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Chapter 243: Successfully break through!

"Oh Maiga!!!"

Artest exclaimed in surprise, "You may not believe it, I actually saw such a gorgeous operation in the game.

This is only in the highlights, no... this is an operation that you can't see in the highlights! "

Wonderful highlights, what is a highlight, choose from countless players who don’t know how long it took to have one or two eye-catching operations, and then edit them into a video.

Some people with this dazzling operation may never be able to type!

Not to mention this kind of operation that almost goes against the common sense of the game. Even if there is no one before, Artest feels nothing to exaggerate.

"This operation of the black sky player, I think I can sit firmly on the top of the official TOP10 this year.

Except for Su Liyang's two-kilometer sniper killing, there is currently no operation comparable to him! "

The audience was even more surprised to hear from ear to ear.

Watching the wonderful video by yourself and witnessing the wonderful operation on site are two different things!

Compared with the excited Artest, Xi Ling is still very calm.

She has experienced the era of Dragon Team, so she won't be too surprised!


Everyone in Dragon Team is a legend


"This guy……"

Wang Yang was very shocked at this time, and he didn't even know what to say.

He knew how difficult the situation just now was.

It is very rare to hit someone, let alone knock down someone directly!

This is simply a confusing operation!

You know, this guy is just like himself, since the team was disbanded, it has been a long time since he has been systematically trained.

Moreover, this is a brand new game, not the original "Tang King", but he can still do this kind of operation!

This almost unrepeatable operation!

Yes, in Wang Yang's eyes, although Su Liyang's shot beyond the distance was amazing, it was not impossible to copy!

But... Chen Yefeng's shot wanted to be copied, it was much more difficult than Su Liyang's shot, and it was almost impossible to copy!

China’s most talented player, no accident, no one can surpass!

For some reason, Wang Yang thought of the evaluation given to Chen Yefeng by the North American sniper Morrison at the time.

When Wang Yang was a little surprised, Chen Yuan spoke proudly next to him with a proud face.

"Let me just say, my brother is very good, now you see it!"

The little girl had little stars in her eyes at this time, and she almost stood up and shouted wildly.

At the other end of the bridge, Song Haoran, Yu Li, and Wang Genji were all stunned.

Originally thought this kid was going to be cold and died tragically in the air, but now he didn't expect to be knocked down by his backhand!

This is so special, is this still an operation that humans can type out?

"Damn, although I can shoot in the air, who can tell me how he aimed in the air?" Wang Genji was a little confused. When he fell in the air, he could shoot, but you would directly knock down a person. Isn't it too ridiculous?

"Follow him, anyway, this shot is very handsome. I really can't do it!" Song Haoran sighed, shaking his head.

"My eldest brother is really amazing!!!" Yu Li took the opportunity to take advantage of it, and Chen Yefeng's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

These three guys just wanted to wait for themselves to form a box and wait for the opposite side to divide up their equipment. What happened?

Now the face-changing is so fast, good fellow, this year's Spring Festival Gala does not have your face-changing show, I will not watch it!

The barrage in the official live broadcast room immediately exploded with Chen Yefeng's shot!

"I gave 82 points to Uncle for this wave of operations, and give Uncle 666 for the rest of the form!"

"Where are the brain-dead fans who mocked our elder brother just now, please ask if your family Su Liyang can make it?"

"What about the people who just said that they have hands? Stand up and let me see if you guys can do it!"

"Cut, isn't it just because of shit? I can do it too!"


As for Team Thunder, the four people who were shown by Chen Yefeng were all stunned.

Especially for the town that was knocked down, the boss with his open mouth was about to put a boiled egg in it.

What are you kidding about?

A Yang's two-kilometer sniper killing just now was shocking enough, and the result was. This man actually knocked himself down while performing his car skills.

Special! ! !

Are you playing the same game here?

"You save people first!" Su Liyang was already gloomy at this time.

Because the ID displayed in the previous kill has already let him know who the person who showed him is.

No wonder, when ordinary people know that there are people blocking the bridge, when there is still plenty of time, they will definitely not rush to the bridge.

At that time, it was still early, so you could choose to take a detour, or find a hidden spot to swim across the sea, and you could not take such a big risk.

I should have known this guy a long time ago, and only he can be so rampant, no, to be precise, only he can be so confident!

Go ahead to dangers!

Now that you have encountered it, it will definitely make you look good!

One thought ends here.

Su Liyang glanced at AWM in his hand, the corners of his mouth raised, revealing a cold and confident smile.


And the other side.

The tandem motorcycle rushed to the beach due to inertia. Although it was slightly submerged by the sea, it was still ridden.

After Chen Yefeng fired that shot, he also fell into the sea heavily, splashing huge waves.

Of course, Chen Yefeng knew that he had no resistance in the sea is undoubtedly a dead end, so the moment he fell into the sea, he said to dive quickly to prevent the people above from knocking him down!

Of course, Wang Genji and the others were not idle either, and began to open the bridge at the other end of the bridge to attract Su Liyang's attention and give Chen Yefeng a chance to escape.

Chen Yefeng naturally didn't need to worry about being under the bridge, unless the other party went to the sides to see him, otherwise he could only jump from above.

Of course, if you jump down, you will become a lamb to be slaughtered just like yourself.

And if he goes to the sides, Chen Yefeng believes that at this time, he can swim into the shallow sea and shoot with his gun!

"Should we go down and kill him?" asked the other two teammates when he was in the small town of Su Liyang.

"No, give him a chance to come up, I want to convince him to lose!"


In the commentary.

"This shot is indeed very amazing, it can be called a shot that cannot be copied, but the same also puts the black sky player himself in a very dangerous position!"

"Oh? The Thunder didn't pay attention to the player Heitian, and seemed to be worried that the remaining people in front of the Magic City Academy would take the opportunity to rush to the bridge?"


When explaining Artai's analysis, Chen Yefeng had already swam into the shallow sea.

Just in case, he directly took out a smoke bomb and threw it into the shallow sea, wrapping the motorcycle.

"It seems that Heitian should still want to leave here on a motorcycle!" Artest said.

Through the cover of smoke, Chen Yefeng finally touched the motorcycle and drove out of the smoke!

As soon as the smoke burst out, the Thunder team shot frantically at Chen Yefeng.

Da Da Da Da Da Da Da...

A series of gunfire sounded in the air on the iron bridge that had just been quiet!

On the other hand, Chen Yefeng rode a motorcycle, still in full force, immersed himself in accelerating, and rushed to the **** of almost eighty-five degrees ahead.

Whoosh! ! !

I saw that Chen Yefeng drove the motorcycle directly to the sky, followed by another wonderful 360 degree flip!

"Pretty, Heitian has once again demonstrated his driving skills!" Artest shouted excitedly.

On the other side of Chen Yefeng, after landing, he speeded up the throttle again and rushed directly toward the **** ahead!

"Damn, in front of so many of us, I want to escape and kill him!!!" The little town was helped to see Chen Yefeng who seemed to be trying to escape on a motorcycle, and immediately endured in the voice of the team. Can not help but scold.

"Don't chase the poor!"

"It's okay, only one ran away, and three more. They are dead!!!" Xiaocheng took a deep breath, and was also preparing to completely block Song Haoran and the others outside the bridge, without giving them a chance to escape!

However, Su Liyang didn't think so.

At this time, his face was even more solemn!

With his knowledge of Chen Yefeng, this person would definitely not leave his teammates to escape, and if he thinks about the agreement between the two people, he will not even run away alone.

In other words, the situation that was originally blocked has become a situation of being double-teamed by the opponent!

"This is really unbelievable. I thought it was a common sense of suicide for the Black Sky player, but I didn't expect that the Black Sky player constantly rushed out of the Thunder team's containment, and it was an almost unrepeatable performance for everyone. Speed ​​kills!

This is simply unbelievable, this is indeed the former world runner-up! "Artest couldn't stop admiring when he saw this scene.

Xi Ling next to him is also a serious analysis: "The current situation is very obvious. The Magic City Academy can allow Hei Tian players to harass from behind, instead of killing enemies, they can harass them to a certain extent to reduce the frontal confrontation. The firepower of the remaining three people in the Magic City Academy.

If you look at it this way, the Thunder has become a somewhat passive side! ! ! "

"It seems that the various grievances between the two people and the cruel words that have been said should have a result here!" Xi Ling said with some excitement.

"However, the Heitian player must also be careful. After all, he is the only one here, if the Thunder team chooses four strong faces.

In a short period of time, I am afraid that the other three people in the Magic City Academy will not be able to support them. At that time, he will be helpless. "Artest echoed the analysis beside him.

"Don't worry. At this time and in this kind of terrain, the Thunder won't choose a strong face." Xi Ling smiled, "If this situation is a face, in front of a top player like Hei Tian, It’s almost the same as dying!"

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