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Chapter 316: Uncle started pretending again

"There is a gun on the roof of the C building, grab it for me!" When he was about to touch the ground, Chen Yefeng immediately saw all the materials on it.

This is of course the most basic thing for professional players.

However, just when Chen Yefeng was about to fall to the top of the building and wanted to grab a gun, he saw Chen Yuan quickly skipping by him.

What made Chen Yefeng even more depressed was that the characters on both sides collided with each other, and as a result, Chen Yefeng had not hit him, and was forced by his little princess from the roof!

"Damn, it's all right!?" Chen Yefeng opened his mouth in surprise.

And Chen Yuan was also surprised and said: "Huh? Brother, how about you?"

The little girl is particularly puzzled now, why is a cousin like me just now disappearing suddenly?

Chen Yefeng: "..."

Although he was ready to be pitted in his heart, this situation still made Chen Yefeng a little unexpected.

This is so special, the little girl is the nemesis in her own game!

Looking at the amount of blood he had fallen because of being squeezed down, Chen Yefeng couldn't tell.

Forget it, after all, she is her own little princess, besides pet, of course she still only pets.

Can't you run over and give her to Fa-rectification right now?

In that way, the brother himself would be too brutal!

"Brother, are you okay?"

"It's okay. Come down quickly. There are people on the top of Building 2. Be careful. Brother first go find a gun."

With that said, Chen Yefeng got into Building One.

And Chen Yuangang wanted to pick up the gun in front of him, only to see the two people jumping in the second building, holding up their guns and shooting at him frantically.

"Brother! Help!!!"

After Chen Yuan was beaten, he didn't care about picking up the gun, and jumped off the roof.

Fortunately, the marksmanship on the other side was not very good, so she didn't have anything to do, just a little blood dropped when she jumped down.

"Brother, what should we do now?"

Chen Yuan, who ran to his cousin, asked tremblingly.

"The top priority now is to kill them now!"

"But, brother... I can't hit anyone!"

Chen Yefeng: "..."

"You don't need you, as long as you don't hold back, I can definitely kill you!!"


"Big brother is pretending to be forced again, brothers, I can't stand it anymore!"

"It's worthy of pretending to be the handle of the family, this pretending is simply perfect!"

"Wait for your uncle to be beaten in the face!!!"


Looking at the barrage, Chen Yefeng sneered disdainfully.

Although my little princess is indeed a crater, as long as the little girl is obedient and does not make trouble, there is still great hope for eating chicken.

I was afraid that she would be disobedient and would have done some sao operations. When the operation was unsuccessful, she would harm herself together.

"Wait for brother here, don't come out!" After warning Chen Yuan, Chen Yefeng also quickly searched in Building One.

Soon, he found a M416 that he liked very much!

"You are waiting for me here, I will get rid of the rest, remember, not allowed to come out."

In order to prevent her little princess from being disobedient, Chen Yefeng emphatically reminded her.

After speaking, Chen Yefeng also braved his waist, using the wall as a shelter, and leaned towards the second building.

When he came to the bottom of the second building, the sound of footsteps also passed into his ears through headphones.

"The positions of these two people are here and here!"

While Chen Yefeng relied on listening to identify the positions, he also used a sight to point the fans in the live broadcast room to the specific positions of the two people.

The fans in the live broadcast room naturally don't believe it. You can hear the footsteps coming from where it is, but you can even hear the specific location.

Do you think you are the wind ear?

"Uncle, if you blow it, just keep it. Anyway, I don't believe it!!!"

"What's the blow? Big brother is clearly pretending to be forced, right? The family's barman who pretended to be forced is really well-deserved!"

"Uncle, tell me honestly, did you open any software?"

"Heh, I can actually hear it too. I know that there are two people inside, and the kind with two arms and two legs!"

"Not necessarily, some people have three legs!"

"There is something wrong with you upstairs. I suspect you are driving, but I have no evidence."

"Whether he has evidence or not, just copy it up and take it away!"


"Da da da……"

Listening to the crisp sound of footsteps from the headphones, Chen Yefeng also mapped out the structure of Building Two in his mind.

He was able to clearly use the sound to play the actions of the two people in his mind like a slide.

For example, Chen Yefeng could clearly hear that a person walked into the room in front of him at this time. After searching for a circle and finding nothing, he turned around and walked out.

Of course you have to ask him why he can hear it clearly, of course because he saw it with his own eyes just now!

However, because Chen Yefeng was blocked by a bunker, the other party did not notice him.

"Da da da……"

The footsteps were getting closer and clearer, and Chen Yefeng could clearly know that there was a person who was getting closer and closer to him.

"What we have to do now is to wait and see, because these two people will come out sooner or later, so we must not rush!" Chen Yefeng waited silently while explaining some of the details that need to be paid attention to in the game to fans in the live broadcast room.

"Sometimes recklessness is undesirable behavior. It takes a certain amount of brain. Do you all understand what I said?!"

"Brother, I understand!" Chen Yuan Qiao replied.

Chen Yefeng: "..."

"You know a hammer, I didn't tell you!"

"What is it, brother, why is it suddenly murderous!" Chen Yuan pouted dissatisfiedly as the baby looked very aggrieved.

"Brother, didn't you tell me who you are talking to? Are you still connected with other young ladies?"

"Ahhhhh, brother, you have other women, Xiaoyuan's youth is over!"

Chen Yefeng was speechless again: "..."

Tell me, what can you do with this troublesome little princess?

Fight, you can't bear it, don't fight, she is very skinny!


"Small wish don't cry, stand up, elder brother doesn't want you, I want you!"

"Upstairs, I think you are thinking of eating farts. To be honest, I am Xiao Yuan's real boyfriend!"

"Oh, it's so ridiculous, I got the marriage certificate with Xiao Yuan, and you are still arguing!"

"Brothers, we lost a patient in Nanling Mental Hospital. This is the one upstairs. I will take him away. What he said just now is to fart again. I'm sorry, let everyone see a joke!"

"Brothers, I'm sorry, our psychiatric hospital ran out alone, and he liked to pretend to be the staff of our hospital. If you see the brothers, please contact us quickly!"

"Damn, dolls are forbidden!!!"


Looking at the barrage sent by fans in the live broadcast room, Chen Yefeng also said solemnly: "In three seconds, I will take their heads!"


"Uncle brother is starting again, can you die without blowing?"

"Uncle brother, I beg you to stop blowing, my cattle can't stand it!"

"Cow, what kind of cow? Bull or cow?"

"It's true, everyone, I just like the way my uncle can blow!"

"I am innocent by nature, and always feel that I am incompatible with you. I am leaving, don't miss me!"


Three seconds are fleeting, and it is too late to say that it is fast.

Just three seconds later, someone walked out of Building 2.

Chen Yefeng directly seized the opportunity to hide his ears and the ringing of bells, and directly took out his gun and shot.

"Da da da……"

The quiet airport was broken at this moment, and gunfire echoed around.

And the person who walked out of Building No. 2 didn't expect that someone would hide himself here. He hadn't made any reaction at all, he saw the bullet shooting at him.

Dark green blood mist erupted from the person who was sneaked by Chen Yefeng.

Next second.

He was knocked to the ground.

There is also a prompt in the upper right corner.


"HeiTian knocked down WUSGSVV with M416 headshot..."


"Grass, there is one overcast here, come and save me!" The person who was knocked down quickly reminded his teammates.

Then, Chen Yefeng saw someone jump out from a room on the second floor of No.2 Building.

"Grass? Is that handsome?"

Chen Yefeng was slightly surprised, because the other party's behavior was really no different from sending death.

Although it looks a bit like the chic taste of the heroic hair brother, but... don't you think about my feelings?

I'm still here, you just jumped down so blatantly, you really don't put me Chen Yefeng in your eyes!

Therefore, looking at the person who jumped from the second floor, Chen Yefeng shot directly with his gun!

"Da da da……"

Another series of gunfire sounded, and the result was self-evident.

The man was indeed very handsome when he jumped from the second building, but he became a box as soon as he landed.

Looking at the two boxes in front of him, Chen Yefeng smiled.

However, just when Chen Yefeng was about to greet her little princess to lick her bag, someone suddenly shot Chen Yefeng frantically from the side.

It turned out that someone heard the gunfire and sneaked over.

Chen Yefeng was naturally worthy. He also squeezed the trigger of the M416 and immediately counter-fired, and all the bullets hit the person.

Of course, his HP who was attacked has also dropped a lot.

"Crack! Crack!"

Just when Chen Yefeng was about to kill the man in a hurry, the M416 that had knocked down two people in his hand suddenly lost its bullet!

Just now, in order to hit the opponent by surprise, Chen Yefeng did not search for too long, so he picked up 30 rounds of 5.56 bullets.

The result is now gone! ! !

Especially when there is no bullet at this most critical moment, it is very deadly!

What should I do if my little princess is in a box!

"Brother, are you finished?"

At this time, Chen Yuan suddenly asked.

"Wait a minute, now!"

In order to prevent the little girl from running over to make trouble because of her loneliness, Chen Yefeng hurriedly stopped her and asked her to stand by.

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