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Chapter 219: The sixth sense of a woman!

When it comes to this.

Artest's eyes lit up obviously, but...

Only for a moment, his eyes dimmed again, and his tone was a bit regretful.

"Although I am looking forward to this confrontation between old and new sniper gods, it's just a pity."

"What's a pity about this?" Xi Ling said with some doubts.

"Although it is an fps type game, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds has as many as 25 teams. It can be said that in the history of FPS games, the number of players in a game is not excessive!

Moreover, the map is much bigger than other FPS games.

Although the map has always been so few and relatively monotonous, the biggest charm of this game is that there may be people waiting for you in various dark corners!

Moreover, you never know where the next lap will be! "

"According to what you said, although there was an agreement between the two people, Su Liyang, as a new generation of Asian sniper god, must prove himself.


After all, the games for the two to obtain this title are different, and the mechanism is different.

With such a big map and so many teams, it's probably the same thing if two people can meet, so if the two of them want to be divided, the chances are actually relatively small. "

"After all, in the game now, the team is the main focus, and personal grievances should be put aside later."

Xi Ling nodded in agreement, "It is true that it is said, but...what if?

If two people meet each other, won't it bring us a visual feast at that time! ? "

"This is just in case, and the hope is too slim, I don't have too much hope!"

"But, I think the two people should have a fight!"

"Do you feel accurate?"

"A woman's sixth sense, what do you think?"

Artest was silent for a while before continuing to speak.

"Well, after all, sometimes women's sixth sense is really accurate!

But... wait a minute!

What the **** is a woman? "

Xi Ling smiled slightly, "Well, let's not gossip, let's officially start today's game!"

As her voice fell behind, the referee has signaled that all teams are ready.

Lu Qingkong has already explained the changes in the game points, so he is very optimistic about A Liang.

Of course, the operation is only part of it. The important thing is that Aliang fits his temperament very well. If he makes good use of it, he will be a perfect tool man.

And Ning Fei and the others are gearing up one by one, ready to fight.

Whether they can get a good result this time is also an exam for them to work hard for so long. They hope to get a good result.

of course.

The most important thing is to find a way for one's aimless life in the future!

at last.

The game has started!

Map Survival Island, 25 teams also came to the quality square.

On the big screen.

You can see the players manipulating the characters and running aimlessly.

And Chen Yefeng had an agreement with Zhang Yao and the others before, so the first time he entered the quality square, he also quickly looked at it.

Look at it at a glance.

Not far away.

There were four people who were all in darkness and had a black marinated egg.

the most important is.

Their costumes are all wearing white little skirts. Imagine in their minds that the skin color is like charcoal, but they are wearing little white skirts. They are as spicy as their eyes!

Not far away, there are four game characters with different hairstyles, but all dressed in the same black suit.

The four people hid on the ground in a circle, shaking their heads constantly.

"This is the Sunny Team where my goddess is!" After Wang Genji finished speaking, he leaned in carelessly. Squatting next to the four members of the Sunny Team, followed by shaking his head.

The rest of the people were a bit dark, and I was really afraid that when he saw the people from Team Sunny, he would rush over.


"Well, the long-awaited game is about to begin!

In the last fifteen seconds, twenty-five teams will board the flight to Survival Island and start a fierce battle on it.

Let's see which team will take the lead temporarily, all in today's first game! ! "

The last countdown to the quality square is just a matter of breath.

When the last second is over.

The plane is also booming for takeoff, Wuhu~

"Well, the route of the first round starts from the northwest of the map.

We can see that this route can be said to span the map, and the first part of the resource points is the three places of G Port, Shangcheng District and Xiacheng District, which are more fertile.

Although the hospital is ok, but compared with Shangcheng, Xiacheng is still so much worse! "

Almost as soon as Xi Ling's voice fell, in the OB picture on the big screen, you could see that someone on the plane started to jump down.

"Well, four teams have jumped in this wave!"

"One of the teams is the LN team, and their goal is Port G! Two of the other three teams flew to the upper city, and the other was down the city."

"Although the points earned by the number of kills have increased, most teams still abide by the rules of carefully sailing for ten thousand years.

The area in Shangcheng District can feed three teams. The three teams in Xiacheng District and the hospital are more than enough. The two teams in Port G are not a problem.

The resource points that can feed eight teams actually only jumped to four teams. I believe these four teams will definitely be very fat by then. "

Following Xi Ling's explanation, the plane flew slowly over the ruins, Shuicheng, R City and the school.

During this period, many teams jumped down one after another.

However, many people in the landing team chose to find a car first, and then away from the vicinity of the route, to search for equipment elsewhere.

after all.

Although heads are valuable, rankings are still very important. The first place is 125 points, which is equivalent to 25 heads!

Head is very important, ranking is also very important!


After the plane rumbling past the school, Song Haoran asked Chen Yefeng's opinion.

"Afeng, where do you think we should jump?"

I heard that Chen Yefeng also thought about it hard.

He is fearless when it comes to steel guns, but the words of others...

In order to give these little guys a good game experience, Chen Yefeng marked the area north of the prison on the map, "Let's jump into this nursing home."

"Isn't it, world runner-up, but you are so embarrassed?

I feel that the prison is good. "Wang Genji proposed.

"I don't care. The question is, can you guarantee that you can survive 100% when you jump with other teams!"

"No!" Wang Genji immediately shook his head.

"But, although it is correct to be careful, this place is not enough to feed the four of us!" Yu Li also said.

Chen Yefeng smiled and vowed: "Don't worry, our equipment is in the hands of the enemy."

"It makes sense!"

When several people heard Chen Yefeng say this, they were slightly unpredictable and felt reasonable.

I simply didn’t say much. What's more, this is a national competition where masters gather. I can participate in a few of my people, relying on the former world runner-up massacre. Otherwise, it is impossible to participate in this kind of competition in this life. Major events.

When the plane passed slowly over the road between the nursing home and the prison, Chen Yefeng also took the four people and jumped down without hesitation.

"I'm going, Y City jumped a lot of people!"

When he was about to land, Wang Genji also signaled a few people to look in the direction of City Y.

"It's only three teams, I guess I can't fight." Chen Yefeng said in a minute.

"What are you doing in such a far place? The prison jumped into a team and searched quickly. After the search was finished, they were destroyed. At that time, you can search the air-raid shelter by the way." Song Haoran said.

And the other side.

Over Y City.

A Liang's eyes were like wolves preparing to hunt, silently remembering the position of the team that had fallen into Y City.

Since joining the Sky Blue team, he has received a lot of care from Lu Qingkong, at least he doesn't have to ask for money from his family, and he can send a lot of money to the family!

This is the life Aliang has always wanted, doing what he likes, and then not burdening the family too much!

Therefore, now Aliang feels that what he has to do is to play the game well and use his results to reward Lu Qingkong.


the other side.

Su Liyang, who had a conflict with Chen Yefeng before the match, jumped off when the plane passed Shuicheng.

After searching for an AKM and a sprayer in the garage across the road from Shuicheng, they drove the car in the garage toward the airport.

As for Ning Fei and the others, according to what they said before, after the world was flying, they found a car and left the surrounding area of ​​right and wrong. They were as trivial as possible to ensure that their team ranked higher!


"Where are we jumping, Yueyue?" Zhao Menglu stared at the plane that was about to fly to the final route with big eyes, asking Qing Lengyue's opinion in her voice.

Don't look at her compared bapo, but this kind of critical moment is not a master who will lose the chain.


Qing Lengyue also glanced at the map slightly. After thinking about it for a while, she said, "Then, Port L."

At this time, there are still four teams on the plane!

The only resource points that can jump on the route are nuclear power plants, stainless steel plants and Port L!

"Oh? Let's not let the women of the sunny team, look like this should be prepared to land in Port L, or the nuclear power plant in the south.


There are still four teams on the plane now!

In other words, there is a high probability that a conflict will occur! "

No matter it is Port L, nuclear power plants are different from the large resource points of City P. If the two teams fall together, friction is inevitable!

"Port L, the four goddesses of the Sunny Day team finally chose Port L, and there was another team that jumped in with the four of them at the same time!!!"

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