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Chapter 217: The woman who made Chen Yefeng flustered!

"That's right, just ask him if you have anything."

Heard, Wang Yang also said with a smile.


He glanced at the time and said, "There are still twenty minutes before the first game. Let's pass now, just to debug the equipment."

After speaking, Wang Yang got up first and walked out of the lounge.

Several people followed Wang Yang and also came to the position of the Magic City Academy.

Look at it at a glance.

Many people in the team are ready and started to debug their equipment.


I don't know if it was an official arrangement or Wang Yang deliberately did it. The team next to Chen Yefeng and the others happened to be the Qing Lengyue team where Qing Lengyue was.

"Xiaoyue, it's been a long time." When Wang Yang saw this, he also gave a soft cry.

Unlike Chen Yefeng, Qing Lengyue didn't ignore it this time. Although she didn't speak, she nodded slightly, indicating that she heard it.

Immediately, he continued to lower his head, stretched out his slender fingers to gently tap on the keyboard, and moved the mouse from time to time, seeming to be very serious about debugging his device.

Qing Ruyu naturally saw it too, her delicate eyes showed an angry look, as if telling Chen Yefeng that she would definitely make him look good later!

Seeing Qing Lengyue lowering his head to debug his equipment, Wang Yang shook his head and sighed.


Even if she can see some things, she can't.

"I remember that this keyboard was given to her by our frugality." Wang Yang looked at Chen Yefeng who was silent and said softly.

Chen Yefeng heard that he was also looking at the sky blue keyboard that Qing Lengyue was linking and debugging, "It's her thing now, it has nothing to do with me."

"Go on!"

Patting Chen Yefeng on the shoulder, Wang Yang left with Ying Yingying.

At this time.

Suddenly, a familiar voice resounded in Chen Yefeng's ears, and this voice made Chen Yefeng's heart abrupt.

"Hello everyone, I am today's commentator, Xi Ling!

The last ten minutes of the game, please find your place right away, do it well, don't walk around!

Um... I'm sorry, I just misread the time. There are still 20 minutes left in the game. You can move around at will, but pay attention to the time! "

"The audience at the scene, please cooperate with the staff to find your own position, and those with girlfriends please pay attention to the influence and do not do things that cause public outrage!"

This unreliable voice and style! ! !

Chen Yefeng's heart sank, and in any case did not expect it to be this woman!

Xi Ling can be said to be a veteran commentator in the e-sports commentary industry. He is known as the first queen of the commentary industry. Because of his unique commentary style, it is also more popular with the public.

Although the person is quite pretty, but...Chen Yefeng respects this girl.

There is no other reason, because when he was the King of Gun King, Chen Yefeng had been blessed by Xi Ling's poisonous milk BUFF more than once.

Although there is no special feeling when playing, when watching the replay of the game, listen to Xi Ling's commentary.

Good guy, what a big poisoned milk!

It was an undercover agent sent by the other party!

In general, as long as this woman explains the game, she will definitely be frustrated along the way.

And this phenomenon is not clear at all with scientific principles!

"It turns out to be Queen Xi Ling! Damn, I have to fight hard. I hope that the queen can explain my wonderful operation at that time, and I won't be in vain!" Wang Genji heard it and took a look of excitement. Pat Chen Yefeng on the shoulder: "A Feng, Brother Feng, I will rely on you then!"

"Does it have anything to do with me????" Chen Yefeng twitched his mouth, and his face was also confused.

"Of course there is!

Think about it, as long as you look brighter when you operate it later, the lens will give a little more at that time, my Goddess Xi Ling will definitely explain your operation.

Maybe...I will also take a commentary about us as teammates. "

"If you think about it, Chen Yefeng played extremely well. This wave of one-to-three pulls can be called a textbook level!

Look at his teammates again!

You take a look, so I won't succeed in attracting the goddess' attention! "

Chen Yefeng: "..."

Good guy, I can't think of this method without cerebral thrombosis for 30 years!

"This method is not bad, but I think you should still learn to create shots for yourself.

You have to know that in a professional game, every airdrop inside is a good photo opportunity! "

"Think about it, if you single-handedly take the airdrop and kill all the offenders, wouldn't you be more prestigious?"

"That's right, but...I think it's better for people to be self-aware.

Although I can participate in the domestic competition, it is all because of you, and it has little to do with me. "

Wang Genji still hasn't forgotten his painful experience of being made up by Chen Yuan's shot. Although it's cool to lie down, he has no game experience at all!

"So, although the airdrop can be photogenic, but...I don't want my goddess to explain me like this."

With that, Wang Genji coughed slightly.

Xi Ling, a serious imitator, began to explain gently.

"Oh, look, it's Wang Genji player from Magic Capital Academy. He is going to grab the airdrop, but he dares to grab the airdrop alone!

This is a bold and careful person. He has absolute confidence in himself. Let's see who will get the airdrop?

Well, the basic players can now go to the players stand to rest!

Confidence is good, but remember not to be blindly confident! . "

After Wang Genji imitated, I sighed helplessly, "You said, if this is the case, I am not in front of the goddess, and I am embarrassed in front of the national audience."

Song Haoran and Yu Li next to him were amused by Wang Genji. Don't look at this guy's self-respecting appearance on weekdays. I didn't expect that at the critical moment, he was quite self-aware.

After Chen Yefeng listened, her face was dark, "Don't you think this can actually attract her attention?"

"This kind of attention is not enough, so Afeng, no!

Brother Feng, I can only rely on you. "Wang Genji patted Chen Yefeng on the shoulder, as if he was a private person.

"What am I..." Chen Yefeng curled his lips helplessly, "Well then, I will try my best to operate when the time comes."

In fact, Chen Yefeng didn't know anything about it, because Xi Ling, a woman, seemed to restrain herself by nature.

This is not explained by science, so Chen Yefeng attributed them to metaphysics!

"Brother Feng, I will give you everything you want today, the third-level A-Eight times mirror, I will give you everything you want! Let's fight around you today." Wang Genji said.

"Don't do this, I can't stand it!" Chen Yefeng couldn't help covering his face. This guy really didn't know what to say.

"What can't stand this, as long as you can stand it, brother, I have more new tricks!"

"Furthermore, today is a domestic competition. We must be unable to fight against each other. But you are different. You are also a man who has played in the World Championship. If we want to have results, we will naturally focus on you. what."

"That's right, also have to have confidence in yourself. Don't let the opportunity of operation be let go, otherwise when you can do it, you will lose confidence in yourself!

In general, no matter who the other party is, don't just shrink back from the strong, you must know the man.

Otherwise, how can you improve in the future? "

"I try my best, try my best..."


Twenty minutes passed in a blink of an eye and passed quickly.

And Chen Yefeng and the others followed the referee's instructions, sitting in their team's position and wearing headphones, completely isolating outside sounds.

At this moment, they can only use the team voice.

This is naturally beneficial, at least Chen Yefeng couldn't hear Xi Ling's slightly flustered voice.

after all……

This poisoned milk is really big! ! !

"Okay, our game is about to start, please stay calm, I'm here to explain Xi Ling."

"I'm explaining Artest."

As the two voices fell behind, there was a burst of cheers on the scene.

Whether it is Xi Ling, who is known as the queen of the commentary world, or Artest, who is the leader of the commentary world, they are two commentators that audiences like very much.

Now that two people are on the same stage to explain the game, it naturally made many audiences ecstatic and very happy to see this happening.

"Dear viewers, I will explain the game together with Artai today. This... I haven't seen you for a few days, I really miss you! I don't know if you miss me, who is gentle, kind and beautiful!" Xi Ling explained with a smile .

"Actually, I was very excited to be able to explain with Xi Ling. For this explanation, I washed my hair at home this morning!" Artest said in agreement from the side.

"Oh, why do you want to wash your hair?" Xi Ling asked.

"Of course it is to face you with a better spirit, oh, no, I mean, to face all the fans with a better spirit, and to explain the game with the best attitude!

You know, even if a girlfriend asks me. I would never be so diligent! ! ! "

"Audience friends, please pay attention to classmate Artai's language, even if the two words are the key points!" Xi Ling directly dismantled the stage and said: "To put it bluntly, you actually don't have a girlfriend!"

The two are very good friends, and sometimes the mutual loss in the commentary is for better program effects and active atmosphere.

"I said, can I die if you don't reveal it!" Artest couldn't help but complain.

This is not.

As the two people sang together like a duo, the atmosphere of the scene was immediately mobilized.

The cheers and ridicule were deafening, and many fans were persuading Artest to wake up and stop daydreaming.

When you wake up, you have no girlfriend at all!

If you are talking about twin girlfriends, then it's fine! ! !

"Well, I said some digressions, let's talk about today's game."

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