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Chapter 227: Catch the wind and catch the shadow

Just as the two were about to argue, in the OB screen on the big screen, four prompts instantly floated up again.


Looking at the four GMs who were knocked down by the skyfire, Ying Yingying and Chen Yuan both laughed happily after looking at each other.

This is really God's help!

And in the commentary, after Wang Genji was bombed to the ground by the bombing zone.

Artest's face was already full of embarrassment.

Is this a situation of swelling, is it really...poisonous milk?

"Hahaha..." The shirt of Xi Ling laughed beside him was shaking constantly, which also feasted many viewers' eyes.


"There is a saying, serious people watch the game, I am not interested in what the ball does not play!"

"I'm not a serious person, are you?"

"Neither am I, so I don't watch the game!"

"Why are you still stunned? Hurry up and open your eyes!"


"If we let this hapless player know that Artest had just milked him privately, it would definitely be very depressed!"

"Well, now the Magic City Academy has been knocked down by one person because of the sky fire. With one person missing, I don't think they will rashly launch an offensive action against the GM team.

Thanks to our Artest commentary! It's not him, GM is gone! "

"How can this be blamed on me?" Of course Artest refused to admit his physique of poisoned milk. "You have to know that even professional players can't feel the rules of the bombing zone. I just have bad luck. I just met."

"But, didn't you just say that no one will be blown down by the bombing zone?" Xi Ling asked rhetorically.

"Even so, it can only show that this was an accident. Moreover, what I just said clearly is that the teams eliminated from the bombing zone in previous games have never appeared!" Artest is still there. Trying to quibble.

It's just that, with his voice falling behind...

On the big screen, there are four knocked-down prompts again!

"Let us congratulate the GM team!!!

They received special care from the bombing zone and became the first team in history to be eliminated under the fire.

At the same time, they finished the first game of today with the 24th place.

Of course.

The good thing is that they can now go to the eliminated players rest area to watch the rest of the game, and there are delicious snacks waiting for them. The snacks are..."

Xi Ling watched all this happened on the big screen, while explaining skillfully, he also advertised in accordance with the official requirements.

After all, they also need to eat.


On the big screen, because there has not been a fight for a long time, the OB screen is constantly switching between the teams, occasionally the first perspective, occasionally the third perspective, and maybe it will switch to a **** perspective, so you can Take the overall picture.

Looking at the overall situation, some teams have already found a good spot in the second safety zone, and while waiting for the next circle to refresh, they are also standing by and waiting for someone to give away their heads!

of course.

Some teams are still in the poisonous fog. After all, the first poison is not very painful, so it doesn't matter if you fight for a while.

After all, the teams in the safe zone account for the vast majority, so the teams in the drug circle have the highest safety factor.

Of course, the premise is that you have enough medicine, otherwise everything is useless.

"My luck is absolutely incredible. I saw a third-level A as soon as I came in!"

There is a bomb shelter.

Wang Genji entered the ground, looked at the third-level A not far away, and suddenly smiled.

Of course, Chen Yefeng would not easily let go of this first-class first class. He thought about it slightly in his heart, and then said solemnly: "The point, I have an immature suggestion."

"What advice, but it doesn't hurt to say it!!" Song Haoran said casually.

"You have to know, after all, we have not undergone systematic training, so our team may not be as good as other teams in terms of overall strength.

But... Fortunately, there is still a killer like me in the team.

Because of me, everyone stood here today.

Of course, I am not saying that it is impossible without you. After all, my own strength is also limited.

Isn't there an old saying that is well said, the power is only when there are many people.

Of course.

As the old saying goes, the number of people is not necessarily useful, and sometimes people do not lie in the number, but in the quality.

and so.

In order to narrow the gap between other teams and our team, I think we should gather the equipment of the whole team and strive to build a person with the best equipment, so that he can stand up at the critical moment and resist the flag! "

Seeing Chen Yefeng who said a lot and said a lot of things, Wang Genji said with contempt: "I understand!"

"Ahem, since that's the case, I'm not welcome." Chen Yefeng coughed dryly. The reason why he said so much was because of this third-level A!

"After all that, you just want to pretend to be forced!"

Wang Genji's sudden sentence made Chen Yefeng speechless, "..."

Could it be that.

No one is more handsome than yourself in this world, isn't there even someone smarter than yourself?

Having said so much, you actually called me to pretend?

Does it take a long time to pretend to be forced?

Besides, he all pointed out that he wanted to build the strongest person from the team's equipment, but in the head of this guy, he actually understood that he wanted to pretend?


The truth is so lost, Chen Yefeng also had to do it, indeed there is an element of pretending to be in it...

but! ! !

This is not the point.

"Are you a tiger? Ah Feng wants you to be the third-level A." Song Haoran couldn't stand it anymore, and told Wang Genji of Chen Yefeng's thoughts. Of course, he didn't forget to add, "Pretending to be natural is sure to be too. Yes, but the main purpose is Level 3 A!"

"Damn, how are you polite to me? It's only Grade 3 A!" Wang Genji's voice showed a strong disdain.

It's just that, despite saying so, the action is very honest!

"If you want Level 3 A, no way!"

"What the hell??" Chen Yefeng thought that his ear had misheard, and asked again, "You have the ability to say it again!"

"I said, no!" Wang Genji said.

"You say it twice..."

"No, no!"

"You say it three times?"


"Afeng, it's not that I said you. I have my reason to wear Level 3 armor. Think about it, you, as the only sniper in the team, naturally can't rush ahead.

Since you can't be ahead, you must let me come.

Since I'm the front row, you know the front row, it's the kind of hero who eats damage in the moba game.

You talk.

In the event that the final round is a street fight, we must act as a shield in front!

Tell me about it, what level 3 armor do you want as a sniper hiding behind?

Waiting for a while, if we can pick up the airdrop, I will give you the third-level head inside without hesitation!

After all, letting you carry a third-level head is sometimes equivalent to one more life! "

When Chen Yefeng heard it, his face was dark.

If you don't give it, you won't give it. As for talking about so many things, Chen Yefeng doesn't really want it.

Level 3 A, as Wang Genji said, did not help him very much, but it was better than nothing, so Chen Yefeng twitched and said directly.

"Next time you don't have to have so many BBs, just say that you don't give it to death, or you waste time."

Although he didn't have to reach Level 3 A, Chen Yefeng didn't care.

For him, equipment is only part of strength, and the most important part of strength must be himself.

Others may have high demand for equipment, but for him, there is a little, but not great.

While the four people were searching the air-raid shelter, Chen Yefeng also replaced a second-class armor.


The sound of a vehicle driving above came into their ears from far and near.

"Someone is coming!" Hearing that, Wang Genji immediately stopped the search, and ran to an entrance of the air raid shelter with his gun, stuck in a blind spot, and got ready.

In this place, the people above can't see it, and as long as someone gets down, he will shoot immediately to let them know why the flowers are so red.

"The car has stopped!"

The sound of the vehicle stopped abruptly, and Wang Genji and the others became nervous.

After all, this is a domestic competition, and they are on the stage for the first time. It is fake to say that they are not nervous.

A few people stared at the front and back, for fear that this team would sneak in from the other entrances of the air-raid shelter.

At the same time.

Outside the bomb shelter.

After the four members of the Qingtian team came out of Port L, they rushed directly to the prison, but only after arriving did they find that the place had been searched.

Seeing a person going to the empty building, after they discussed it, they drove to the air-raid shelter.

When the vehicle drove out of the prison and went up the slope, Qing Ruyu also discovered a very interesting thing.

The four boxes are neat and tidy, giving people a neat and tidy feeling that a family is about to die.

"You just saw that the four boxes are not. They are arranged so neatly. I feel that they are the most "lucky" team today, the GM team."

Team GM is the team eliminated by Skyfire, so naturally it is easy to remember.

Think about it.

You searched for the equipment, and suddenly four prompts popped out in the upper right corner.

"I saw it, but why doesn't Yueyue stop licking a wave, maybe there are good things, but it may not be." Zhao Menglu's tone was a little bit resentful.

What a temptation these four boxes are, this prodigal lady actually drove directly through the box!

"Do you want to lick other people's leftovers?" Qing Lengyue said aloud.

"How do you know?" Zhao Menglu asked.

"Because I just glanced at it and saw a box of bullets on the ground.

You have to know that this phenomenon generally only represents one situation!

That is, if no one moves these four boxes, it is impossible for this box to appear on the ground. "

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