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Chapter 210: Everything needs grades!

"Don't ask for the first place, just ask for the top five!"

Zhang Yao is also very open about this. After all, the first place is going to participate in the World Championship, which is something that I can’t even think of.

Although the top five can not qualify for the World Championship.

However, being able to stay in the top five is already very good for Zhang Yao, because if he can win the top five, there will definitely be a lot of sponsors to sponsor them, and Ning Fei's life will be better then. Can be greatly improved.

At least it doesn't have to be like now, it's so difficult to get. "

Looking at Chen Yefeng with confidence, it seemed that he had predicted the result. Although Zhang Yao had some doubts about where the goods came from, he still opened his mouth and said thank you.

"You're welcome, who asked me to take you as a son." Chen Yefeng said with a smile.

Ever since, the two began to argue madly about who is the father.

Although Zhang Yao is no longer young, he was not a peaceful master when he was young, so the two quarreled with each other.

After Chen Yefeng stayed here for a while, he left.

To be honest, he couldn't stand it.

Because Ning Fei and the others had such embarrassment in pursuing their gaming dreams, it reminded him of who he was at the beginning.

What's more, this road is actually very difficult.

In Chen Yefeng's view, sometimes, this kind of extreme dream is actually far worse than the reality.

of course.

Chen Yefeng could also feel Ning Fei and the others' love for gaming, and he also wished them that they would achieve something and not fail.


Time passed slowly.

this day.

Chen Yefeng glanced at the time, it was already around seven in the morning.

The game is scheduled to take place at ten o'clock. He feels that he can sleep for an hour as long as he enters the field before the game starts.

It's just that although he had this idea, the wish that he was more anxious than him rushed directly into Chen Yefeng's room and pulled his cousin out of the bed.

At this moment, Chen Ye was beautiful, with his hands on his chest, and the quilt covering his lower body. He looked back at Chen Yuan, who was wearing very scary and playful today.

"I said, you do you want?"

"What are you doing? Brother, look at what time it is. I called you just now, but you didn't answer it. I don't know where I went to fool around last night. Get dressed quickly and get up. We are going to leave soon!"

"So early?"

"Of course, brother, get up quickly!" Chen Yuan said as she helped Chen Yefeng bring the clothes hanging next to her.

"I'll do it by myself, you go out first!" Chen Yefeng looked embarrassed, and it seemed that he would lock the door after sleeping.

Otherwise, what should I do if my cousin sneaks in this night!

"okay then!"

After speaking, Chen Yuan left. Chen Yefeng was relieved. He was really afraid that his cousin would indecent himself.

Then what should I do?

Did you follow it? Still did it?

After getting dressed, Chen Yefeng also walked out of the villa and followed Chen Yuan to find the others. After the group had assembled, he hurried towards the gymnasium.


Location: Magic City Stadium Center.

At this moment, the time has come to more than eight o'clock in the morning, close to nine o'clock.

Although the time of the domestic competition is set at ten o'clock.


At this time, the outside of the stadium was already crowded.

Many people gathered around the entrance of the stadium, either with the team logo of their favorite team on their faces, or they were holding signs of their favorite team in their hands.

It's as crazy as a fan of a star at the airport.

Although the game is at ten o'clock, it is impossible for the team to enter the game at ten o'clock, and it will definitely arrive in advance to prepare for the game.

Therefore, there are so many people around here, and many people even rushed to the magic city from outside a few days in advance.

The purpose is to take a look at the team you support or the players you like.


The fans at the scene were very self-conscious, and none of them stepped over the banner. They all stood outside, staring at the only way to enter the stadium.

I want to try if I can block my favorite team or a certain player.

It is also very good to ask them for an autograph or a group photo.

These are very lucky things for some fans.

"Damn, it's Team Thunder! It's Team Thunder!" Suddenly someone shouted excitedly.

"That doesn't mean that Su Liyang is among them!?"

Someone in the crowd answered the sentence, and then they saw four uniformly dressed in black in front of the gymnasium. The icon on their chest was a sight with an eight-fold mirror, and there was a golden lightning in the center of the sight. central.

"Su Liyang, we love you!!!"

"Ayang, come on!!!"

The Thunder's fans yelled frantically, waving their hands frantically, trying to see Su Liyang's eyes, even if it was only a second or two.

"Damn, Ayang, why, the credit is everyone's, but you are what fans like." One of the Thunder team members, with red hair dyed in burgundy hair, grumbled half-jokingly.

"Maybe it's because I'm handsome." Su Liyang replied with a smile, and then he also waved at the fan group.

This time, a group of fans who love the Thunder and Su Liyang are more excited!

"By the way, last time you went to the college league, didn't you talk harshly with a kid? Today you two are going to be up against each other. I think you have to be careful not to make people laugh at that time. "Hong Mao also watched the live broadcast of the college league game, so he knew the quarrel between Su Liyang and Chen Yefeng at that time.

"By the way, who the **** is that kid, he is so rampant."

"Have you watched the last game of King of Gun King?" Su Liyang asked.

"This seems to be an impression. Could it be that that kid is..." Hong Mao said halfway and stopped.

"That's right, he is the one who stopped the other four by one person and bought time for Lu Qingkong. His name is Chen Yefeng." Su Liyang said.

"Hurt, let's be honest, at that time, maybe I would have killed it long ago!" Hong Mao dismissed it.

Although it was a world game, with the current players' level generally rising so much, if you look at it again, it is actually the same.

"But no matter what, you still have to be careful later."

"He? I don't need to care." Su Liyang smiled indifferently.


"Because this person is a loser, the loser doesn't need to be considered."

"That's right, after all, no matter how he was before, it is already in the past!"

"Well, don't say so much, go in quickly, just a loser, don't worry about it."

After speaking, Su Liyang waved his hands to the fans who were still enthusiastic. In the sharp shout, he took the red hair and two other people into the stadium slowly.

Not long after Hongmao entered the stadium, many teams started to enter the stadium one after another.

However, compared to the Thunder team, some other teams have fewer fans. After all, the Thunder team belongs to one of the four largest chicken-eating teams in China. It is normal that there are so many fans.

Like other teams, there are only a few fans, and some of them are mostly relatives and friends. Compared with the four major teams in China, they are too far apart.

Among the teams that keep entering the gymnasium, naturally there will be Ning Fei and their Sky Sword team!

After Ning Fei, Wan Ming, Wang Wei, and Zhao Kai got up early, they ran to the gym to meet with the person in charge of the game to hand over information about the players and other things that needed attention on the scene.


After all, this is their first time to participate in such a top event, and they must be fully prepared.

In order to save a little money, they also got up early.

No, the four people walked directly to the gym.

However, after I arrived... I was shocked by the scene in front of me.

Look at it at a glance.

The square in front of the stadium center was already full of people.

Only one channel is left in the middle for participating members to enter the arena.

Looking around, there are big white legs on both sides of the passage...

Nonsence! ! !

They are full of loyal fans of the big teams.

"Damn! Why are there so many people!" Zhao Kai swallowed his saliva. Although it is known that there are many people, this is comparable to the lineup of a singer's concert.

Moreover, whoever said that the people who like e-sports are the big masters, these all-round long legs, it is impossible to take their eyes off!

"Is this a domestic competition? It's not the same as the regional Internet cafes we participated in!" Wan Ming also sighed loudly.

A few of them joined hands to participate in the city Internet cafes, then to the provincial Internet cafes, and finally to the semi-regional Internet cafes, from the western half to the end, and finally got the qualification to enter the national competition.

At that time, the scene of the regional Internet cafes had already shocked them, but they never expected that the scene of the national competition was even more shocking than the scene of the regional Internet cafes at that time, and there were more people!

It is more than three times that of the regional Internet cafes! ! !

"Are they here to welcome us?" Wang Wei said weakly as he looked at the cheering crowd around him.

"How is it possible! Didn't you see the sign they were holding in their hands? They welcomed Team Sky Blue, Team Thunder, and Team Sunny!" Ning Fei smiled and patted Wang Wei on the shoulder.

"Well, as long as you fight hard, you will have so many people like it!" Zhang Yao said from the side.

Of course he can see the envy in the eyes of these people, but... all of this requires achievements!

Although no one wants to play the game by himself, no one watches, no one supports it.

Everyone hopes that they can have a group of fans who support them and cheer for themselves!

So that you know that someone is behind you!

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