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Chapter 250: Merchants only value profit!

In other words, if you trample an ant to death, is it possible to deliberately check it out?

Yes, in Chen Yefeng's heart, Su Liyang is actually like an ant. The duel between two people is actually a contest without any suspense.

At least, in Chen Yefeng's heart, he really thought so, no matter when, no matter the state, Su Liyang definitely couldn't be his opponent.

Since it's not your opponent, what's the point of taunting?

It can be mocked, but not necessary!

Because Su Liyang is not worthy, or even worthy of letting Chen Yefeng use his full strength!

And this time,

Song Haoran also controlled the jeep and stopped in front of Chen Yefeng with a beautiful flick. This guy didn't pay attention to whether he had hit something. After getting off the car, he asked excitedly: "Afeng, What about Su Liyang? This may be my only chance to kill an Asian sniper solo, but I can't let it go so easily!"

Chen Feng glanced at the box on the ground, tugged at the corner of his mouth, and said, "Isn't that under your feet? You accidentally knocked him to death when you stopped."

"Damn! I said it seemed to have hit something just now!" Song Haoran said with a sad expression on his face, "It's a pity, the chance to kill the Asian sniper alone is gone."

Yu Li didn't speak while Song Haoran was upset, he ran to the box alone, and directly swapped AWM for himself.

Glancing at the remaining Magnum bullets, there are more than ten rounds left, and it should be enough without accident.

"Damn, this guy has too much medicine, he deserves to be a card player of the Thunder team, this treatment!!!" Yu Li said as he added ammunition.

But even so, Su Liyang still has a lot of things in his box. After all, he can be said to be the fattest person in the team that the Thunder team assembled the materials of the team.

His own things can really support Chen Yefeng, Song Haoran, Yu Li and Wang Genji.

On the other side, Su Liyang's face became even more gloomy.

It looks like a clouded sky, a bit gloomy and terrifying.

For one thing, he didn't even think that he would lose. You know, he has the advantage of equipment.

The third-level head gave him two shots, but as a result, he didn't even grasp it once!

Secondly, in his opinion, Chen Yefeng did not deliberately make up for himself when he came over, but kept standing next to him and watching him as a winner. This was Chi Guoguo mocking himself!

He didn't make up for himself, instead he let his teammate drive him to death.

This is not just a question of ridicule!

This is humiliating!

The ultimate humiliation to yourself!

Taking a deep breath, Su Liyang took off his headphones and got up from his seat.

According to the regulations, he can now go to the rest of the eliminated players to rest.

Although there are free snacks and drinks prepared there, he obviously does not have this appetite.


After Su Liyang stood up, he also walked directly towards the place where the eliminated players rest.

However, he met a man on the road.

A man in a suit and leather shoes, but could not hide the stench of copper on his body.

"Oh, you are too arrogant." The man looked at Su Liyang with a low expression and couldn't help shook his head.

Su Liyang also glanced at the man, and said very reproachfully: "I didn't know it would be like this."

The man is the head of the Thunder Club and the big boss behind the scenes.

"The club did not cultivate you to make you personally prestigious. I am a businessman, with interests above all else. In my eyes, your e-sports dreams are worthless, not shit.

If there is no benefit, I will consider replacing you. "

Su Liyang lowered his head and said nothing. All clubs will not spend money for you to eat and drink for you to train you. You need to bring them high enough benefits. This is also a well-known thing.

"You have to reflect on it, I hope that you will stop being arrogant in the future, remember, I can hold you up, and I can ruin you!"

After speaking, the man left, and he was very angry.

He is a businessman, he has no e-sports dreams, he only has interests in his eyes. As for Su Liyang's heart knot, he doesn't want to know, he just wants to see the interests!

After watching this person leave, Su Liyang greeted the staff and returned to the lounge of the Thunder Club.

The Thunder Club is worthy of being one of the fourth largest clubs in the country.

Although it is only a temporary lounge, the equipment inside is very complete, which was temporarily added by the Thunder Club.

After sitting on the sofa, Su Liyang sighed slightly, staring at the small LCD screen in the lounge, watching the game screen on it.


The game is still going on tense and exciting.

After Chen Yefeng killed Su Liyang, and then Su Liyang was knocked to death and eliminated, everyone in the big teams panicked a little.

After all, Su Liyang can be regarded as an iconic figure in the domestic PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds e-sports circle.

But he was actually eliminated like this!

Many teams were surprised.

Of course, some people are not so surprised.

"Yueyue, your old teammate seems to be very good, even Su Liyang is not his opponent."

Zhao Menglu stared at the knockdown prompt above and sighed.

"But, no matter how powerful it is, the old lady is still the woman he can't get in this life!"

"Can you shut up your big mouth?" Wang Tongyu said helplessly next to him.


"Be quiet." Qing Lengyue said lightly.


When Qing Ruyu saw this, she also laughed, "If you want me to tell Sister Monroe, I still have to play with my sister!"

"You don't understand this, I'm not afraid of your sister, I'm hurting my wife!"


As for the Sky Blue team, Wu Chen, who had nothing to do, also noticed.

"Aliang, you have to pay more attention to this person, we may meet later."

"Yeah." A Liang nodded, his eyes showing a strong sense of war!

Idols are used to surpass, and Aliang regards Chen Yefeng as his goal, and naturally wants to compete with him.

Since the last time he lost to Chen Yefeng, although Aliang looked nothing on the surface, he was actually very uncomfortable in his heart.

"In fact, I have always felt that Su Liyang's level is just like that, it's just that he was blown a little too hard, and now it seems like that.

Tsk tsk... Asian sniper god, this is it? "Wu Chen shook his head funny feeling.

"You don't understand." A Liang said softly.

"I don't understand? Why don't I understand?" Wu Chen was particularly puzzled.

"Because the person he faces is not something we can speculate at will!"

"That doesn't mean that Su Liyang is very good." Wu Chen curled his lips.

After all, the operation and marketing method of the Thunder Club is to cultivate and build e-sports stars, and use e-sports stars to complete their own money.

Just like a star and an actor, but an actor is not the same as a star. An actor has acting skills, which is like a star, except for his face.

Similarly, e-sports stars are not equal to professional players.

Of course, Su Liyang still has at least a trace of remarkable points, otherwise he will not be infinite in the Asian Invitational.

However, the real strong enemy is in North America!

"I think if Su Liyang can't get out of such a false campaign, it will be difficult for him to do anything in the future." Wu Chen continued.

After all, he had heard Lu Qingkong say that the name of Su Liyang, the Asian sniper god, is just a gimmick created by the Thunder Club to cultivate and build a bright gaming star.

Although his performance in the Asian Invitational is indeed remarkable and eye-catching, he is far from qualified to be called the Asian sniper.

Wu Chen is naturally convinced of what the captain Lu Qingkong said, because the captain is a person who has been on the world stage and has seen him blooming in the world, so his eyes will not be as short as a brain fan.

In terms of stepping back 10,000 steps, no matter how strong Su Liyang is, he is only limited to the domestic. If it is really in the world, it is estimated that he will belong to the kind of player who is not ranked.

Of course, this is also enough to see the marketing methods of the Thunder Club, and it has created a fan's mouth. The so-called Asian sniper is an invincible existence.


S.B team.

"Grandpa Lu and Su Liyang were all eliminated."

"Damn, my surname is Lu, but it has nothing to do with that man. Don't eat a grandfather. I don't want to be blocked." Captain Lu Xian rolled his eyes and said.

"By the way, what did you just say?"

"I said, Su Liyang was eliminated." The player repeated it again.

"Damn, the dignified Asian sniper **** was eliminated like this?" Lu Xian felt a little clouded. "Who eliminated him? Originally I wanted to kill Su Liyang and raise my reputation!"

"Looking at the hint, it should be the person from the Magic Capital Academy. It should be the person who had an accident with Su Liyang in the college league match!"

"Madu Academy, that must have been eliminated by the dark sky. Except for him, the rest of the team is not worth mentioning.

Of course, he was great, and he had to hate it on the spot when he encountered the Hextech gun in my hand. "

"Um, cough cough, captain's gun is not something ordinary people can play."

"Twenty-nine kills, isn't this just a hand?"


As the safety zone kept shrinking, more and more people had to engage in fierce firefights.

After going through the ordinary early stage, you have to survive the intense late stage!

"The safety zone is still shrinking, and more and more teams have been eliminated, but our veteran teams still rely on their rich experience in the competition to survive on the map.

Let us see which teams are still persevering now! ! ! "

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