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Chapter 225: Is this what my elder brother can do?

"What are we going to do now?" Wu Chen saw that the situation would not be able to open up for a while, so he was thinking of a way.

"Anyway, we have picked up two heads for nothing, and we are not at a loss anyway." A Liang said.

"It makes sense. If that's the case, don't follow them and leave!"


In the commentary.

Artest couldn't help sighing.

"Team Sky Blue made Team YM pay a heavy price for what they did just now!

You know, this is the first lap, YM has sacrificed two people. When the circle gets smaller and smaller, the disadvantage of the number will make YM more constrained! "

"Now that the first safety zone of the game has not yet shrunk, six people have already been killed, and the QM team has become the first team to be eliminated by the full set of the game!

It can be seen that the change in the head points system has caused a slight change in the rhythm of the game. "


"Afeng, our equipment is really bad! Don't ask for a second-level suit, at least give me a first-level one!" At the Magic City Academy, Wang Genji looked at his tattered equipment and couldn't bear it. Live complaining.

"Look at my goddess, who led the team to destroy a team, I decided that she will not marry in this life!"

"Shut up!" Chen Yefeng whispered back.

However, there is still emotion in my heart.

Even after so many years, she is as dazzling as before!

"Everyone, have you finished searching? I'm ready to collect the express after searching!"

In this way, when Lan Yuqing Lengyue wiped out the first team, A Liang showed off his talents for the first time, and Su Liyang's European emperor possessed an airdrop and hit his face.

Chen Yefeng took his three Teletubbies and touched them towards the prison.

They noticed when they parachuted just now, there is only one team in the prison.

In order to prevent the prison team from moving directly after the search, Chen Yefeng and the others only searched the nursing home, and rushed to the prison, preparing to ambush the other party, because their equipment is really too poor.

Look at it at a glance.

Except for Chen Yefeng with a second-level head, Yu Li and Song Haoran are both gray first-level heads.

As for Wang Genji, he didn't have a helmet at all.

"Xiaoji, didn't I just tell you that there is a first-level head in the garage where the door is opened on the second floor."

"But it's green!" Wang Genji said with a black face.

"You don't have a girlfriend, what are you afraid of being green!"

"Okay, stop arguing. The prison team counts time and should be ready to come out. We just ambush them here and let the equipment they searched hard to become our wedding clothes!"

After speaking, Chen Yefeng took four people and hid quietly behind the **** next to the prison.

Here, you can see the tallest building in the prison, and you can see people passing by from time to time.

"The search is really slow, give me this time, I have searched eight hundred times!" Wang Genji said with disdain.

"Hehe, the more carefully they search, the bigger the wedding gown we will have later." Chen Yefeng smiled slightly.

To put it bluntly, these people are all searching for equipment.


And in the big screen OB picture.

In the whole situation, except for the Clear Sky Team and the Sky Blue Team, which really got the heads, the other teams were all small troubles.

And most of the teams are the junglers of the jungle, the search equipment of the search equipment, as if ready for another point of victory in the finals.

Since no struggle happened.

Therefore, the OB picture on the big screen is also randomly switched between teams by the director.

And after the third beating of the screen, four people with miserable equipment, some without backpacks, and some without helmets, just appeared suddenly in the sight of everyone.


Look at it at a glance.

I saw four people lying on the ground where the weeds grew, and it seemed that they had been there for quite a while.

"This team is Magic Academy, the first place in the National College League this time!" Xi Ling stared at the big screen, slowly explaining.

"Although this team is known as the team with the least gold content in the domestic competition, according to what I know, in this team, there is a former world runner-up professional player, and it seems that he is also with the Thunder team's Su Liyang The players made certain agreements before the game!"

At this time, Artest next to him also answered, "So what, if I remember correctly, it seems that the place where they first landed should be north of the prison, and this place is called a nursing home by many people!"

"In fact, to be honest, I've played games in the nursing home before. It's more than enough to feed one person, but two people are so-so.

But if there are four people, it might be a little difficult!

We can see that the equipment of the four people in the Magic City Academy is really bad at this time, and one of these people has an agreement with Team Thunder.

Look at the equipment of Team Thunder, and then look at the equipment of the Magic Academy. If you encounter this at this time, the Magic Academy will die very miserably! "

"Looking at the overall situation, the Thunder team led by player Su Liyang can be said to be the fattest team, and it won the first airdrop without any surprises. In terms of equipment, the Thunder team has an absolute advantage and leads. There is more than one other team."

"Let's take a look at the team of the Magic City Academy again, look at their appearance, it seems that they are going to ambush the GM team who is in prison?"


"What the hell? Is this what my elder brother can do?"

"My eldest brother, who has thick eyebrows and big eyes, also likes this kind of old yin ratio play?"

"Ahhhhhhhh, my uncle will not kill him when he landed, my youth is over!"

"How can this equipment fight our Ayang? In my opinion, I don't even have a chance to meet our Ayang!"

"That's right, isn't it a world runner-up, and it's still many years ago, is it possible to say that it will not succeed for a lifetime?"


In the official live broadcast room, fans on both sides became a group.

In the commentary, Artest also continued to explain.

"Let's take another look at what the GM team is doing now.

Looking at their actions, it seems that they don't know that they have been targeted, and they are still searching for equipment carefully!

I hope they can react quickly when they are attacked, or else they will all do other people's wedding dresses. "

Staring at the tattered equipment on Chen Yefeng and the four of them, Xi Ling also smiled and said, "I guess...Madu Academy should have been prepared for this a long time ago. The nursing home is obviously one place to feed four people. An impossible thing.

Even the things we all know, the people in the Magic City Academy will definitely know, so my goal from the beginning was to find a place with few people and want to kill a team ahead of time! "

"If that's the case, then they are a bit too bad." Artest shook his head and sighed.


And offstage.

When the commentator said that these four people were members of her own college, Ying Yingying and Chen Yuan's eyes suddenly lit up.

Especially Chen Yuan, grabbing Chen Shiyi's hand excitedly, and introducing her: "Sister, look at him, that's my brother."

"Sister sees it." Chen Shiyi showed a helpless and petting smile, stretched out her hand, and looked gently to help Chen Yuan sort out some messy bangs.

"But then again, what are they doing here?" Ying Yingying next to her was also particularly curious, "I'm going...their equipment is a bit too bad, right.

There are still people who don't even have a helmet, and Haoran doesn't even have a first class!

This is what they dare to block the prisoners, their equipment is much better than them, and one of them has a high-power lens +98K! "

"So what, my brother is very powerful, my brother can kill the four of GM by himself." As his cousin's number one fan girl, Chen Yuan has already refuted without hesitation.

"I don't believe it anyway!"

"If you don't believe it or not, my brother will definitely do it anyway!"


"Come out, come out! The people of the GM team have already searched almost, it seems that they should be out soon!" Xi Ling watched the movement of the GM team in the prison, and the tone was as if he was on the scene. I got up, "Poor GM team, it seems that they didn't know that someone was ambushing them outside. It's over. It seems that this wave of GM team is really going to be in vain!"

"But... wait a minute! What is this?" Xi Ling looked at the red area on the map, "This is a bombing zone! Will there be any miracles?"

In the OB screen of the big screen.

I saw that the red circular area enveloped a point of the prison and a large mountain area outside.

This means that after a while, there will be an indiscriminate plane bombing here!

And the most worrying thing is that the red area just shrouded the location of the four people in the Magic City Academy.

Moreover, the four-person position is in the very center of the bombing zone!

The bombing area was again called Skyfire or Heavenly Scourge. Of course, many people also jokingly called him Heavenly Justice.

Although according to statistics, the number of times each player was blown to the ground by skyfire is countless, but...the saying goes well, not afraid of ten thousand, just in case!

If you win the prize, you can cry without crying.

Looking at the blood red on the map, there is Magic Capital Academy.

Chen Yefeng has been paying attention to the team of people in the prison. Looking at the four people coming down from the prison building, they quickly said in their voice: "Haoran and Ali, you two go over there!"

After marking the place, Chen Yefeng continued, "Basically, you follow me. Let's go there. When the time comes, we will fight at both ends. You can't let the courier run away so easily!"

"Uh, Afeng, we seem to be in the middle of the bombing zone now!

Do you want to hide? "Song Haoran looked at the crimson in the lower right corner, and she was a little bit guilty.

"We don't have any bunkers at this point. Let's not be a sullen person, instead we will be blown into boxes by the sky fire."

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