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Chapter 241: Unless you can fly!

While Su Liyang was thinking this way in his heart, the eight-fold AWM lens in his hand also turned on instantly, but there was a slight pause for about two seconds.

The red dot in the eight-fold mirror has been locked on the head of the man on the motorcycle!

"Five points!" Su Liyang was very attracted to himself. After speaking, he gently clicked the left key of the mouse, and the person in the picture also gently pulled the trigger.


The sound of gunfire belonging to AWM echoed above the iron bridge at this moment!

And at such a short distance, whether it is an AWM or other sniper rifles, it can be said that they refer to where to shoot. There is no need to lift the muzzle, and there is no need to calculate the trajectory of the bullet.


Just after Su Liyang's confident shot was taken, he suddenly found that the people on the motorcycle were still struggling to rush towards him, not rolling off the motorcycle and kneeling to the ground as expected.

This scene made Su Liyang's eyes widened in surprise!

How can this be! ! !

Why is he still alive! ?

He should be shot headshot by himself, rolled off the car, then fell to the ground due to inertia, and finally became a box!


The picture in front of him is very obvious, this person has nothing to do, and he hasn't even seen the **** flower with this shot, it is completely empty!

In the official live broadcast room.

This scene immediately inspired Chen Yefeng's relatives.

"Asian sniper? This is it?"

"My eldest brother is really awkward, it's not worth what Su Liyang is!"

"In the future, I still don't want to call it an Asian sniper god, just call it a firecracker. Is this using AWM to give my elder brother a cannon?"

"Oh, you should be proud of it. It's normal for our family to miss Ayang when the motorcycle is so fast!"

"Yes, who hasn't made a mistake yet?"


The maintenance of the fans on both sides, the ridicule of ridicule.

At the commentary, Artest was also shocked!

"This...this is...hiding...hiding...hiding over?"

No wonder he was so surprised, after all, at such a close distance, and he was facing Su Liyang's AWM.

He actually avoided it?

How terrible is this person?

If it's someone else, it's fine, but he is facing the Asian sniper **** Su Liyang! ! !

Only a dozen meters away, and under the shooting of the strongest sniper rifle from AWM, the top sniper in China is using it!

However, this dark sky simply escaped?

Compared with Artest's surprise, Xi Ling's reaction seemed calmer.

After all, she was much older than Artest in the interpretation industry, and she had experienced more than Artest.

Having experienced the era of the Dragon Team, she naturally wouldn't think this was any fuss.


The former Dragon Team was a team full of legends!

And everyone in it is the kind that can create miracles!

"Oh my God, I must be dazzling!" Artest was still very excited, "I...I really...I can't believe it, he just avoided it so easily!

It's almost impossible to dodge a shot! This is almost a mortal shot, and he actually hid like this! ! ! "

Artest was so surprised that he stuttered a little while explaining.

Who is Su Liyang?

He can be said to be the top sniper in China and the representative player of PUBG snipers in China!

The first artifact like AWM to eat chicken is in his hand, it is almost the sickle in the hands of death, and he can harvest the enemy's life at will!

What's more, there was such a short distance between the two people just now. It stands to reason that this shot would blow Hei Tian's head directly!

However, the result of the fact is...

Su Liyang's shot is empty!

And the people on the motorcycle are still alive!

Not only Artai's commentary was surprised to stutter, but even Wang Yang in the audience was also sighed.

"It's you! Even after so many years, you are still dazzling like a sunrise!"

"Hmph, this is almost the same, this is like my own family, how can you look like you just now, you don't really care about yourself!!" Upon hearing Wang Yang's words, Ying Yingying patted his shoulder with satisfaction. The Duplicate Palace looked very relieved.

As for Chen Yuan next to him, if it weren't for the warning in Chen Shiyi's eyes next to him, the little girl's tail would almost rise to the sky.

"What am I talking about, who is my brother? That's my brother who wished. They only have a dead end when they meet my brother!

Don't be too shocked. Isn't this normal for my brother? "


Chen Yuan pinched his waist and raised his chest, showing a proud look.

It's because Chen Yefeng is not here, otherwise he must sigh secretly that his sister has grown up again!

Seeing Chen Yuan's obsessive look, Wang Yang couldn't help being silent.

He remembers that when he was a child, his parents had asked him to give him a sister, but he was young and ignorant at that time and he resolutely refused!

Look again now!

Oh shit!

Wang Yang suddenly felt like having a sister is really great!

Yes, he was a little envious of Chen Yefeng from the bottom of his heart.

Even if this guy has a sister who is so obedient and sensible, he still has a gentle and considerate sister.

On the other hand, I have nothing but a childhood sweetheart!

"How do I feel your eyes are a little weird?"

Ying Yingying next to her didn't know when she came up, staring at Wang Yang with a suspicious look.

"It's okay, eat your potato chips!"

Wang Yang glanced at Ying Yingying, took out a few from her hand holding the potato chips, and stuffed them into her mouth.


"I seemed to see him just now, and it seemed to shake..."

In the Thunder team, not only Su Liyang was also shocked, but his teammates were also particularly shocked.

Because at the moment when Su Liyang's AWM gunshot sounded, they saw the speeding motorcycle and swayed slightly.

To be precise, it was a swing in advance, and it was this awkward swing that made Su Liyang's deadly AWM Magnum successfully escaped.

"Damn, is this **** luck?"

"If you can't do it once, then twice!" Su Liyang's eyes were cold, and after speaking, the eightfold AWM in his hand shot again.

boom! ! !

A deadly shot was fired again, but...

This shot still didn't work!

Empty again!


This is really unbelievable. At such a close range, Hei Tian escaped the shooting twice in a row in front of the Asian sniper **** Su Liyang holding the AWM! "

At the commentary, Artest couldn't help but cried out excitedly.

If it's someone else, it's okay, this is Su Liyang, the face of the sniper player in the China Division!

"Ahhhhh, my brother is so amazing!!!" Chen Yuan kept waving excitedly. If it weren't for Chen Shiyi, she would have stood on a chair and yelled.

Ying Yingying was also very excited. She was eating potato chips and slapped Wang Yang's thigh. She also said vaguely: "I will ask for it, he must be generous!!!"

After speaking, she slapped Wang Yang again excitedly.

"You shit, can you shoot yourself!" Wang Yang twitched at the corner of his mouth, feeling like lying down with a gun inexplicably.

At the bridgehead, Song Haoran, Yu Li and Wang Genji were waiting for Chen Yefeng's next battle command.

The three of them were also taken aback after seeing this scene.

This is the strength of the former world runner-up?

Su Liyang fired two shots, but they were all empty?

And... still at such a close distance! ! !

My second Olympics, this is too showy!

In the official live broadcast room, Chen Yefeng's relatives became even more exalted.

"Is this the Asian **** of sniper Su Liyang? It's so funny~"

"At such a close distance, if we changed to our elder brother, I would have killed countless times!"

"Don't be an Asian sniper, quickly retire and find a class!"

"At this level, I grabbed rice and spread it on the keyboard. The old hen played better than him!"

"Who can't make a mistake? Our family Ayang is a human, not a god, and mistakes are not normal?"

Fans on both sides began to greet each other again, and Song Haoran also analyzed in a deep voice on the Magic Capital Academy.

"With two shots at such a close distance, it will definitely be a big blow to the opponent. I think Ah Feng should be able to rush through?"

"Maybe... But let's not think about being too beautiful, after all, it's Su Liyang!" Yu Li continued.

"Su Liyang took two shots, and he definitely couldn't hold back his face. In my opinion, they should have to take out their guns and sweep them!" Wang Genji said aloud.

as expected.

At the Thunder team, Su Liyang, who lost two shots in a row, suddenly lost his face.

Who is he?

Asian sniper!

Players play the card face of the sniper in the China Region of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds!

But... now?

At such a close distance, two shots in a row were all empty. What would fans think of him?

How would those black fans raise public opinion on the Internet to laugh at him! ?

So Su Liyang was not in Tuo Dao right away. Looking at the person who was getting closer, he directly took out another gun on his back, a fully equipped M416, and he was going to directly sweep this person down to wash it. The shame of myself just now!

"Da da da da da da..."

"Da da da da da da..."

A series of gunshots echoed over the iron bridge like firecrackers exploding during the New Year.

This scene.

It also made the three of Song Haoran at the other end nervous instantly.

"You crow mouth!" Yu Li vomited.

Wang Genji was also wronged, "How can you blame me? Isn't this scene the expected video..."

After all, using pull bolts to sniper and use rifles to shoot indiscriminately are two different things.

The bolt-on sniper rifle, one shot and one bullet, you can dodge this one, and how can you dodge the rifle with a series of bullets?

Unless you can fly! ! !

Even Artest in the commentary sighed when he saw this: "The Heitian player just evaded Su Liyang's two shots, which really shocked us."

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