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Chapter 221: Moment of crisis

Less than 30 seconds after landing, Qing Lengyue got her first kill.

It can be said.

Before the safe zone appeared, she had already started to do it!

"Damn! As expected of the goddess of Blue Rain, I licked it!" Wang Genji, who was searching for equipment in the nursing home, muttered immediately after looking at the kill prompt in the upper right corner.

"I got it so fast by five points, why don't we have anyone with us?"

"Our place is too poor, and I guess that 80% of the people in QM think that the four goddesses on sunny days are good for bullying, but who knows if they accidentally kicked on the iron plate!" Song Haoran said.

"Heh, can it be true that some people think that the reason why my goddess team can become the fourth major domestic team is the same as the outside world?

Just use your brain to know that this is impossible, okay! "Wang Genji said.

"Okay, you search quickly. After the search, we have to kill a group of people in the prison." Chen Yefeng interrupted.

"Have you all found the gun? I just sprayed!" Wang Genji said very bitterly.

"I'm fine, I have a submachine gun!" Chen Yefeng finished speaking, and then asked in his voice: "Where are you two?"

"I am a rifle!" Song Haoran said.

"I am also a rifle, in addition to a second-level body armor!!!" Yu Li also briefly reported on his weapon situation.

"This is really poor, Afeng, do you think our equipment can be compared with the team in other prisons?

With this **** equipment in the past, don't we become experience babies giving others points?

Although I also know that with our technology, it is pure luck to be able to enter the domestic competition.

However, technical operations are inferior to others, but we can't be killed by others so easily!

As the saying goes, donkey **** is still feverish!

Although we are good people, but if you are more careful, you should be in the top ten! "Wang Genji chattered like an old mother with early menopause.

"A Feng, if we need to find a car to go to the jungle, this equipment is really a bit too poor!" Song Haoran also felt that this equipment was a bit wrong to go head-to-head with the prison team.

Only two of the four have helmets, just like a deserter who was defeated on the battlefield. If this is head-to-head with others, wouldn't it be possible that there will be a dead end?

"There are still a few wooden houses over there. Let's search for it. At any rate, I have to find a helmet. Even if it is green, I will recognize it!" Yu Li said.

"With me, don't be afraid." Chen Yefeng smiled and said confidently: "A gun is the best weapon. As long as the gun is in hand, there is nothing terrible!

Besides, those wooden houses don’t necessarily have any good things. On the other hand, if you wait for you to finish searching the wooden houses, and we didn’t intercept the prisoners, then it would be a loss that would not pay off! "

"I'm here, don't be afraid!" Chen Yefeng finished speaking, holding the submachine gun and walking ahead first, with a sense of sight of a strong man who was gone.

As the souls of the team, since Chen Yefeng has made a decision, the three of Yu Li, Wang Genji and Song Haoran can naturally only follow and hug this thigh tightly!

After all, thanks to Chen Yefeng to be able to participate in the domestic competition, the three of them naturally hugged tightly!


And in the commentary.

When Qing Lengyue directly replaced Alin from the QM team with a few shots.

Xi Ling also smiled and looked at the commentator Artest.

"I think the people on the QM team must have never thought that they would be given poisonous milk!"

"How can I be blamed, he is obviously too careless!" Artest expressed his very desire.

After all, he was also very uncomfortable, okay, just after vowing to say that, he was beaten in the face!

"Oh? Really?" With a slight smile, Xi Ling continued to gloat and said: "Just now I remember someone saying that knocking down is not a kill. As a result, in the next second, the QM team members will become boxes, you Dare to say you are not poisonous milk???

What to ask, did you forget to brush your teeth when you went out this morning? "

"I... can this be blamed on me?" Artai looked unlovable. When did he have this poisonous milk physique?

"Okay, let's look at the map. At this time, the safe zone has appeared!"

Xi Ling looked at the ob picture on the big screen and said: "The edge of the current security zone covers a part of R City, and the other side is the entire airport!

This safe zone is a bit interesting! "

Just when I was ready to explain in detail, the big screen turned and I came directly to Y City!

"The camera is in Y City! There was a firefight here! It's the Sky Blue team. They met with YM in Y City!" Xi Ling explained quickly.

"I have to mention that the team Sky Blue played today is not the Azure Cloud God, but a newcomer. It is said that they just joined the Sky Blue team not long ago. I didn't expect to see him on the field today and gave him a starting position, presumably this There must be something extraordinary about people!"

The director gave Aliang a shot at this time.

The shy big boy with a slightly dark complexion, at this moment, looked more serious than ever!

In the OB picture, from the perspective of God, you can see that Aliang is in a particularly dangerous situation at this time. He is stuck on the second floor of a house alone, and downstairs, three people are staring at him!

"It's over, the newcomer of the Sky Blue team has been double-teamed by YM's three people, but it seems that YM's people are not sure how many people are upstairs, and there is no immediate time to rush!

However, I believe that once they notice that there is only one person upstairs, the newcomer may be in danger! "Artest explained.

"Relax, since this newcomer can replace Qingyun Great God as the starter of the Sky Blue team, there must be his reason. If it is really easily solved, the Sky Blue Club will definitely not give him a chance to start." Xi Ling analyzed from the side.

On the other side, there is the Sky Blue team!

With earphones, Aliang looked dignified to everyone. Through the sound of footsteps coming from the earphones, he could clearly hear the footsteps coming downstairs.

"One...two...three." While he whispered, he also said to his teammates: "I have three people downstairs.

I'm not sure about the location of the other person. He is very likely to be lying in ambush nearby. You must be careful when you support him. "

After speaking, Aliang smiled slightly.

Although he faced a lot of people, he didn't panic at all!

He has confidence in himself, and he also knows that his idol has also participated in this domestic competition.

If even these three people can't handle it easily, then why should I challenge Brother Feng?

Now, someone has completed the first kill of this game, so this second kill is done by yourself!

Although Aliang had confidence in himself, he did not forget what Chen Yefeng said to him.

Self-confidence is a good thing, but not blindly self-confidence!

Therefore, when facing three people, he did not choose to take the initiative, but chose to be patient.

In fact, sometimes, proper withdrawal does not mean that one is afraid, but to appear in front of the enemy with a stronger posture!

After thinking about it for a little while, Al-Liang walked to the window on the second floor, put away the gun and gently shook his fist, just like that.


After the punch, the broken glass fell on the floor with the sound of breaking.

This voice immediately attracted the attention of the three members of the YM team downstairs!

"Does this guy want to jump out of the window and escape? Come and watch someone by the side, and don't let him run away, and then the two of us guard the stairs. We can't let this lost lamb go!"

After the words were finished, one of the YM people immediately walked out of the room, and after a little look, he said: "I didn't see any figures or heard the sound of running away. I guess the person upstairs is trying to cheat. we!

Damn, do you think we are so easy to be fooled? "

"Damn it, if it wasn't for the number of people above, I would have rushed to kill him!"

When the voice in YM's voice fell, the person who lurked and responded not far away. It was also discovered that the other three people from the Sky Blue team came to support A Liang!

"Three people have touched it. It looks like they should be his teammates. Be careful!"

In the game, in order to reduce the initial casualties, the teams acted together almost at the beginning.

and so.

These three people are obviously teammates of the person who was surrounded by his group on the second floor!

YM's captain thought for a moment, and immediately ordered: "You shoot to attract the three people first, don't let them come to support easily, we take advantage of this time, directly go up and kill him!"

The teams that can participate in the domestic competitions are very strong in execution.

Almost when the YM team captain's voice just fell off, the people who responded and ambushed nearby did not hesitate.

When the three members of the Sky Blue team passed by, they shot directly and gave them the illusion of being surrounded!

"Da da da da da da..."

A series of gunfire resounded above Y City!

The three people who asked the Sky Blue team to come to support A Liang also had to be careful.

"Damn, someone from behind, maybe someone from another team touched it!"

"Aliang, be careful yourself, we may not be able to support you!"

The game naturally focuses on the overall situation. If the rescue of Aliang causes the destruction of three people, the deal is obviously very uneconomical.

After all, this is Y city with complex terrain!

Y City is a larger town resource point than P City, and the buildings are also more complex.

And the most troublesome thing about such a large town is that you never know where someone will give you a violent shot from behind when you are passing by!

Let you taste the pain of being stolen! ! !

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