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Chapter 247: Relentless crush

The moment the two played against each other.

Su Liyang's blood volume suddenly dropped by as much as half.


This time Chen Yefeng had the absolute upper hand!

Seeing Su Liyang's blood volume seemingly precarious, the small town of the Thunder team also reminded him in a hurry.

"Ayang, hurry up and add blood!"

Su Liyang didn't speak, but the pressure in his heart was increasing.

There is no other reason, because he is known as the Asian sniper god, who used a 98K to kill a man in the Asian Invitational.

It is right to win, but if you lose, it is likely to fall into the abyss.

Although he is facing the former world runner-up, this is how e-sports is. If you lose, it is your fault. If you lose, you are ready to meet the storm of public opinion!

People in the official live broadcast room, after seeing this scene, the barrage went crazy.

"The car doesn't fire in Survival Island, the gun misses, little Su Liyang, it's ridiculous!"

"Uncle Qiang, you deserve to be my brother Xiaoyuan!"

"Why are Su Liyang's stupid fans hiding now? Your idols are about to burp!"



Chen Yefeng's relatives can be said to be as arrogant as they are, because they already have the absolute upper hand!

On the other hand, Su Liyang's fans were a little scared before, and occasionally there were one or two bullet screens, and they were quickly brushed down.

"Hey, Ah Feng's marksmanship has my demeanor!!!" Ying Yingying, the eldest sister in the audience, ate the potato chips while vaguely selling herself.

"To tell you the truth, I feel like I can do it too!"

"Haha..." When Wang Yang heard it next to him, the corners of his mouth twitched.

"What's wrong? What do you mean by this haha? Am I wrong? Do you look down on me!" Ying Yingying immediately stared.


Wang Yang's face darkened even more.

"Indeed, I'm ashamed of your 98K. It's a shame that the team did not discover your future e-sports star, otherwise these people on the field will go home and get out of bed to hide and cry. !"

Ying Yingying was a little embarrassed by what Wang Yang said. The whole person laughed, and the barbell-like laughter spread all over the surrounding area. It also made Wang Yang look around quickly. I don’t know her. I told her. Unfamiliar appearance.

"You are a person who can accomplish great things, you deserve to be my future husband."

"Stop, I didn't say to marry you!"

The corners of Wang Yang's mouth twitched. Although there were still more sweet emotions in his heart, he just wanted to argue with Ying Yingying.

"You marry me, I have to think about it!" Ying Yingying gave Wang Yang a blank look, and said with a sensation: "I have decided. Once Gao Chao Wu Liang and their team are established, I will join their team and follow They compete in the World Championship together?"

Wang Yang: "..."

"Then what, ask weakly, you said that Gao Chao and Wu Liang landed three times in ten minutes, the two great gods who have the resources of heaven?"

"They're not a dish, it's just like me and Xiao Yuan, it's all powerful and not obvious." Ying Yingying corrected.

"Hehe...hehe..." Wang Yang curled his lips and said nothing more.

He turned his gaze to the OB perspective of the big screen in front, and continued to witness the duel between the two people.

And the other side.

After he was shot, Su Liyang also took a deep breath.

In fact, he felt in his heart that the shot he had just now was a dog head that could definitely blow Chen Yefeng.

Let him understand that a former loser is not qualified to return to the battlefield, let alone stand in front of him.


Who knows, after the trigger is pulled, after the gunfire...

Chen Yefeng had nothing to do, but instead he was shot in the head and his blood volume dropped by more than half.

When he opened the equipment bar, Su Liyang watched after his third-level head, which was full of durability, had fallen by half or even turned red.

His face is a little hard to look.

Thanks to the tertiary head, if it was a second-level head, wouldn't he have been knocked to the ground now?

Taking a deep breath, Su Liyang forced himself to calm down. He still has another chance, and he must seize this opportunity and then kill the opponent with one blow!

With the help of the third angle of sight, Su Liyang also stared closely at some movements of Chen Yefeng behind the soil **** ahead.

He could see the little figure that Chen Yefeng showed and kept moving, and the 98K gun in his hand was especially dazzling among the weeds on the soil slope.

Su Liyang looked very serious and stared seriously.

Because of this, he can determine where Chen Yefeng is showing up, and he can also increase the probability that he will kill him with a single shot.


It seemed that there was an invisible wind blowing across the road between the two, blowing up a little dust and bending the weeds on the ground.

at last!

Su Liyang saw that the gun in his eyes slowly...slowly exposed, and...more and more, and longer and longer.

Seeing this scene, Su Liyang knew that Chen Yefeng was about to show his head, and at this moment, in these short seconds.

Su Liyang's heart has also checked countless times.

This time!

He has absolute confidence that he can complete the one-hit kill operation!

Su Liyang's eyes didn't blink, for fear that he might miss important details because of his blinking!

He could see a smear of cement dust that appeared in his eyes along with the 98K muzzle. This was a second-stage head!

"It's now!!!"

at last.

Su Liyang must be sure that at this moment, when he turned his head sideways and pulled the trigger, the whole set of operations can be said to be fluent and smooth, without any muddle-headedness!


AWM shot out, resounding all around!


98K special sound, shaking the audience!

At the moment when Su Liyang shot this shot, before the corners of his mouth rose, he found that his remaining blood bars were instantly emptied!


At this moment, Su Liyang was stunned!

Because he didn't even see how Chen Yefeng moved his hand just now!

He only knew that 98K had just sounded in his ears, and immediately his blood volume disappeared.

How could there be such a fast gun?

This is Su Liyang's most doubtful thing at this time.

"Ayang..." Upon seeing this, Xiaocheng took out the smoke bomb, ready to throw it out to cover Su Liyang, and then went to help him.


Before Xiaocheng could act, he was stopped by Su Liyang.

"You don't need to help me, just fight hard!"

Su Liyang's voice was low and terrifying at this time, and his face was even more gloomy like a clouded sky.

"Why?" Xiaocheng looked dumbfounded.

"Because this is a duel between us, whoever loses loses, there is no chance of resurrection." Su Liyang said.

As a teammate, Xiaocheng already knows Su Liyang.

He was arrogant and self-confident, and his words were even more consistent, so when Su Liyang said that, Xiaocheng had to put away the smoke bomb and stopped his attempt to rescue him.

As for Su Liyang behind the boulder, his third-level head had long since hit the head with Chen Yefeng's second shot, its durability bottomed out, and it exploded completely, turned into fragments, and scattered on the ground.

At this time, the characters without the tertiary head restraints showed long hair and looked a little messy.

At this moment, he knelt on the ground, not seeing him.

The blood volume is gradually decreasing because of falling to the ground...

this moment!

Everyone is watching this scene!

Su Liyang actually... lost?

Known as the Asian sniper god, he, as the representative of China's sniper, actually... just lost?

Moreover, Su Liyang seems to have not even touched the corners of his teammates from beginning to end!

This is a complete defeat in the true sense!

With the advantage of equipment, he had two opportunities, but he lost so cleanly!



Just when everyone was a little bit astonished, some of them couldn't recover, another 98K gunshot suddenly sounded.

I see.

The OB angle of view of the big screen was quickly switched to Chen Yefeng at this time.

Because he was so arrogant at this time, the whole person stood upright on the slope.

Give people a kind of, he is now a god, just like the only one surviving on the battlefield, he is shooting his gun to celebrate his victory!

Shoot the gun in the air, and the victory or defeat is divided.

The meaning of this gun is actually very simple, but...there are very few people who know this kind of thing, and only a few people at the scene can understand the meaning.

this moment.

The barrage in the official live broadcast room was completely broken, and many people were scrolling.

"I can't believe that Great God Su Liyang actually lost... Isn't he an Asian sniper god, how could he lose to this person?"

"I don't know this person. I didn't expect to be so powerful and able to kill the Great God Su Liyang. After I decided, I will fan him!"

"No, this is not true. I don't believe it. How could the Asian sniper lose?"

"This is the Asian sniper god? But it's really funny!"

"Aren't those brain-dead fans quite capable of jumping just now, let me see one more now!"

"Oh, it's not necessarily a big kill at the World Championships, what's the use of the nest!"

"This man is our eldest brother. If you don't know him, hurry up and get acquainted. The anchor who likes to pretend and never drives.

On Douyu live broadcast, room number xxx, everyone remember to come and play with our uncle! "

Many fans started to advertise for Chen Yefeng, but as the barrage scrolled the screen, everything became one sentence.

"Brother uncle is awesome!!!"


Although there are too many people who can't believe what happened,...the truth is! ! !

Su Liyang, who was kneeling behind the boulder, had been knocked to the ground. He kept saying that he would step on Chen Yefeng under his feet, and he had always claimed that Chen Yefeng was a loser. At this time, he was like a mourning dog, embarrassed! ! !

This is a ruthless crush!

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