemed that he had just returned from shopping and was standing next to Wan Ming.

"Where did you go?" Chen Yefeng saw that Ning Fei was carrying two big bags strangely, and he quickly reached out to take them and helped.

"Bought something." Ning Fei smiled, and he passed it directly without being polite to Chen Yefeng.

Although this kid is the champion of the National College League, he is still a good brother of Ning Fei.

Chen Yefeng: "???"

"You are not at all polite to me!"

"Of course, who puts our relationship here."

Chen Yefeng blinked, and finally resisted the curse.

And Ning Fei also smiled, and was the first to lead the way. Following the two of them, Chen Yefeng finally reached where they are temporarily staying?

Ning Fei and the others came to participate in the domestic competition this time, but they came step by step from the Internet cafes. A team of people opened two rooms in total.

On the table in the room, there are boxes of instant noodles left over by a few people. The cigarette butts in the ashtray seem to have just been thrown in, and white smoke is still blowing.

"Xiao Ningzi, you can be regarded as coming back, you are almost starving to death dad!"

"Go! You should just starve to death!" Ning Fei cursed with a smile.

"Yo! Ah Feng is here too!" Everyone has met before, so I wouldn't be too surprised to see Chen Yefeng.

Zhao Kai and Wan Ming rubbed their hands, got up, took the handbag from Ning Fei's hand, and took out a few boxes of instant noodles.

"Afeng, do you want? We didn't eat, don't mind the taste." Zhao Kai smiled honestly, and reached out and handed a box of instant noodles, but Chen Yefeng shook his head and refused.

"Boil the water first, and I will call the guy next to him later.

"Afeng, don't stand up, just sit down. You are all brothers. You are welcome." After speaking, Ning Fei walked out of the room and called to Wang Wei who had not yet woken up in the next room.

In a short while, I saw a sleepy-eyed man, rubbing his eyes and walking over. When you saw Chen Yefeng, Wang Wei's expression was obviously stunned. Obviously you had never seen such a handsome young man.

However, after Ning Fei's introduction, the two greeted them in a friendly manner and handed a cigarette to convey their feelings.

Instant noodles can be refused. This cigarette is one of the important means for men to negotiate. Of course, Chen Yefeng will not refuse.

I clamped it with my fingers, lit the lighter, and took a deep breath. It looked like an old smoker.

"Don't say it, Afeng smokes quite vigorously!

It seems that college life is particularly good. "

Listening to Ning Fei's sigh, Chen Yefeng also showed a deep smile, glanced at him, and said in a mysterious tone, "I said, is your life good, what do you mean?"

"Then it's up to you. It's all you want to say!!!" Ning Fei smiled and patted Chen Yefeng on the shoulder, "Don't worry, although I didn't pass the exam, I also heard this sentence. Well, college life is good.

Men, you know everything. As handsome as you are, you must be chased. This phenomenon is very common in college, but to be honest, you have to pay attention to your body and exercise restraint. "

"Do you think I look like malnourished?" Chen Yefeng's mouth twitched, and when he looked at Ning Fei's gaze, he complained.

Does he look like that kind of casual person? ? ?

"That's not true." Ning Fei looked up and down Chen Yefeng for a moment before continuing: "You look more energetic than the others.

However, don't follow him. He has been single for so long, and he has been in university for so long. "

When Chen Yefeng heard this, he naturally curled his lips helplessly, "I mainly don't have this thought."

"I said, Afeng, is your kid really stupid or fake? In a place like university, you don't rush to seize the opportunity. When you step into the society, you will be ruined. You might be a bachelor for a lifetime." Ning Fei hates Iron is not a way of steel, and the last expression is serious.

"To be honest, are you not good?"

"You can't do it!" Chen Yefeng twitched, almost cursing.

Man, you can't say nothing!

"Then why don't you quickly find a girlfriend?"

"Damn, why are you more excited than me!"

"Of course, I have always treated you as a son."

"Fuck you uncle!"

The two of them scolded as they spoke. Zhao Kai on the side used a small tray with three bowls of steaming noodles that had been soaked and walked over and handed it to Wan Ming and Wang Wei.

"Xiao Ningzi, this is yours, Afeng, this is yours."

"I'm not hungry, you eat." Chen Yefeng was a little polite. Although he didn't eat breakfast at all, after all, he didn't eat breakfast for thirty-one days a month. He has developed a habit.

"Afeng don't eat, give it to me, don't waste it." Ning Fei saw that Chen Yefeng really had no appetite, so he reached out and took it, and then began to **** in front of Chen Yefeng.

"Damn! Don't you know how to ask one more question?" Chen Yefeng scolded with a smile.

Although Chen Yefeng is indeed not very hungry now, but seeing a few people eat so fragrantly, he can't help swallowing.

However, this kind of thing is beyond his control.

"Aren't you not eating, who made you so hypocritical!" Ning Fei rolled his eyes and continued to **** the instant noodles.

And Chen Yefeng also looked around slowly, watching a few people and they finished eating, and after drinking the soup contentedly,

He said curiously, "Where's Aliang? Why don't you see that kid?"

"Aliang..." Ning Fei stopped talking.

"What's wrong with him?"

At this moment, Zhang Yao came in.

When I saw Chen Yefeng, I didn’t say anything at all. He came up with a punch, "You kid, I just wanted to call you and ask you to do something and invite us to dinner!"

"Chen Yefeng, don't hesitate to pick this one, I'll treat you!" Of course Chen Yefeng would not be stingy, but he still asked the question he most wanted to ask, "Where is Aliang? Why didn't you see other people?"

Chen Yefeng clearly remembered that Aliang, who was very talented and had a shy personality.

It stands to reason that after he came, he should have ran over to Brother Feng and yelled from Brother Feng, but after how long it has been, he hasn't seen him.

Zhang Yao didn't speak, and turned around and walked out.

Chen Yefeng also knew that something must have happened, so he walked out directly.

The two of them leaned against the corridor of the hotel, standing on the left and right, a sense of sight of the uncle coming to play.

"Is there any smoke?" Zhang Yao asked.

Chen Yefeng didn't speak, took out a cigarette case from his pocket and threw it over, then lit a cigarette in his mouth and smoked it.

"Don't be angry after telling you."

"What's wrong? What can I be angry with." Chen Yefeng was a little speechless, "How about you who introduced me to you?"

"I really want to do with him, but unfortunately, I can only think about it." Zhang Yao sighed.

"What do you mean?"

"Aliang, he joined the Sky Blue team."

"What?" Chen Yefeng frowned.

He was too familiar with Team Sky Blue, it was the team he had been with before!

"Does it feel incredible, but that's the truth.

To be honest, when Aliang told me, I couldn't believe it. After Zhang Yao finished speaking, he took a deep breath of cigarette and then exhaled it heavily.

"But it is true."

"He didn't say why?" Chen Yefeng looked particularly serious.

Although the Sky Blue team is currently one of the few e-sports clubs in China,...the water in this place is actually very deep.

At least, if it wasn't for Chen Yefeng's special status, he wouldn't leave the club so easily.

This sky blue is like a bottomless pit! ! !

"No." Zhang Yao shook his head, "But it's not a big deal. Everyone has their own ambitions. If he can join the Skyblue team, we should be happy for him."

"You don't understand, it may not be a good thing!"

Zhang Yao obviously wanted to ask more, but Chen Yefeng avoided this topic. Instead, he smiled and asked: "Your ambition is not small!"

"Where is it, what ambition?" Zhang Yao said.

"It's coming, don't you think I can't tell.

At first I thought you might be impulsive, but looking like this, you obviously came for the career path. "

"Hehe, people have to dream a little bit.

Moreover, their talents are indeed great. I told them that we will form a team afterwards.

Do you want to consider joining us? Seriously, maybe, with you, we can really make a way out of the e-sports circle. "

Zhang Yao said so, and Chen Yefeng naturally did not give an accurate answer.

Of course, although he has told Zhang Yao how deep the water is in the e-sports circle more than once, he can't beat his ideals.

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