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Chapter 321: That's a headache little girl

Therefore, in order to prevent this phenomenon from happening, Chen Yefeng had to persuade him.

I just don't want to be ridiculed, and being told by fans in the live broadcast room is not afraid of this bombing zone!

After all, I didn't do anything utterly conscience!

After Chen Yefeng was helped up, the rumbling sound of the carrier Skyfire's plane had disappeared, replaced by a harsh brushing sound.

This is the sound of the sky fire falling, which makes one's heart tremble!

"Damn, what the **** is this?!"

Chen Yefeng's drink stopped, and he hurried to the second building where his little princess was hiding.

The two brothers and sisters ran towards Building No. 2 before and after. As long as you open the iron gate and enter the building, no matter how powerful you are, it will be useless!

"Swipe it!!!"

The sound of the sky fire falling is harsh, as if the end is coming.


And the sound of the sky fire falling and exploding was transmitted to Chen Yefeng's ears through the earphones, making his heart tremble.

Fans in the live broadcast room also teased.

"Uncle brother, don't you run away? This bombing zone is obviously because you are in debt!"

"That is, why don't you wait for it!?"

"The eldest brother said that I was panicked and didn't know what to do!"

"Brothers, facing such a brute anchor, I just want to say one word in this bombing zone, so beautiful!"

"Mathematics and physical education teacher in elementary school teaches it? That **** it is five words!"


Looking at the barrage in the live broadcast room, Chen Yefeng was also a group of Fang in his heart.

Obediently burrow into the hole, I really haven't done anything utterly conscientious recently. You can't always chase me in the bombing zone and bomb it alone!

Chen Yefeng complained in his heart, while following in the footsteps of his little princess, he continued to run towards the second building.

Again, as long as you run into the building and let the bombing zone be invincible, there is nothing you can do about it!

And the little girl who ran to the front, Chen Yuan, was also panicked. She played by herself on weekdays, and the ten rounds and nine rounds fell into boxes, and the bombing area was rarely seen, let alone encountered.

Now that I met, watching such a thrilling scene, let alone how scared she was.

The little girl ran ahead in a hurry, and when she ran to the iron door of Building 2, she opened the door, then stepped in, and then closed the door. The whole set of actions can be said to be smooth and flowing, and it was done in one go!

But when the little girl walked in and closed the door, she suddenly felt that something was wrong!

Where is my cousin who is so big behind me! ?


On the other hand, Chen Yefeng, who was closely behind her little princess, was stunned when she saw her politely closing the door!

Now this is the time of the bombing zone. Every second is a matter of competition. How can you just close the door and waste your precious time!

You know, sometimes just because the door is opened for one second, it is delayed for such a second, and the whole army may be wiped out!

Listening to the rumbling explosion of the sky fire, Chen Yefeng couldn't help but shudder.

Although there were only three steps left to safety, he opened the door, walked in, and then closed the door, but he still did not relax his guard.

"We seem to have eliminated the danger, but the more this time, the more we have to be careful. This is a necessary professionalism as a professional player, and we should not take it lightly at any time!"

While Chen Yefeng talked freely, he also pushed open the iron gate in front of him. As long as he stepped in, the bombing zone would pose no threat to him.

"Brother, come in quickly!"

At this time, Chen Yuan also opened the door to greet his cousin.

Chen Yefeng smiled slightly, not to mention, although her little princess sometimes makes herself crazy but helpless, she occasionally helps herself.

For example, opening the door now reduces the time needed for oneself, thereby reducing the probability of being hit by Skyfire.

Hmm... It looks like the little girl has grown up!

Chen Yefeng looked safe, greeted her little girl, and quickly walked into the second building.

However, at this moment!

Just when Chen Yefeng stepped in halfway, an extremely harsh sound suddenly rang through Chen Yefeng's earphones.

Moreover, listening to the sound, this is very close to yourself!


The explosion of gun smoke swept through everything, and after the smoke cleared, Chen Yuan was stunned.

Where's my cousin that big just now!

The little girl was stunned, and when she looked down, she found that her cousin was being knocked to the ground, not to mention how miserable it was.


"HeiTian fell to the ground in the bombing zone..."


"I'm special, **** Li Liang!!!"

Chen Yefeng had already breathed a sigh of relief, but before that breath was completely relaxed, he found that the character he was manipulating fell directly to the ground.

Now he is so desperate that he doesn't know what to say, why is he so unlucky! ?

step! Just one step away, I was completely safe, but it was just such a step away, and letting myself suffer justice from the sky again, it is simply maddening!

This bombing zone is probably not because I, Chen Yefeng, is handsome and deliberately targeted me!

The fans in the live broadcast room also burst into laughter.

"Don't laugh, listen to me, brother said this is an essential element of being a professional player!"

"Don't be embarrassed, our elder brother and the bombing zone are relatives. Isn't it normal to take care of business?"

"This is a world-class player? It's so funny!"

"Brothers, it's New Year, hurry up and set off firecrackers to celebrate!"

"My eldest brother said, I'm really good at this wave of operations, and it's the kind of operation you can do with your hands!"

"Too much upstairs, do you mean to imply that our elder brother is a rookie?"


Looking at the barrage, Chen Yefeng gritted his teeth a bit, these little boys.

One mouthful of a brother called so enthusiastic, but in the end, mocking myself for being so easy to come by, so confident, isn't this a bunch of black fans?

And, one second! Just a second short, I can walk in completely, then I will be fine!

"Oh..." Chen Yefeng sighed long, he felt that it would be a big mistake to take the little girl to eat chicken!

"Brother, what's wrong?"

"It's okay, I want to be quiet!"

"Brother!" Chen Yuan, the little girl, immediately became anxious when she heard that, "Who is Jingjing!"

"It's your uncle!" Chen Yefeng said helplessly.

"But, brother, isn't my uncle your uncle..."

Chen Yefeng: "..."

Listening to the weak voice of the little girl, Chen Yefeng felt helpless.

You take a look, this is my little princess. When she is smart, she is a headache, and when she is stupid, she is silly and cute. I don't know who will show her little princess in the future.

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