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Chapter 319: Is this a beast?

"Brother, look at it, Level 3 A, Level 3 Pack, and M24!"

Through the voice of her little princess, Chen Yefeng can also imagine that this little girl must be so happy that her tail is almost up to the sky.

But he was puzzled. It was originally a good gunfight survival game, but as a result, in his little princess, it became a game similar to collecting and finding things!

Didn't you just find some good equipment? As for being so happy!

This is something that Chen Yefeng can't understand. Maybe it's because he has played professionally before, and put it more seriously. On the contrary, he can't be like ordinary players. Enjoying the game should have all the fun?

After thinking about it, Chen Yefeng didn't even think of one.

He didn't want to just sweep away the excitement of his little princess.

However, he looked at the luxurious equipment on the little girl, and then looked at the equipment on his body that was not as good as the tattered equipment, his heart was also itchy!

Of course, this is something that can't be helped. Although Chen Yefeng is different from ordinary players, he still wants good things in the game.

Although she is her own little princess, she should give way to her elder brother.


It's a big deal, just change it in a tactful way!

"Then what, little wish~"

"Well, brother, I'm here!" Chen Yuan's voice rang crisply in Chen Yefeng's ears.

"Are you tired with so many things, do you need my brother to help you?"

"I am not tired!"

Chen Yefeng: "..."

Although he knew that the question he was asking was particularly stupid, he still had no good solutions.

"Then what do you have and need brother to help you get it?"

"Brother, there is something wrong with you!" Chen Yuan frowned, in a tone like Brother you are doing.

"What's wrong with me, shouldn't my brother care about my sister?"

"Brother, tell the truth, do you want the M24 in my hand!"

"Um..." Chen Yefeng was stunned. What should I say, of course he won't admit it directly, "Brother doesn't want it. Brother just wants to use it to better protect you!"

Fans in the live broadcast room couldn't listen anymore.

"Let's listen, what the elder brother said is really human? Seriously, if the elder brother had half the power to coax a small wish, now there will be groups of wives and concubines!"

"Big Uncle is called coaxing? He clearly wants to be a routine!"

"A man's mouth, a deceitful ghost, I didn't expect that my eldest brother would be such a person, isn't there any good man in the world!"

"Xiao Yuan must not believe that the eldest brother is just a beast, who eats the kind that doesn't recognize people!"


"Brother, tell the truth, do you like Xiaowan!"

"I like it, of course I like it!" Chen Yefeng said without thinking.


"Of course, you are my Chen Yefeng's younger sister. Isn't it normal for my brother to like her younger sister!"

"Ah, all right." Chen Yuan pouted, and immediately threw the M24 on the ground.

Chen Yefeng naturally bent over and picked it up without any consideration.

After getting the M24, Chen Yefeng couldn't help but draw the corners of his mouth as he watched the barrage full of accusations.

God horse animal anchor, God horse dog man, shit, it's really hard to bring fans this year!

"Ahem, everyone, about whether the anchor is a beast or not, let's put it aside and let's analyze the current situation at the airport first.

You know, you can't just play games blindly, you have to use your brain!

In addition to me and Xiao Yuan, a lot of people jumped at the airport just now, but I also solved three just now. I am afraid that the rest of the people should have been hiding because of my strength. "

"In contrast, the airport is so big, if we want to find them out and eliminate them completely, it is a very difficult thing!"

"Brother, do you mean we are going to retreat now?" Chen Yuan snapped back.

"At this time, of course we can't retreat. Doesn't retreat mean that I am afraid? How can I, Chen Yefeng, be afraid?"

"Brother, what should we do!"

"Now we can't be as careful as we were just now. We must be bolder and draw out the hidden enemies!"

"I see, brother, it's called drawing a snake out of the hole!"

"Well, you can teach the ruts!" Chen Yefeng nodded in satisfaction, "Go, you go to lead them out, remember to be careful!"

Chen Yuan: "???"

"Brother, what do you mean?"

"It's not interesting, just let you lead them out, and then I will break them one by one!"

"You are not afraid that your smart and sensible, lovely and charming sister, will become a box if you are not careful?"

"Don't worry, there are brothers, they shouldn't worry about it!"


"Brothers, just exaggerating my uncle, my uncle has started to quit personnel again!"

"If I have a little sister like Xiaowan, I will definitely let him know how good I am, but I don't care if my uncle doesn't cherish it, it's still so tossing!"

"Brothers, rushed me to the live broadcast room of this scumbag!"

"My poor little wish, how come I have such a cerebral palsy brother!"


Facing the barrage of the live broadcast, Chen Yefeng did not change his face, and continued to encourage him: "Go ahead, don't froze!"

"Huh, got it!"

Chen Yuan was of course obedient to what her brother said. After responding, the little girl also ran to the top of the building and started shooting randomly, attracting other people's attention.

And at this moment, the bombing zone came!

Looking at the blood red in the lower right corner, Chen Yefeng frowned, feeling that something was not quite right.

I did this to solve the remaining enemies hiding in the dark at the airport, not to let my little princess go to death on purpose.

"Should this bombing zone come to punish yourself?"

However, this idea just arose in Chen Yefeng's heart, and he heard the extremely harsh brushing sound of the skyfire coming from the earphones!

As if the end is coming, destroying the world!

Chen Yefeng was about to prepare to evade, only to take a step before he was blown down by the bombing zone.

"This is so special!!!"


"HeiTian fell to the ground in the bombing zone..."


Looking at the knockdown prompt in the upper right corner and the figure knocked down by Skyfire, Chen Yefeng didn't know what to say.

I, Chen Yefeng, swear to Tian that I really didn't mean to want my little princess to die, but just let her be a bait to fish.


The sound of the skyfire explosion echoed around, as if to warn Chen Yefeng again.

When the fans in the live broadcast room saw this scene, they immediately laughed presumptuously and mocked mercilessly.

After all, for a fan, especially a qualified fan, that is not to let the anchor swell, you have to lash him at all times to make him remember!

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