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Chapter 359: So good

Chen Yefeng was busy all day yesterday, so naturally he was not as energetic as Chen Yuan.

Looking at the little girl lying next to him, Chen Yefeng could only helplessly reach out and rub her head.

"Brother, don't be a lazy pig, get up quickly!" Chen Yuanyi shook Chen Yefeng's arms with both hands, acting unforgivingly.

Chen Yefeng smiled helplessly and dozingly. As the only brother of his little princess, he treated himself like an elder sister. Naturally, besides doting himself, he only spoiled him.

Chen Yefeng quickly got up from the bed and said, "Then you hurry up, brush your teeth, wash your face and change clothes. Brother will take you to breakfast!"

"Hmph!" The little girl didn't know what was going on. After Chen Yefeng and Ye Shengxue's family were determined, they seemed to have lost their studies. After humming twice, Chen Yuan said seriously: "Brother , I just called you for a long time. If you get up early, you don't have to waste that long time. Now you have been delayed for so long, what do you say!?"

"What to do? What do you say?" Chen Yefeng smiled helplessly.

"You help me dress!"

Chen Yefeng's face turned black when he heard this.

"I'm taking Brother Shabu again, you think you are the empress, and let others help you wear it!" Chen Yefeng stretched out his hand and scratched Chen Yuan's nose, and said helplessly and funny.

"I'm not a queen, I'm brother's baby sister!" Chen Yuan said coquettishly.

"Well, my sister is right. Since I was sleeping late and wasted your time, I should admit my mistake and help you dress."

Hearing this, Chen Yuan laughed happily, and after screaming that his brother was really nice, he jumped out of the bed, wearing his pair of rabbit-eared cotton slippers, and ran to the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face.

I remember it was the same when I was a child. When I was a child, Chen Yuan was far less agile than he is now. The little girl was a bit natural and dazed. At that time, Chen Yefeng, the older brother, would help her get dressed, tie her hair and so on.

Chen Yuan, who went to the bathroom, also helped her to squeeze toothpaste. The two brothers and sisters also started to brush their teeth and wash their faces in a unified manner. Then Chen Yefeng, under Chen Yuan's coquettishness, helped her to dress neatly as she did when she was a child. , Plus one of her favorite hairstyles. Although it looks a bit nondescript retro style, Chen Yefeng thinks it is pretty good.

After the incident, Chen Yefeng also took a long breath. After all, since the little girl was sensible, he hadn't tied her hair for a long time.

What's more, when I was young, my hair was short, which is as long as it is now and it is not easy to manage.

After getting everything done, Chen Yefeng immediately pulled Chen Yuan downstairs, who had been hungry for a long time.

Of course.

The brother Chen Yefeng was still very depressed. He had a hot pot meal tomorrow night and tomorrow night. As a result, this little girl was actually hungry again in the morning!

No wonder it grows so big, so edible, can it be so big! ?

There is a good breakfast shop next to the community. Because it is too cold outside, it feels like it can freeze in one breath. So Chen Yefeng bought Chen Yuan’s favorite celery buns and millet porridge. The person returned home.

Back home, the two immediately turned on the TV while eating breakfast, and called up their favorite channel.

Although the wonderful TV series that can be seen are limited after various assessments, Chen Yefeng feels that children nowadays are all precocious, and they should understand everything that they can understand. In fact, there is no need to do so. Educate yourself well, because this is the fundamental.

It was rare for Chen Yuan not to mess around, eating breakfast and watching TV without blinking.

Ye Shengxue came over at noon, and the three of them made another hot pot with the leftover ingredients from last night.

In the evening, my sister Chen Shiyi came back, watching her baby brother and baby sister lying down on the sofa in a listless manner, she immediately laughed and said, "You two little guys are hungry? What do you want to eat, sister Go make it for you!"

"Report!!!" Chen Yuan excitedly raised his hands, "Sister, I want to eat a little fried pork and put more meat!!!"

"Okay!" Chen Shiyi smiled, and then looked at her baby brother, "Xiaofeng, how about you?"

"Anything will do!" Chen Yefeng is not too picky, "As long as my sister makes it, everything is delicious."

"Haha, Xiaofeng, you have something wrong today. Is your mouth smearing honey? Why is it so sweet? Or is there something I need help from my sister? You don’t have money to spend? You shouldn’t. There is something in the card I gave you. A lot of money, you won't spend it all?" Chen Shiyi put down the things in her hands, turned around and went to the kitchen.

After a while, the dinner was prepared under the busy schedule of his sister Chen Shiyi. After smelling the fragrant dinner, the two brothers and sisters also had appetites, but before he started to move his chopsticks, there was a knock on the door.

"It's so late, who is knocking on the door?" Chen Yefeng frowned, stood up from the dining table, walked over and opened the door.

Outside the door, Ye Shengxue, who had gone back, stood there pretty, and when she saw Li Zheng, her eyes suddenly narrowed into crescent shapes with a smile.

"Huh? Didn't you go home? Why are you back again?

I understand, do you know that your sister is here, I said, are you a dog? My sister just made dinner, and you came here after smelling it! "Chen Yefeng opened his mouth and Ye Shengxue's face turned black.

"You are a dog!" Rolling his eyes, Ye Shengxue said, "My sister called me to come... I didn't even have a meal, so my sister called me to eat something."

"Do you want to face?" Chen Yefeng was depressed. This Nizi is now more and more unreserved. At first, she and her sister would still be a little unwilling to let go. With the passage of time, good fellow, now it can be said to be completely Let go of his hands and feet.

But there is no way, who will let you be a family now!

"No more!" Sure enough, Ye Shengxue twisted her head and stretched out her hand to pull Chen Yefeng aside. She consciously went to the kitchen and took a pair of chopsticks by herself, and the two of them ate with Chen Yuan with relish.

"Eat slowly, there is not enough!" Chen Shiyi smiled softly, enjoying the life in front of her very much.

For her, this is actually pretty good.

If possible, she would prefer to be a sister who takes care of her younger siblings, rather than a high-cold female president who is all-powerful.


As the night got darker, Chen Yefeng was originally very enthusiastic in inviting Ye Shengxue to his room. The two of them conspired a major event at night. However, this Nizi ran to Chen Yuan’s room. Although Ye Shengxue is now the sister-in-law of her little princess, After all, the two are best friends, so Chen Yefeng couldn't help it.

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