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Chapter 354: This person seems very simple!

Fatty Yan is still more reliable, otherwise his sister would not be able to hand over such a big entertainment company to him.

When Chen Yefeng arrived, someone immediately responded.

After buying a bottle of mineral water, Chen Yefeng followed the staff to the headquarters of Nanhu TV Station.

As soon as he entered the door, he could see Fatty Yan greeted him with a smile on his face. This kind of treatment made everyone around him feel a little incredible.

You know, Fatty Yan's name is a jingle in the entertainment industry. No matter how big you are, he can't please you, but it is really surprising that he greeted a strange face in this way today.

Could it be that this kid has a particularly big background! ?

Chen Yefeng felt the gazes of the people around him, and he didn't care too much. After all, he had been stared at this way more than once since childhood.

There is no way, who asked his parents to give him such a shocking face, it is not that he wants to be so handsome.

After a brief introduction to his surroundings, Fatty Yan took Chen Yefeng to the recording studio of Nanhu TV Station, and then a leader said to the staff inside: "Next, I will leave it to Xiao If you use the wind, you have to listen to his instructions and do your best to cooperate with him. If you let me know who doesn't cooperate, you can leave by yourself."

The staff all expressed that they understood that if the leader spoke, they would naturally not have any opinions.

Of course, even if you have opinions, you have to hold back.

But who is this guy?

Could it be that Yan Fatty's illegitimate child?

Otherwise, it makes no sense to let such a big celebrity in the entertainment circle take such care! ! !

Soon, several other people who participated in the show also walked in, including top singers, famous actors, and talented scholars, and most importantly, there was Lu Qingkong!

When Lu Qingkong saw Chen Yefeng, his eyes were very strange, and he didn't seem to know why he appeared here.

This variety show is mainly to invite young and promising young talents from all walks of life to participate in a show.

As a leader in the e-sports circle, Lu Qingkong was naturally invited. Originally, the e-sports circle and the entertainment circle belonged to the unmatched relationship, but because Lu Qingkong liked money, he had already agreed to Yan Fatty's invitation.

Other people, like young singers, famous actors, etc., are relatively well-known. Not many people like Chen Yefeng know about them, and they are actually the first time a big girl meets when she gets married.

After Chen Yefeng saw Lu Qingkong, he didn't say anything more. The paths were different and they didn't seek each other. After all, the two became familiar strangers.

He didn't have too much nonsense. He directly exported the songs rewarded by the system through his mobile phone and played them to everyone.

After some guests listened, they all had the same idea, that was shock.

Shocked This song was really created by this young man in front of me?

It is 100% compatible with this variety show!

Young and crazy!

No wonder they were so shocked, after all, Chen Yefeng's popularity is more in his own live broadcast room and in the previous e-sports circles.

So when no one is optimistic about him, suddenly throwing out such a song is simply shocking.

I thought this was a little white face with no strength and only looks, but I didn't expect him to have this kind of talent!

Are young people so scary now?

You know, not long ago, there was a Bai Ningxin, a song you dominated all the music charts at the same table, and now suddenly another person appeared!

When did geniuses become so common! ?

"Very Nice, you deserve to be your creator at the same table!" Fatty Yan was very happy and smiled and applauded.

In a word, let all the people participating in this variety show be silent, it turns out that he is the one who created you at the same table!

I just heard Bai Ningxin say before that this song was given to her. When she was most helpless and in need of help, she didn't expect it to be the person in front of her!

If this is the case, then the song just now is understandable, because it does not seem to be too difficult for the person who wrote the extremely memorable song of you at the same table.

Everyone was particularly shocked, only Lu Qingkong was still very calm, because he knew a little bit about Chen Yefeng, so he didn't feel any surprises, even if this was not the gaming stage where he shined. on!

Seeing the people around him from the initial disdain to doubts and then to the current shock, Fatty Yan also shook his head at these unsightly people in disdain.

Of course, Fatty Yan would not reveal the identity of Chen Yefeng. For one thing, he knew that Chen Yefeng certainly did not want others to know, and secondly, he naturally did not want to cause any trouble to the recording of the show.

After all, the identity of the true heir to the Chen Group is too shocking.

If the people on the scene know, maybe these people will all be crazy to please, all kinds of flattery, then the effect of the show is not what Yan Fatty wants to see.

Moreover, if Chen Yefeng’s identity is exposed, then I am afraid that I will be blamed again. Although Fatty Yan’s relationship with Chen Yefeng is a year-end friendship, buddies, he doesn’t want the innocent to make Chen Yefeng angry. Fatty Yan cannot bear it. Come!

In fact, before Chen Yefeng came, several guests were chatting while waiting in the lounge. The topic of the chat was Chen Yefeng, who participated in the recording of the theme song, because they had never heard of this person. , Even Lu Qingkong at that time didn't think much about it, just felt that he had the same name.

Everyone is wondering, how can a program without any reputation bring ratings?

What the TV station thinks, Fatty Yan wants to train new people again! ?

Is all paste in his mind?

It now appears that it was oneself and a group of people who miscalculated.

"Xiaofeng, I have already told them what you need to do, just speak directly, and they will try their best to cooperate with you." Fatty Yan said with a smile.

But even though he knew that Chen Yefeng was very talented, some people still didn't understand.

There is no shortage of talented people in this world, but not every talented person will be valued!

Is this person... a sponsor?

Many guests were puzzled, but... With the support of this Nanhu TV director group and Yan Fatty who is also a big star in the entertainment industry, the rest of the guests did not have much to say.

The only thing they can do is to cooperate with Chen Yefeng to please Yan Fatty to win a favor! ! !

After all, Nanhu Satellite TV can also be said to be the top channel in China second only to national TV stations.

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