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Chapter 239: Chen Yefeng's plan

right now.

Regardless of whether it is the Magic Academy or the Thunder, both teams are full teams, and no team has a small number of players.

If you insist on saying that there is a flaw in it, it is that the equipment of the two sides may be so different.

However, it all depends on your own reasons.

In the official live broadcast room, fans on both sides naturally noticed.

"Finally, my elder brother will explode Su Liyang's head with a single shot!"

"Heh, I advise you to make a detour on this dark sky. If you are positive, you will only be killed by our family A Yang!"

"Don't quarrel, everyone, the World Championship is about to go. Isn't it beautiful that we are unanimous to the outside world?"

"The big guys are all descendants of Yanhuang, can you give me Yanhuang a face?"


And there is the auditorium.

Wang Yang also stared at the screen closely.

Although he declined Chen Yefeng's invitation, he was still more concerned about him. Maybe this was the so-called bad expression in the man's mouth?

at this time.

Wang Yang looked at Chen Yefeng who had been watching Chen Yefeng on the cliff for a long time, and he had already guessed a general idea in his heart. He, an old teammate, probably already knew that the team at Qiaotou was the Thunderbolt between the two sides. Team!

According to Wang Yang's understanding of Chen Yefeng, this kid will never let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, let alone avoid it, he will definitely choose to compete!

"Who do you think can win?" Ying Yingying suddenly moved up to write points.

"Although Heitian's strength can definitely crush Su Liyang, Haoran and the others are not good.

They have not been exposed to systematic training. Although they belong to the ranks of private masters, they are still not good compared with real professional players. "

After slightly muttering, Wang Yang immediately regretted it, because there were other people nearby!

Moreover, Heitian’s brain fan + cousin!


As soon as Wang Yang's voice fell, Chen Yuan's voice rang.

"Don't look down on my brother, who is my brother? My brother is the most powerful. Beating them is not a trivial matter? Don't say there are still four people. Even if only my brother is left, my brother will definitely be invincible! !!!"

Wang Yang: "..."

Although I feel helpless, I still feel a little envious in my heart.

Where did you buy such a sister?

Please give me a dozen! ! !

Faith is a good thing, but you can't worship blindly!

Although your brother is the world runner-up.


If this is a single game, then it will definitely be his personal performance time, but this is a team game, no matter how one person shows up, it will not be possible for Kerry to be full!

Haven't the old sayings been said, a good tiger can't stand a pack of wolves!

Hei Tian has his own personal strength, but Song Haoran, Wang Genji and Yuli three people?

The three of them can't do it. If they are ranked according to their strength, they are at most a passerby, at most a semi-professional player, or even less.

You should know that in addition to the daily rank, there are various training games for professional players. How can you as a passerby compete with regular players who train for so long every day?

The so-called, not afraid of opponents like gods, but teammates like pigs.

Opponents like gods can kill gods, teammates like pigs...

Is it possible to eliminate teammates?

Although Wang Yang also hoped that Chen Yefeng could move forward, he was still somewhat worried.

Although several people next to him firmly believed that Chen Yefeng could abuse Su Liyang, Wang Yang was somewhat worried.

Whether it's the right time, the right place, or the harmony of people, how do you look at it on the Thunder team!

In terms of time of day, Team Thunder happened to be stuck at a critical time when most teams were preparing to enter the airport island.

In terms of location, the side blocking the bridge is definitely needless to say, the location is definitely the best, and it is almost enough to hold a point ahead!

Regarding people and harmony, on the one hand, they have trained teammates who don’t know how many day and night, on the other hand, they’re a team of college students whose interests are greater than their main business.

This... it doesn't seem to be comparable at all.

Haven't I said everything, don't use your hobbies to challenge others' jobs!


Wang Genji's talents are limited and their studies are the main focus. How can they be compared with the professional team that depends on this for food like the Thunder!


"The Magic Capital Academy was still hesitating just now, hesitating whether to rush to the bridge directly, or to shift directions.

Taking advantage of this time, let's guess, if the Magic Academy chooses to cross the bridge and choose to be hard and positive, who will have a better chance of winning? "

At the same time, Xi Ling also began to guide Artest in the commentary, wanting to further test his ability to poison milk.

Artest glanced suspiciously at Xi Ling who was smiling, and after thinking about it slightly in his heart, did he express his opinion.

"Actually, if I look at it from my side, I think if the Magic Academy really chooses to be hard and positive, the winning rate will probably be less than 30%.

Although the black sky player did get the highest honor of China FPS in the world competition before.

But as some people say, this is just the past after all. You can't always be immersed in the honor of the past. You have to step out, break through yourself, and get to the next level!

Moreover, this honor is not a pinnacle honor. "

"For now, the Magic Academy, no matter what it is, he is not on the favorable side.

equipment? Naturally, they couldn't compare with the Thunder team that searched the entire airport.

In terms of operation, Heitian and Su Liyang may be the same, but think about it, what about the Thunder Team and the others in the Magic Academy?

The gap between them may be very large!

The only thing that is stable is that they have the same number of people, no one was killed, and they are all full teams! "

"Oh? Well, what you mean by these words, if you really go head-to-head, wouldn't the probability of Magic Academy winning be very low?" Xi Ling said.

Artest also shook his head solemnly when he heard that, and immediately continued: "No, it's just that the two teams fight, the Thunder team will have a higher winning rate."

"Is there a difference?"

"Of course!"

"Oh? Tell me????" Xi Ling asked with interest.

Artest showed a look that you don't want to do my tricks, "You are stupid, before the final result comes out, who dares to be sure which one is strong and which one is weak, and what if the Magic Academy temporarily moves the place? I don't want to be slapped again!"

Xi Ling: "..."

This guy has learned to be smart!

However, at any rate, also cooperate with yourself, don't be so straightforward!

What's the big deal of sacrificing yourself in order to understand the effect and the atmosphere of the scene!

"It seems that we can only look forward to the wonderful performance of the two teams if they meet each other," Xi Ling said.

"Yeah." Artest also nodded.

"Although from the surface analysis, the winning rate of the Magic City Academy is indeed not very high.


We need to know that people can create miracles.

Perhaps, we will witness the birth of a miracle with all the brothers and sisters on the scene, which is also possible. "

People can create miracles.

Regarding this sentence, Artest also nodded irresponsibly.

"Yes, the operations are all played by humans. Let's see what kind of surprises these two teams can bring us!!!"


At this time, whether it was the fans who kept scolding Chen Yefeng and Su Liyang in the official live broadcast room, or the audience at the scene.

All of them are also looking forward to this duel!

After all, Su Liyang clamored to step on the opponent before the game, so it is absolutely impossible for anyone to escape.

and so……

What Artai said just now is simply impossible if the Magic Capital Academy leaves here!

So if this is the case, what kind of wonderful fight will happen after they meet in the dark?


While everyone was thinking about this issue in their hearts, the four members of the Magic Capital Academy had already begun to prepare for this battle.

Now that he was prepared to never shrink from the front, Chen Yefeng would naturally not hesitate anymore.

Just a little Su Liyang, are you also worthy of the Asian sniper?

I didn’t put you in my eyes before, now it is the same!

and so.

Chen Yefeng began to express his thoughts.

"In fact, to be honest, if we choose to go straight ahead, it will definitely not work. The terrain and equipment gaps are all placed here. If we choose to rush, then it must be a dead end.

Su Liyang I don't take it seriously, but he does have some strength. It's always right to be careful. "

"Afeng, you said, what should we do? I will do whatever you ask me to do, and I won't say anything when I'm a meat shield!" Wang Genji said vowedly.

"Um..." Chen Yefeng glanced at Wang Genji slightly, always feeling that this guy was also hitting the idea of ​​his baby sister.

"Actually, I have already considered it from the beginning, and the three of you will stay at the bridge and wait for me later."

"What about you?" Song Haoran asked.

"Me? Of course I rushed over and walked around by myself."

Chen Feng said.

"Come over and go around? Afeng, you think people are newbies to fish ponds, and you are not invisible. How could the Thunder team let you rush through like this." Wang Gen basically thought Chen Yefeng had anything good. The way, I didn't expect to be so irony.

Yu Li also added: "In terms of stepping back 10,000 steps, even if you are invisible, but if you drive such a big car and want to rush on such a long bridge guarded by four people, maybe you will directly connect halfway. The car and the people were blown up together!"

"What invisible or invisible, messy!

You dare to underestimate me, don't worry.

As for me, naturally I have my own ideas. The three of you only need to be optimistic about the bridgehead and wait for me to go around.

At that time... they will feel better! ! ! "


Now that Chen Yefeng has made a decision, he naturally won’t be dragging his feet. There is no other team coming. If you don’t act quickly, if there are other teams coming, you have to weigh it carefully if you want to act again. Up.

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