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Chapter 329: God assists in the bombing zone!

Chen Yefeng was thinking about a countermeasure, but Ye Ge and the others hadn't responded to this guy for a long time, and they started talking.

"Brothers who didn't get in line, hurry up and have a look. What if you change course with our little wish and run away temporarily?"

"No, although the eldest brother is a beast, I believe he can't do this kind of thing, right!?"

"You also said that he is a beast, no matter what happens, don't worry about it!"

"Last time I was blocked by our little wish, not because we said it well, but in the end we sneaked away, and we were teased by her for a long time!"

"As the brother of Xiaoyuan, I believe that the eldest brother can definitely do the kind of thing that Xiaoyuan can do!"

"Brothers, stop talking, go and have a look!"

In fact, it is no wonder Ye Ge and the others are so skeptical, after all, once, they also followed the law to attack Chen Yuan.

But as a result, people are blocked. I originally wanted to let my goddess sing, dance, and then send her to the safe area and feed the chickens to her mouth, but I never expected that, the servant said Wait a minute, turn around and exit the game!

As a result, Brother Ye and the others waited so vainly for a long time, so this time, Brother Ye kept an eye on Chen Yefeng's live broadcast room to prevent the incident from happening last time.

After all, the people who had organized so many people finally got together, and they couldn't let the brothers down.

Now, although it is not the same place or the same time, Ye Ge still wants to take his goddess to eat chicken, rather than let the evil eldest brother replace him!

Of course, this time is much smarter than last time.

After a few seconds, someone returned to report.

"Don't worry, Brother Brother and Xiao Yuan are still hiding behind the slope!"

"Damn!" After Ye Ge heard this, he was immediately angry.

This is your own goddess. You, a brother, actually took her with her in the wilderness. The world is getting worse and worse!

I think my brother Ye dismantled the second generation. Although he has no aristocratic temperament, he is also a man who can drive a Ferrari with one hand. Why doesn't he have such a cute and beautiful sister!

On the other hand, this beast, even if he has it, it is not good enough to love him, and he knows bullying, bullying, and bullying every day. It's really maddening!

The other people in the YY channel were also particularly depressed. Before the eldest brother came, the magical girl Chen Xiaoyuan was still an excellent anchor who started broadcasting on time every day and checked in on time every day.

But look at it now. It is common for pigeons to spend seven days and a half months after three days of fishing and two days of drying the net.

Who is this to blame? I must blame the unreliable man, my uncle!

Xiaoyuan is still a child, and this beast never let it go!

It is unforgivable!


Under the anger of Ye Ge and Chen Yuan's many male fans, they must make the elder brother look good at the night market street, and must let him know that even if you are Xiao Yuan’s brother, you cannot bully her!

On the other side, when looking at the safety zone that is super far away, and the red area on the small map in the lower right corner all around him.

Chen Yefeng doesn't know what to do, just go around, this is not his character!

When I was afraid of Chen Yefeng's life?

Moreover, this is in front of my little princess. If I take a long journey, isn't it shameful that my brother is in front of my sister?

No, we must not go around!

However, if not forgiving, Chen Yefeng is really worried that he will not be able to run through the bridge in front of him.

Although he is not worried about his marksmanship, because he is 100% sure that he can eliminate everyone on the opposite side of Ye Ge


The problem is that Brother Ye and the others seem to have no plans to head-on, as if they were going to spend their time like this, delaying their time so that they had no time to run poison and waste their own medicine.

At that time, even if it rushed past, it would fall halfway due to the erosion of poisonous fog because of insufficient medicine.

It would be great if the bombing zone could help yourself!

Chen Yefeng was very naive thinking about this in his heart.

Of course, he swears to the heavens that he really just thought about it casually in his heart, but who knows, the next scene suddenly surprised him a little bit unable to take care of himself.

brush! brush! brush!

I could only hear that between this heaven and earth, there was an abrupt, shrill sound, and the sky fire was constantly falling from the sky one by one.

Rumble! ! !

The explosion sounded like firecrackers in the New Year, as terrifying as the eve of the end!

Of course, none of this is the most important thing. The important thing is to stay in the bombing area and prepare to educate Chen Yefeng's Ye Ge. They are sadly reminded and affected!


"Fog grass! What's the situation?!" Ye Ge was also stunned.

Especially when the skyfire bombarded the place where they were hiding in almost covering style, it can be said that the whole person is not good.

"Brothers, fooled, run away!!!"

He finally knows what Chen Yefeng is waiting for now, this man is actually waiting for the bombing zone again!

But, who can tell me why the bombing zone is so accurate! ! !

But how can the speed of people pass the bombing zone faster?

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The explosion sounded one after another, and the surrounding area was like **** on earth, making people miserable.

Of course, the most bitter thing must be Ye Ge and the others. In order not to be defeated one by one by Chen Yefeng, they are very close!

Therefore, when faced with Skyfire, this group of people would have no resistance at all!

Only obediently being bombed!

A group of people were bombed and fled.


"YeGeWuDi fell to the ground in the bombing zone..."


"Zhghayvd fell to the ground in the bombing zone..."


"DaDaoDaJiuGe was killed in the bombing zone..."


"... killed in the bombing zone..."


Seeing a series of kill or knockdown prompts almost scrolling in the upper left corner, Chen Yefeng's eyes widened.

The fans in the live broadcast room were all stunned.

"Uncle brother is not right today, to be honest, is it a charge, or it doesn't make sense, this bombing area will actually help him!"

"Ouuuu, Ye Ge is down!!!"

"Brother Ye finally organized it once, and it was ruthlessly destroyed by the bombing zone!"

"Brothers, I seriously doubt now that there is any PY transaction between Brother Brother and the bombing zone, otherwise it would not be so coincidental!"

"I'm afraid that my eldest brother recently acquired Blue Hole, and he specifically reported his ID. Therefore, whenever there is a danger, there will be a bombing zone to help!"


Looking at the barrage, Chen Yefeng didn't know how he should explain it. To be honest, I really just thought about it in my heart!

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