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Chapter 215: This woman should only be in the sky!

Zhao Menglu's thoughtful eyes kept wandering between the two.

The smell of gossip emerged spontaneously.

"What about him, it has nothing to do with me." Qing Lengyue replied calmly and plainly? .

Except this time.

Zhao Menglu, who was on the side, couldn't help but said, "Are you Yueyue? I wonder if you were taken away by someone? If you were the same before, you would never bother to explain!

Explaining is disguising, disguising is fact, you two must be ghosts! "

"disappear as far as you can!"


In a word, the atmosphere fell silent again.

Zhao Menglu's words directly punctured Qing Lengyue's lie that was not a lie.

As she said, in the past, Qing Lengyue didn't usually explain this kind of thing.

And today she broke the ring! ! !

"Sometimes, it's likable for you not to speak!" Wang Tongyu patted Zhao Menglu on the shoulder with a headache.

This girl from my own family is hopeless!

He looks pretty, why is there an extra mouth!

"Then what I have to do, I'll go one step ahead."

At this time, the youngest Qing Ruyu suddenly greeted a few people, and then ran over by himself.

"Hey, Xiaoyu, where are you going?"

Behind Zhao Menglu quickly asked.

"I will join you before the game!" Chen Yuan said without looking back.

That back figure was getting farther and farther away. Although she said nonchalantly, Qing Lengyue's eyes couldn't help but finally took a look.

"Satsuki, long time no see."

Suddenly, a calm voice rang from behind.

Looking back, Qing Lengyue found that the four members of Team Sky Blue had already stood behind them at some point.

The person who spoke was naturally the captain of the Sky Blue team and a former member of the Dragon Team, Qingyun Lu Qingkong.

"What's the matter?" Qing Lengyue asked instead without answering.

"In fact, some things passed away."


Lu Qingkong smiled slightly and pointed to the dark-skinned and somewhat shy big boy next to him and said: "Introduce, this is the new recruit of our team, He Liang."

"It's the same as you before." Qing Lengyue glanced lightly, and said so.

The two talked like two people talking and working, and they didn't seem to have much emotional connection.

"It's late, it's time to go in."

After speaking, Lu Qingkong took care of Al Liang and walked in slowly.

"Let's go too."

It was also facing the former teammates, this time Qing Lengyue didn't even look at it, but turned to Zhao Menglu and Wang Tongyu and said.

During this period, Zhang Chuchen of the LN team followed Qing Lengyue's back with his eyes until he disappeared before he sighed.

"Why don't you like it?" LN's A Tao couldn't help asking.

"She has always had someone else in her heart. This is something I have known for a long time. I didn't know who that person was before, but now I know it." Zhang Chuchen smiled helplessly, but still stared at the road.

Even though the person's shadow had long been gone, he couldn't help taking a deep look.

"Others? Who is it? You mean Qingyun??"

When Zhang Chuchen heard this, he also shook his head, "I can feel that the person is not him. Although it is rumored that the relationship between the two is very close,...I believe that person is definitely not him."

"Why? The voice of the two outsiders is very high. After all, they both used to be loyal to the Sky Blue Club, and there were people who secretly photographed the two dating together before," Jiang Tao asked.

"A meal can be counted as a date? Don't think of Qing Lengyue as that kind of casual woman, let alone Lu Qingkong... not worthy at all!!!"

After speaking, Zhang Chuchen also walked towards the gymnasium with people.


The people in the stadium are very lively, and it is located in the center of the ob screen, which will be used to convey the game screen later, and it is playing PUBG Promos. People inside are shooting and shooting. Unusually intense.

"Brother, look at it! Watching the promo and watching the game again, it's like fooling people.

Brother, if I could be the same as the people inside, it would be great! "Chen Yuan, who was holding Chen Yefeng's arm, looked at the screen and immediately couldn't help but sigh.

"Brother, I will let you read more on weekdays, so as not to be ashamed or conspicuous when you come out. Look, you can't think of other words at all except for being awesome." Chen Yefeng looked at the big screen seriously.

Suddenly, the above screen flashed, and he was surprised and said, "Fuck! Look, **** it!"

Just as the two brothers and sisters were watching various wonderful operations on the big screen, a head next to them suddenly popped out.

"Are you Chen Yefeng?

black sky? "

Chen Yefeng frowned and glanced at the girl who appeared suddenly, without answering, asked, "Who are you?"

"My name is Qing Ruyu, and I am Qing Lengyue's younger sister. I believe you should have an impression of me."

Chen Yefeng nodded. He did have an impression of Qing Lengyue, because he had received her letter before, and Chen Yuan was mistaken for someone else to pass a love letter to her brother.

"How about, are you ready to lose?" Qing Ruyu asked suddenly.

"What do you mean?" Chen Yefeng looked at this girl who was somewhat similar to Qing Lengyue, but had a black and straight hair, and said, "You're catching up, you don't want to ask me this question, right? ."

"I said that as long as you meet me, I will definitely trample you under your feet and avenge my sister." After Qing Ruyu finished speaking, she looked to the side of Chen Yuan again.

"This is your girlfriend?"

"No." Chen Yefeng shook his head.

Who knows, at this moment, Chen Yefeng suddenly jumped out, holding Chen Yefeng's arms tightly with both hands, and said to the home court: "Yes, what's up!"

Chen Yefeng: "..."

This girl just likes to make trouble!

It's your sister, yes!

Doing nothing, how can you count as my girlfriend! ?

Next second.

Chen Yefeng saw Qing Ruyu wrinkled her nose slightly, and glanced at Chen Yuan triumphantly, although she was young, but with exceptionally developed chest muscles, she said, "Then you have to be careful, your girlfriend should be too People who have experienced many battles, otherwise how could it be so strong!"

Those who come are not good, and those who are good do not.

"Uh..." Chen Yefeng frowned, his eyes immediately cold.

"What do you mean?"


Chen Yefeng just wanted to speak, but Chen Yuan directly let go of the hands holding his cousin's arms, and then put them on his waist.

As the saying goes, once a woman pinches her waist with her hands, then it must mean that she is about to explode.

The so-called squeezed waist with both hands, boundless mana! ! !

"Little wish, take a moment!" Chen Yefeng gently pulled Chen Yuan's arm.

Although I don't know why Qing Lengyue's sister had to provoke the little girl for no reason, but...Chen Yefeng always felt that this matter had something to do with him.

"Boy, what are you talking about?" Chen Yuan pinched his waist with both hands, looking at Qing Ruyu with a fierce expression.

"What's the matter, am I wrong?" Qing Ruyu also looked over without fear.

"Little wish you get out and leave it to me to deal with!" After saying this, Chen Yefeng quickly pulled Chen Yuan aside to avoid the little girl from getting angry.

After all, she is her own little princess, and Chen Yefeng understands Chen Yuan a little bit. Don't look at this girl when she is in front of her, she is silly and cute, obedient, but if it is someone else, maybe the little girl can instantly become big Spray, spray to the kind of people who doubt life.

What's more, she also met Ying Yingying, her brother's grumpy girlfriend.

Speaking of Yingying Ying, Chen Yefeng leisurely remembered that when the boy was playing games with him, he was punched in the quality square, and he chased them for a minute, even on the plane! ! !

Such a lord who refuses to suffer, walks so close to his cousin, tell me, can my little princess not be taken away.

"Brother, don't stop me! I didn't provoke her again, so why does she slander me!" Chen Yuan said, rolling up his sleeves and preparing to fight.

Chen Yefeng couldn't help winking quickly and asked Ying Yingying to help herself hold the little girl.

"Forget it, Xiaoyuan, she's still a child!"

"Xiao Yuan, listen to Sister Ying's words, and teach her when the game is over!"

Chen Yefeng: "..."

Please, I'm asking you to persuade, not to add fuel to the fire!


Upon seeing this, Chen Yefeng hurriedly pulled Qing Ruyu's sleeve and led her to a small corner of the stadium.

"Let's talk, what are you doing and what do you want to do?" Chen Yefeng stared at the girl who was similar to Qing Lengyue's six points and said.

"Are you worthy of my sister?"

Qing Ruyu stared at Chen Yefeng indifferently and questioned.


Chen Yefeng said without hesitation.


As a result, Qing Ruyu was a little stunned.

She originally thought that the person who provoke her sister back then might be the same as other stinky men and find 10,000 excuses to justify herself.

However, I never expected it.

He actually...

Just admitted it directly.

"I'm sorry for your sister. This is one aspect, but it has nothing to do with my sister."

Chen Yefeng is notorious for protecting his shortcomings. Although he feels a little sorry for Qing Lengyue, this does not mean that as his sister, Qing Ruyu can unscrupulously belittle his own people in front of him.

Just when he was ready to educate Qing Ruyu, he heard a noise not far away.

"This... I have never seen such a beautiful girl!"

"This temperament, I am stupid!"

"This woman should only be in the sky, and the world can get a few glances back!"


I see.

Although the crowd in front was turbulent, there was a person who seemed out of place. She walked out of the crowd step by step, like a fairy descending to the world, walking toward Chen Yefeng with graceful steps.

This is someone who doesn't dare to think too much at a glance, her temperament crushes everyone present!

Look at the people coming.

this moment.

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