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Chapter 306: Baby kiss

"Okay, let's not talk about it, look at embarrassing you!"

Jiang Xuefen sighed leisurely, maybe this is love, Lang has the heart but the concubine has no intention.

However, it is absolutely impossible to give up so easily!

The little man in his picture will never give up easily until the last moment!

At this time, sister Chen Shiyi and Ye Shengxue also walked up from behind.

Seeing the heartwarming scene of her baby brother, Chen Shiyi smiled. This kid has finally grown up and knows that she feels sorry for her.

"Are you leaving? Do you want me to send it to you, but I have to wait until I return the clothes. This is what I paid to rent. A set of them is a lot of money!" Jiang Xuefen said as she looked at Chen Shiyi who came up. .

"No need to pay it back, just dress, it's actually pretty good!!!" Chen Yefeng said with a smile.

"Brother, if you like to watch it, I will buy a set when I go home and show it to you every day!"

Chen Yuan just yelled, when Chen Yefeng knocked him to the side and killed him.

The result is self-evident, the little girl covered her forehead that had been knocked on, with a look of aggrieved expression on her face.

"That won't work, this set is a lot of money, my new store opened and I haven't made any money yet, so I can't lose money!"

"It's easy, how much, I bought it for you!" Chen Yefeng said very grandiosely.

"In fact, it's not expensive, you just give me 100,000 yuan." Jiang Xuefen directly stated a price.

"One hundred thousand yuan? Why don't you grab it?" Although Chen Yefeng is rich, he can't be taken advantage of.

Besides, one hundred thousand yuan, I spend almost that much on clothes a year.

Although the family is rich, Chen Yefeng doesn't have much general knowledge about what to wear. After all, he is handsome and looks good in everything.

If a person looks ugly, what you wear is one thing.

Of course, except for the rich, the rich look good in everything they wear!

"You're still the young master of the Chen Group. Did you do this!?" Jiang Xuefen rolled his eyes.

" you like me to buckle?" Chen Yefeng regretted it after he had finished his mouth. He couldn't hold back his mouth again, and didn't shut the door!

"What do you mean, brother?" Chen Yuan asked, clutching his forehead.

"Ahem, it's okay!" Chen Yefeng glanced at her elder sister in embarrassment. It's okay, she didn't pay attention, so everything is okay!

"Actually, it's not impossible to buy it for you, you have to give it to me after you buy it!"

"What are you doing? Are you going to wear it?"

"No, I treasure it, this is the original flavor!"

"What's the original flavor?"

"It's nothing!"


A few people stood outside and chatted for a while, and looking at Ye Shengxue's flushed face, Chen Yefeng also put his hands in front of his mouth, exhaled a breath of heat, and then violently rubbed his palms and stretched out his hands. I rubbed my girlfriend's rosy cheeks to give her some warmth.

Of course, this is actually as useless as a drop in the bucket, but just when you feel a little warmth in your hands, it is blown away by a blast of cold wind that follows.

"Is it cold?" Chen Yefeng asked Ke Ren in his arms softly.


At this moment, Ye Shengxue's phone rang suddenly.

I only heard my girlfriend hum, and after he said something, Chen Yefeng also knew that this must be a call from his future husband. It was nothing more than asking why his girlfriend hadn’t returned home. Category.

"My dad called, let me go back soon."

"Then you can go back soon."

"Well, then you have to go home early..." Ye Shengxue nodded, then Chen Yefeng helped her get a car and took it home.

"Sister, what was the first thing you said?" After Ye Shengxue left, Chen Yefeng remembered the two things her sister had said before.

"My dad said, this year's New Year, I want to show you the future daughter-in-law of our Chen family."

"What!?" Chen Yefeng jumped up when he heard it.

"What's the situation with Lao Chen? I already have a girlfriend. What is he doing all the time?"

"I don't know too much." Chen Shiyi smiled, "Ting my dad said, it seems to be the daughter of his old comrade-in-arms, and the two of you still seem to be baby relatives."

"This is so special..." Chen Yefeng had a headache. He thought that the **** plot in this novel and TV series could not happen to him, but he didn't expect it to be so special that he would encounter it!

"Can I refuse?" Chen Yefeng took a deep breath, full of helplessness.

"What do you think?" Chen Shiyi smiled.

"Well, sister, you have to help me then!"

Chen Yefeng had no choice but to start acting like a baby and ask her sister for help. There is no way to make her sister the only one in the family who can conquer Old Chen!

"Help you, how can I help?" Chen Shiyi smiled dozingly, and then said: "Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover, and it is not a bad thing to get to know you, you have to know how many people envy you and have a baby since childhood Dear, don't worry about being bachelor in the future."

"I don't need this kind of baby kiss..." Chen Yefeng is still very clever to face his sister. If Old Chen told him about this, I'm afraid the father and son would have started quarreling long ago.

"Don't worry, there is my sister."

"Hmm!" Chen Yefeng nodded, "Sister, everything depends on you!"

"That's all right, it's not too early, my sister has something to do, so she will leave first.

With that, Chen Shiyi and Jiang Xuefen left together, leaving Chen Yefeng and Chen Yuan staring at each other.

"Brother, where are we going now?" The little girl asked Chen Yefeng's hand crisply.

"Where else can I go, go home!" Chen Yefeng sighed.

Who can tell yourself what the old Chen's head is, so he's so idle and okay with a baby kiss!

This is a popular thing in what era, this old stubborn! ! !

Holding the weak and boneless hands of their little princess, the two of them also walked towards the South China Community while walking.

Today’s little girl is wearing a white duck down jacket on her upper body, a black pleated skirt on her lower body, black stockings on her legs, a pair of white shoes on her feet, and a long pink wavy hair. It looks like a girl who walked out of the second element.

This girl kept holding Chen Yefeng's arm after only two people were left, and the two looked so close.

However, Chen Yefeng was still a little depressed about this.

Because he felt the gazes around him wishing to eat him, in fact, he was quite embarrassed.

"What do you look at? Haven't you heard of it, isn't it ambiguous without brothers and sisters!!!"

However, it's okay to have this kind of sister, at least you don't have to worry about being treated as a little white face, but Chen Yefeng feels that someone must regard him as a strange girl who deceives an innocent girl.

He sighed inwardly and looked at Chen Yuan’s long pink hair in front of him. Chen Yefeng also said, “It looks like your mother is right. You must dye your hair back in the next day. Look at how you look like now!"

"Oh, brother, it's called fashion, my mother doesn't understand it, you shouldn't understand it!" Chen Yuan rolled a nice-looking eye, and then quietly said, "Brother, let's go, I will show you good-looking COS Miss sister, how about you helping me fix my mother!"

"Ahem, brother is that kind of person?"


"Don't mess around, brother is not that kind of person!"

"Izumi Sagiri?"

"You are like this, brother will take you to dye it back now!"

"Tokisaki Kuangsan?"

"Damn, deal!"

Chen Yefeng slapped his thigh and agreed, but he couldn't help it, he just liked Kuangsan so much.

"Brother, I want to eat grilled squid!"

Looking at the snacks on the side of the road, Chen Yuan was also pouting.

"Buy!" Although Chen Yefeng had a dark face, he smiled and rubbed the little girl's head, and walked over to buy her an oversized grilled squid.

Seeing his little princess's young but unusually developed pectoral muscles, he sighed again and again.

I want to eat when I see something delicious, can it not be big?

After handing Chen Yuan a fragrant grilled squid, the little girl reached out and took it and ate it happily.

"Huh? Brother, look quickly, there seems to be a lot of people around there!"

Chen Yefeng is actually not interested in getting involved in such a thing, but the little girl is helplessly worried that she is going home now and her mother is not sleeping. What if she sees her hair dyed back and blows it out in the middle of the night.

Therefore, for this reason, Chen Yefeng had to follow along.

Through the crowd, Chen Yefeng could clearly see that there was a girl with long black hair and a white Han costume. It seemed that some classical girls were surrounded by the crowd.

And besides the girl, there are other equipment such as speakers.

"Heart, come on, you can definitely do it tomorrow!"

"Yes, Xinxin, I will vote for you tomorrow, believe in yourself!"

"Xinxin's strength will definitely win the first place!!!"

Listening to the comments of the people around, the little girl became more curious, pulling Chen Yefeng and squeezing inside.

"Sorry, I borrowed it!

Let me give you trouble! "

In order to prevent the little girl from being taken advantage of by others, there is no other way. The brother can only act as a temporary guard.

When the two successfully squeezed in, Chen Yefeng suddenly found that the grilled squid in the little girl's hand was gone.

"Where is the squid, your prodigal stuff? It's wrong for you to waste food with such fanfare, don't you know?!" Chen Yefeng couldn't help but knocked on Chen Yuan's forehead.

The little girl also realized with hindsight that the grilled squid she had eaten two bites was gone!

"It must be because there were too many people just now, and we squeezed it out when we squeezed in!" Chen Yuan pouted, "Brother, I will buy one for Xiao Yuan later, OK~"

Just as the little girl's voice just fell, a cry of exclamation came from the crowd.

"Damn, what's the situation? Why did a squid suddenly come to me!!!"

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