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Chapter 253: Dangerous moment!

"Brother, why did you go out!"

As soon as he returned to the lounge, Chen Yefeng heard the bitter voice of his cousin Chen Yuan.

"Make a call."

"What phone calls have to carry my sister and me, is it love debt!"

Chen Yefeng heard that a black thread flowed down.

"God loves, am I that kind of person?"

"Although it is not, but my brother is so handsome, it is inevitable that there will be young ladies who are unruly. This is understandable, but...

brother! ! ! You must be reserved! "

At first Chen Yefeng was quite satisfied, but after listening to it, the taste changed!

"I think you owe you to clean up again!"

"Hey, my sister is here, she will protect me!" Chen Yuan ran directly behind Chen Shiyi.

"Well, you two brothers and sisters don't quarrel, this second game will start soon.

Afeng, you guys have a good rest and prepare for the second game. "Ying Yingying walked over and said.

"I ran into Qingyun just now on my way here." Wang Yang thought for a while before speaking.


Of course, Chen Yefeng just gave a very indifferent hmm, and then lost everything.

In this way, Wang Yang who saw this situation didn't know what to say, so he could only shut his mouth.

Although Qingyun and Heitian had the best relationship before, it was just before.


I am afraid that even familiar strangers are not even considered.


As time passed by, the second game soon began.

Twenty-five teams have entered the contestant stand.

In the first game, many teams played unsatisfactorily, such as the GM team that was directly destroyed by Skyfire, or the QM team that was completely annihilated by the sunny team.

Although many teams in the first game are quite different from other top-ranked teams, in fact, there is still the possibility of latecomers.

As long as the last two games played well, or the top ranked teams made mistakes, it is not impossible to catch up.

In general, as long as the next two games are played well, it can make up for the shortcomings of the first game.

"Well, dear spectators, let our long-awaited second game begin soon!

I think everyone is already a little impatient with waiting. We saw all kinds of wonderful operations in the first game just now, and I must not disappoint us in the second game! "

In the commentary, Xi Ling's voice spread throughout the scene.

"Well, let's not talk nonsense, just start the second game!"


Because of the ancient times of the first game.

The leading team has become more cautious, while the lagging team wants to catch up, but because they can only catch up if they are alive, they are also very careful.

From the OB perspective on the big screen, you can see that 25 teams are very careful!

This made Chen Yefeng, who wanted to land the steel gun in the second game to use his head to close the points gap, a little depressed.

Seeing that only the four of them in R City fell here, Chen Yefeng felt helpless.

By the way...Are all the professional players so scared now?

"Afeng, what should we do?" Wang Genji asked as he searched for equipment.

"Search quickly, and kill the team that fell in the school first." Chen Yefeng thought for a while and said.

If someone else said that, Wang Genji would definitely sneer.

This is a national competition, the top event of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds in China. How do you feel that you want to kill the opponent when you say it, just like playing around?

But there is no way, this man is a member of the Dragon Team, and he showed his strength even more in the first game!

It proves that this sentence is not empty talk, but really has this spirit!

"Okay, I will do whatever you say later, let me be a cannon fodder and I won't even blink my eyes!"


Chen Yefeng frowned as he looked at Wang Genji, who was vowed, and felt that things were not that simple.

Why is this guy so obedient?

Reminiscent of this guy's courtesy to Xiao Yuan when he was in the lounge just now.


It seems that I still have to be more prepared!

Still the same sentence, my sister will spoil herself, and everyone else will stand aside first!


"Huh? Magic Academy is different from the first game. In the first game, they fell on the resource point of the nursing home, and this game actually fell on R City!

This style of play seems to have become a bit radical! Moreover, looking at their movements, it seems that after searching R City, they will directly choose to annihilate the QM team that has landed at the school. "

Xi Ling's voice became excited unconsciously.

After all, both the commentator and the audience prefer watching fierce firefighting scenes.

If it is too plain and tasteless, it is easy to lose the passion to watch or explain.

In the last round, the QM team that was led by Qing Lengyue to solve the problem, their captain was still implementing the team's motto.

"On the ground is steel, see who is ashamed as a dog!"

"No, boss, you don't know how to make a box in the last one, let's be steady!"

"How do I know that these women are so powerful? I thought they were relying on their faces. Who knew they were really skilled!"

"Don't worry, there will be absolutely no problems in this round. Quickly finish the search, get rid of the team in R City, and then go find revenge for those ladies!!!"

"What if we get killed?"

"As long as we don't meet the people of the Fourth Big Team, we will certainly not have any accidents!"


As soon as their voices fell, they heard monstrous gunfire from the school.


After seeing Song Haoran, Yu Li, and Wang Genji looking for a handy gun, Chen Yefeng rushed over with the team and did not search for anything else. Everything was to save time!

And the QM team that was searching for equipment at the school did not expect Chen Yefeng to come so quickly.

You know, usually only when they fall in the same area, will they find a gun to clear the people, in order to prevent the team from being attacked by others and die.

But, this is in a different place, you actually play like this!

This is really beyond common sense!

When the QM people found out that the Magic City Academy had come, it was a little too late.

Chen Yefeng is even more like a **** descending to the earth, knocking down a person in a single encounter!

"You guard the stairs on both sides, I will meet them when I go in." Chen Yefeng finished speaking, with a confident smile on his mouth.

Immediately, he said holding an M16A4 and ran up to the second floor of the school.

"What does it mean?

Why are the people in the Magic Capital Academy on the first floor, but the Heitian player rushed up alone?

Is it possible that he wants one person to rush to solve everyone?

This is too dangerous. We can see that the QM team now has three people on the second floor.

If Hei Tian made a mistake, he, as the core force of the Magic City Academy, would probably be a box!

If a box is formed during this time, it is actually no different from a box on the ground! Xi Ling said with a sigh while watching the OB screen.

"You don't want milk!" Artest reminded with lingering fear.

After all, in the last game, he was a perfect one, and he was as evil as he was.

"I'm not you..." He was halfway through thinking about making fun of Artest's Xi Ling, and then I remembered the begging call from Chen Yefeng just now.

So she hurriedly stopped and said with a smile: "Then I will let them be merciful!"


The topography of the school is more complicated, especially on the second floor. There are a lot of rooms, and there are also many places to hide.

It can be said that if you don't be 100% energetic, then maybe you will fall into a dead end.


Although Chen Yefeng is the former world runner-up, a member of the legendary team Dragon Team.

But after all, there is an old saying that it is hard to beat four hands with two fists!

If he were to go up like this alone, the rest of the Magic Capital Academy would still be a little uneasy.

"Afeng, be careful. If something goes wrong, move back. We will be the man behind you." Wang Genji reminded.

Chen Yefeng: "..."

The man behind?

Why does this become more wrong the more you hear it?

"Shut up, your mouth feels changed when you say anything. I don't need the man behind it. Put your passion on others!" Chen Yefeng replied briefly, too. Go to the second floor.

The corridor on the second floor was empty, only the sound of Chen Yefeng's footsteps.

suddenly! ! !

A long object was thrown out by someone brushing it from the next room.

Chen Yefeng glanced intently, and suddenly saw a flash bomb!

Flash bombs are naturally shock bombs. To tell the truth, these throwables are rather tasteless.


If this shock bomb can be used well, it will be a miraculous throwing product. Of course, it will sometimes pit your teammates if it is not used well.

Obviously, this shock bomb had passed Wen Lei ahead of time, and it detonated suddenly when it appeared in the corridor.


The sound of the explosive bomb exploded in Chen Yefeng’s earphones. It can be said to be very harsh.

At this moment, Chen Yefeng only felt that the sound was as uncomfortable as his ears were ringing.

"It's over, I think I'm not as good as a wave of milk.

The Heitian player was unprepared, and was flashed by the QM team with a shock bomb. I think he should be more fortunate now!

We need to know that when the shock bomb hits us, we can't see anything at all. There are only slight footsteps. I'm afraid this is really over! "

Xi Ling's tone, with a little regret, also became nervous with Chen Yefeng's current situation.

It feels like she is experiencing all of this immersively like Chen Yefeng's class at this time.

Of course.

Thanks to the commentator, the players can't hear it, otherwise Chen Yefeng would have to beg for mercy. Did you not have enough milk three years ago?

Now it is the second time to milk! ? ?

Please be a man! ! !

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