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Chapter 271: Brother, you are wrong!

Chen Yefeng didn't pay attention to his mouth, and asked lightly.

The result is self-evident, and the fans in the live broadcast room were booing again.

Of course, fortunately, the little apprentice is still relatively innocent. He doesn't understand what Chen Yefeng wants to express, and he is fooled by a few words.

At the end of this round, Chen Yefeng had already fulfilled his duties as a flower protector perfectly, and also allowed the little apprentice to experience the joy of lying down with a cute girl.

Don’t worry if someone doesn’t say anything, and you can lick your bag every time!

At this time, it was already more than seven o'clock in the evening.

But for people like Chen Yefeng who are on NetEase Cloud Time at twelve o'clock, it is naturally still too early.

Just as he was about to start the second game with his little apprentice, the phone rang abruptly.

"You said that you love the Mori women the most, and I have an extra G..."

"Why are you calling here all of a sudden!" Looking at the caller ID, Chen Yefeng also deliberately said: "I was just about to go to bed, what's the matter with you? If you have something to say, hurry up!"

Jiang Xuefen on the other end of the phone took a deep breath, his shirt undulating slightly.

"Are you sure you are going to sleep?" Jiang Xuefen is now trying to keep his voice calm. After all, this is the little man in his own picture, so he shouldn't be spoiled! ?

"Of course, it's so late. Why don't you sleep? I have a good schedule and never stay up late!" Chen Yefeng was also full of nonsense. After all, this woman is not like other women.

Other women are all kinds of hints, all kinds of inducing you, this woman belongs to the kind of direct overlord, she is the kind that directly tells herself that the old lady is greedy for your body!

"you sure?"

"Of course, as a male god, of course I am very self-disciplined and I will never stay up late!" Chen Yefeng continued to speak nonsense seriously.


Jiang Xuefen was very depressed, just opened her mouth and said a word, and kept reminding herself in her heart

Don't get angry, don't get angry, no one can replace your anger when you get sick. After all, you are your own little man and you must not be angry with him!

"What's wrong with you?" Chen Yefeng couldn't help but ask when Jiang Xuefen wanted to say something.

"Then what, the night is long, I can't sleep, do you want to play games with me?" Jiang Xuefen said.

"I don't have time! I'm going to sleep!" Of course, Chen Yefeng refused.

"Fart, I'm watching your live broadcast right now. It's very enjoyable to take a girl, isn't it?" Jiang Xuefen couldn't hold back for a while and exploded with a foul language.

This is also no way. Who will let this little man not have a word of truth in his mouth from just now to the present? As a male god, the **** horse must be self-disciplined, and the **** horse will never stay up late, and the highest state of talking nonsense with open eyes is probably nothing more than this!

"Ahem..." Chen Yefeng also coughed embarrassingly.

I thought that I could get through, but I didn't expect this woman to be watching her live broadcast.

That's a bit embarrassing! ! !

"You and other women don't take me with you. Sure enough, men are all virtuous. You eat the bowl and look at the pot. If you have a new one, forget the old one!"

"What am I..."

Chen Yefeng wants to cry without tears, Shenma likes the new and hates the old, and he has nothing to do with you at all, OK!

Originally, Chen Yefeng was prepared to refuse without hesitation, after all, he is now playing with his little apprentice Igeda.

Although it is sometimes a headache to bring such a simple young lady, she can't stand her being stupid and cute. It can make people have a kind of protective desire, and eating chicken with her will also have a special sense of accomplishment!

Not to mention, the woman who is calling herself now doesn't simply want to eat chicken with herself, after all, this woman almost writes the words gluttonous herself on her face!

After all, the two are really not suitable for their age. Even if they step back ten thousand steps, even if age is not a problem, then Chen Yefeng feels that his body may be a little weak because of this woman's initiative alone!

This woman saw her eyes almost glowing green last time. Think about it, this kind of woman, who can stand it?

However, he originally planned to refuse, but he did not refuse, because this woman has an unusual identity.

The best friend of Chen Shiyi, the current female president of the Chen Group, the best friend of her sister!

This identity makes Chen Yefeng a very headache. If you say that you refuse, you may not allow her to make a phone call to your sister.

My sister is tiring enough to manage such a large group by herself, and she can't stand the interruption of this woman.

In order for her sister to rest well, of course Chen Yefeng had to make sacrifices.

"It's not okay to play games with you, but you have to make sure that you can't do anything else." Chen Yefeng warned.

After he finished speaking, Jiang Xuefen's eyes on the other end of the phone went wide! ! !

"Little man, what do you mean? Are you suggesting me?"

"What's the hint to you?" Chen Yefeng was stunned, some of them didn't quite understand what Jiang Xuefen meant.

"What else can you do when you play a game? You are not a hint!" Jiang Xuefen smiled, "How about going to an e-sports hotel, playing games, and having a rest when tired? ."

Chen Yefeng: "..."

Alas, sure enough, the charm of people is too great and not so good!

"Hurry up, or I will call your sister!"

Chen Yefeng: "..."

What I said, I was worried about this just now, but the woman actually used this trick to threaten herself.

However, Chen Yefeng couldn't help it. Knowing this was a pit, he had to jump in without looking back!

As a best friend, it is very normal to have a private phone number for the female president of the Chen Group, but the problem is that my sister naturally needs a good rest every day.

If the two women called, it would take half an hour to start, which would disturb their sister's precious rest time.

Therefore, Chen Yefeng was determined to sacrifice herself for the sake of her sister!

As the saying goes, let the storm come more violently, what about one Jiang Xuefen, even if there are three more, he has to stand it up for the sake of my sister!

"Okay, you can get on the account as soon as possible, ID will send me WeChat, then I will pull you!" Chen Yefeng finally made the decision to sacrifice the individual and become the greater self!

"When you enter the game later, you have to protect me!" Jiang Xuefen sneered, and Chen Yefeng couldn't help shaking her whole body. This woman really couldn't stand it.

"I'll protect you with a hammer!" Chen Yefeng vomited.

"How can you treat your future daughter-in-law like this!"

"Daughter-in-law, don't BB, hurry up on the number!"

"Wait for the old lady!!!"


"Brother, another woman???" Chen Yuan, who had just finished packing, looked at Chen Yefeng who had hung up the phone, and was stunned.

I thought that his male **** cousin could bring a little apprentice, but he didn't expect that he would bring another woman!

"What is another woman!" Chen Yefeng's face was dark.

"Brother, it's not right for you to do this!!!" Chen Yuan immediately began to educate Chen Yefeng in a serious manner, "Think about it, you have Xiaoxue, your sister, and me, so you still have to find someone else. Woman, you are a scumbag!"

Chen Yefeng: "..."

Why does this sound weird?

Forget Xiaoxue, that's a real girlfriend, what is your little girl's effort to follow?

"Fart, how could my brother be a scumbag? To tell you the truth, these are all friends, do you understand friends!!!"

Listening to Chen Yefeng's explanation, Chen Yuan curled his lips, frowned slightly, and said in disbelief, "Brother, is what you said is true?"

"Of course it's true, when did I lie to you!" Chen Yefeng said.

"Then brother, will you always treat me well?" Chen Yuan asked again.

"Of course, I am your brother, I am not good to you, who am I good to!" Chen Yefeng patted his chest and assured Chen Yuan.

As a report, Chen Yuan took advantage of Chen Yefeng's unpreparedness and carelessness, breaking his face and snorting secretly.

Chen Yefeng looked at the little girl who ran away, and wiped the drool from his face with disgust.

Oh shit! ! !

This kind of sister is really a headache!

Fight, some reluctant, don't fight, attack yourself if nothing happens.

You talk about hitting but not beating, or scolding but not scolding, who knows this kind of sister!


The scene just now made all fans in the live room look down.

"Fuck, brother, isn't this a real beast?"

"Brothers, you still have the knife in your hand, follow me, Brother Sha, grab a small wish!"

"You rob you, I only want a little apprentice."

"I am a law major, and the anchor, let me tell you, you are committing a crime, do you know? As the saying goes, there is no end to the sea of ​​suffering, and there is no end to the back. I advise you to put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately. You be the elder brother!"

"You are all a bunch of beasts, you are all making small wishes, I am different, I am greedy for the eldest brother!"


Looking at the barrage, Chen Yefeng felt particularly helpless.

I can't help it, do you think it is a good thing to have such a sister?

Do you think it feels good to have such a sister?

Don't say it!

It's pretty good!

In the conversation just now, the little apprentice Igueda Kiezi had heard everything on the voice side.

To be honest, she actually envied her daughter-in-law's younger sister for being able to stay with her daughter-in-law every day, and she doesn't have to be afraid of being pointed out by others, and do whatever she wants. Her brother can do whatever he wants.

Although after the celebration banquet, Chen Yuan often played with his little apprentice Igueda Niezi, without the seemingly innocent hostility before, but in fact, Igueda Niezi still admires it here.

For example, once they were walking on the campus of Magic City College. After seeing Chen Yefeng, Chen Yuan ran up and hugged a bear, hanging on Chen Yefeng like a koala. Don't mention how dependent he is, let alone how enviable it is.

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