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Chapter 231: This airdrop is bound to win!

"Just go and see."

Seeing Chen Yefeng and Song Haoran's analysis, Yu Li said so directly.

"You mean we're going to grab the airdrop?" Wang Genji looked at the equipment of his group with a tangled expression.

Although it inherited the legacy of the GM team and searched the air-raid shelter, it was compared to other teams.

Their equipment is still very poor!

of course.

It seems that although the equipment is very shabby, it is far from the fat and oily situation in normal days.

But in fact, it is much better than when I first came out of the nursing home.


"Okay, everyone in the live broadcast room and the audience, we can see that the second airdrop of this game has come. I don't know what good things can be in it.

You know, the first airdrop was a full-point airdrop, and there was AWM's first sniper rifle, and it was taken by the player Su Liyang. I believe it will definitely shine in his hands! "

In the commentary.

When the second airdrop landed slowly, Xi Ling took a look and continued: "A three-level suit, a big pineapple plus a medical box and some matching bullets."

"Compared with the first airdrop, this second airdrop can only play fifty points here." Artest interjected next to him.

Although the big pineapple has a super high magazine capacity of 100 rounds, in fact, there are still relatively few people who like to use it.

Instead of giving a big pineapple, it would be better to have another AWM.

The big pineapple gun is more suitable for sweeping cars and suppressing firepower.

Imagine the firepower of a hundred bullets. As long as you press the mouse, it must be the firepower of an army.

"Yes, compared to the first airdrop, the second airdrop is indeed a bit different." Xi Ling nodded, and she also agreed with Artest.

"But don’t forget, we are now in the perspective of God, so you can know something in advance, but... other teams are not as convenient as us. Although the airdrop is dangerous, it is the only source of obtaining the third level head. I believe there should still be teams who choose to give it a go."

"From the ob screen, we can see that after the two teams of Magic City Academy and the Tiantian team did not have any friction, they found a car, and it seemed that they should be chasing in the direction of the airdrop.

And this airdrop will probably fall at the entrance of M City. From the perspective of God, we can see that this M City has a team staying there from beginning to end.

This is the Tianjian team, the champion of the cyber cafe, and it is also a very powerful team.

I remember that Team Sky Sword's style of play is almost the same as Team Thunder. It is also looking for a car on the ground and staying away from the route.

However, they chose City M, and after searching for City M, the Heavenly Sword team has been lying in ambush here at the bridge head. It seems that they want to wait for the next safe zone to refresh before making a decision. The time will pass. Whether a bridge or a bridge is blocked is up to them. "

"However, we see that the hidden position of the Sky Sword Team can perfectly capture the airdrop position. It seems that they can come to a wave of fishing law enforcement!"

Before Xi Ling analyzed his live audience in the live broadcast room, the four members of the Tianjian team had been hiding at the head of the iron bridge in M ​​City, where there was a two-story building, and the four were on the top of the building.

Ning Fei and the four of them lay on the concrete floor on the roof, letting the sun on Survival Island expose themselves.

This location can clearly see the surrounding conditions, of course, this location can also perfectly capture the view of the place at the three-way intersection of M City.

"I said Xiao Ningzi, when we are going to stay here until the second lap has already begun to shrink, the bridge is blocked or what? I feel that if the bridge is blocked, we should move to that bridge in advance. How does the circle approach that direction!" Wan Ming said with a serious analysis.

"What's the hurry? Go to the box.

The guy Afeng told me that we should be as nasty as possible so that we can rank higher. "

Although Ning Fei said that, in fact, he still felt a little uncomfortable.

After all, this fellow is a violent temper!

Playing games is just like my own temper, I like wild play.

and so.

Now that he is abruptly letting him down, it is normal to not adapt.


Thinking of all the hard work and hardships he and his team had put into this national competition before, Ning Fei could bear it!

Everything is focused on the overall situation!

Even if I like that wild style of play, even if I am a little agitated because I can't adapt to this style of play now, I have to calm down for the team, for my own dedication and hard work.

Everything is to allow yourself to go further along this road!

In order to make myself suffer, all the hard work was not wasted!

"Stay steady, don't be in a hurry. Although we may not be able to get the first place, we have to get the top five for whatever we say. Brother Yao has helped us so much, and we have worked hard for so long. I can't be sorry for my hard work, and let Brother Yao feel cold!"

"Yeah!" Zhao Kai nodded, "That's right, we can't apologize for such a long time of hard work and dedication, let alone the expectation of Brother Yao for us!"



The roar of the plane flying in the sky suddenly sounded, interrupting Ning Fei and their conversation.

"An airdrop is coming!" Ning Fei muttered.

of course.

He just murmured something like that, for the sake of competition and performance, he naturally wouldn't rush to **** it.

If this were left in the past, Ning Fei would have waved a big hand long ago and took a few people to grab the airdrop.

Of course.

The airdrop is secondary, the main thing is to want to fight with others!

Ning Fei has always been holding on to a way to improve himself in non-stop battles and in dangerous situations that can make himself a step further.


Weekdays are weekdays. It doesn't matter if you lose, and it doesn't matter if you win.


Now it doesn't work.

Because this is a game! And it's a game of national interest!

As the top event of China PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, the national competition is naturally different from the regional Internet cafes.

Those who came here are all the first place in the national cyber cafe competitions, and they are the four strongest people left after countless battles.

Not to mention the recognized four big teams!

Everyone here is very strong, not as mixed as a regional Internet cafe game.

And at this time when the strength is almost the same, it depends on which team can be more calm and pay more attention to details!

After all, details can often determine success or failure!


"Don't worry about the airdrop, let's see how we will be done in the next circle, and then we will draw up the next battle plan." Ning Fei said aloud.

"Let me take a leap, look at it, it's an airdrop!" Zhao Kai looked at the boxy airdrop box under the parachute in the north, and he couldn't help swallowing.

"Is this the legendary airdrop... I smashed my face..." Wan Ming also saw it. "To be honest, I've been playing games for so long, this is the first time I have encountered such a good thing!"

When a few people were together, they chased airdrops every time, but now I don’t want airdrops, but the airdrops hit my face!

" seems to be." Ning Fei was also stunned.

The distance is neither far nor far, nor is it very close, and as the only source of the third-level head, this temptation is not small.

"Then you say, do we want..." Wang Wei hesitated.

There is no one in this neighborhood, only their team, after they landed and drove here, no one came back.

So, isn't this airdrop...

God's gift?


"Yes! We are bound to win this airdrop!"

There is Magic City Academy.

Chen Yefeng said in a very firm tone.

"Although our equipment is okay, it's still too bad, so I went to pick up an airdrop to play around. It's okay, right?"

Hearing that Wang Genji next to him, the corners of his mouth twitched.

Inevitable, pick an airdrop?

Shit? ? ?

Does anyone say it?

Why do you feel that what this guy said in his mouth is so frivolous.

This is a national competition, not a low-end game, where one person can kill at will!

not to mention.

Even the low-end games can't guarantee 100% of their airdrops, not to mention this is a national competition where masters gather.

Although most people choose to ignore the airdrops in the game, long as one team is watching, then it must be two-hundred percent of the spirit, otherwise it will fall into a dead end if you are not careful.

"I advise you to stop being so full at first, lest you get slapped in the face later, this is a national live broadcast!" Wang Genji reminded.

Chen Yefeng also smiled when he heard that, and said in a very confident tone: "Don't worry, let's not say whether there is anyone who can slap me in the face. Just relying on my strength, this airdrop will not be contested. Pass me!"

"Yes, you are handsome, everything is right!"

"I like your honesty!"


Chen Yefeng pressed the shlft with his finger, and the jeep immediately increased its horsepower and rushed towards the airdrop.

During the period, because Chen Yefeng didn't release the acceleration during the turn, the jeep turned over, but fortunately, his driving skills were so good that he turned over again abruptly.


During this time period.

Four members of the nuclear power plant named S.B team just destroyed the Shenma team in the steel plant.

The Shenma team became the third team that was completely eliminated from QM and GM.

"S.B team...this name..." Xi Ling looked at the series of operations on the big screen just now, although she wanted to compliment, but she didn't know how to speak.

It seems a little inappropriate to call someone SB, but if you don't call S.B, who knows which team he will talk about...

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