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Chapter 369: Egg Fried Rice

As the saying goes, there is no harm without comparison.

At this moment, the situation of Chen Yefeng and Lu Qingkong and the other guests clearly formed a very sharp contrast.

Chen Yefeng and Lu Qingkong may not even know that they are now getting better and better in the program group.

It is exactly the image of a good brother and a good brother, which makes people have an inexplicable affection for both of them.

Especially compared with other guests participating in the show, many staff members are sighing that this is a competent brother and obedient brother.

There are many attractive men, but sometimes the charm is not only limited to talents. Now, Chen Yefeng and Lu Qingkong are both men who possess both charm, talent and appearance.

Chen Yefeng hasn't even noticed that there are many young female staff members who look at him a little differently.

Just imagine, such a warm man, and talented, once wrote a song like you who was at the same table as Bai Ningxin.

What's more, the most important thing is that people are very handsome, and it is impossible not to let people pay attention.

As the saying goes, fish and bear's paws cannot have both. When appearance and talent appear together in one person, it is naturally able to easily touch the hearts of some women.

Of course, these women may never weigh how many catties they have.


The egg fried rice made by Chen Yefeng himself is not toasting, it has been tasted by his little princess.

Otherwise, Chen Yuan would not be allowed to bow down.

Eggs and rice with chopped green onions are not only rich in aroma, but also increase appetite.

smell good!

Although it hadn't come out yet, just smelling the scent, the staff shooting nearby could not help but start to swallow.

Listening to the sound of a spatula coming from nearby, and the fragrance lingering around, Chen Shiyi was also looking at her baby brother eagerly.

Unexpectedly, the younger brother still has this kind of craft, and suddenly wanted to taste it. After all, this seems to be the first time for the younger brother to cook for himself.

No, it should be said that it is the first time to make something edible and fragrant for myself to eat.

The surrounding staff wanted to tell the truth and wanted to taste it. Of course, they could only think about it. After all, this was obviously an idea that did not meet the requirements of the program.

and so.

They can only think about it this way.

A few minutes later, under Chen Shiyi's eyes, Chen Yefeng finally finished the egg fried rice.

"Sister, the egg fried rice is ready."

As Chen Yefeng's voice fell, a steaming egg fried rice was placed in front of his sister.

The unique aroma of fried rice permeated the house, making the staff present unable to control their saliva.

Some people's stomachs made a grunting noise.

I saw the egg fried rice placed in front of Chen Shiyi, no matter its color or aroma, it completely crushed any practice in other places.

Especially when the fragrance of eggs and rice are mixed together, it gives people a tempting scent, and it makes people can't help but move their index fingers.

At first glance, on the white porcelain plate, golden rice grains are loosely and evenly piled together, like gems.

Chen Yefeng didn't know that his egg fried rice made the staff swallow.

As always, he picked out as many eggs as possible and put them in Chen Shiyi's dish, just like when his sister took care of himself when he was young.

"It's not bad, I didn't expect this kind of cooking skills!" Chen Shiyi smiled sweetly, her eyes full of gentleness.


Chen Shiyi also picked up the spoon and happily and satisfiedly ate the egg fried rice made by her baby brother.

All of this will also be fully recorded by the footage of the program team, recording every move between the siblings.

This kind of innocent sibling emotion is envious.

Of course, this is not a show, because the kind of pampering Chen Shiyi showed to Chen Yefeng is very natural in the eyes of all the staff, without any pretentiousness.

The same is true for Chen Yefeng.

"I'm full!" After a while, Chen Shiyi put down the spoon in her hand and smiled at the empty plate in front of her.

It can be seen that she is very happy, and there is nothing left of the egg fried rice.

At this moment, Chen Yefeng also learned to take care of herself when her sister was at home when she was a child. He took out a paper towel on the table and handed it to her, "Sister, you see that you are full of food, quickly wipe it."

Chen Shiyi also reached out to take the tissue, and gently wiped the corners of her mouth. The movements were very elegant and natural, as if there were only two of them here, like their brother and sister, there was no other person at all, and there was no pretentiousness.

Of course.

This natural look will all be recorded by filming and will be broadcast to viewers who like to watch variety shows.


As the night got deeper, Chen Shiyi leaned on the bed and said slightly jokingly, "Remember when you were a kid you always pestered me to tell you stories?"

"Of course I remember!" Chen Yefeng laughed, "Sister, don't you want me to tell you a story!?"

"Of course not, it's so boring to tell stories. My sister is not a kid, how about you singing to me now?"

Chen Shiyi thought about it very seriously after she finished speaking, as if she wanted to let her precious brother sing to herself.

When Chen Yefeng heard that, she also looked at her sister quietly, "Sister, don't worry, you think about it slowly."

Chen Shiyi found a comfortable position to lean on after hearing the words, and looked at her baby brother with gentle eyes, "Then you can play whatever you want, singing anything."

Chen Yefeng thought for a while, even if he spoke.

The sound is very soft, but it is very magnetic.


"Don't let go if you can hold it tight,

Don't pull if you can hug.

Time is in a hurry, washing away, what is left...

Forgive the twists and turns,

It turned out that what was left was true.

Even though it looks like a dream, half awake,

Happy laughing and crying.

Who let~

Time is something that catches people off guard,

When it is sunny, there is wind and overcast, and sometimes rain.

Can't compete day and night, and think about the past~

Stealing Qingsi but keeping you.

Years are a journey that goes without return,

The good and the bad are the scenery.

Don't blame me for being greedy, I just don't want to wake up.

Because you only want to be with me for you.

Look at the clouds and breeze~"

After the simple cappella, Chen Shiyi naturally reached out and patted his palm without hesitation, and exclaimed in praise: "Don't say it, it's pretty good."

However, what surprised Chen Yefeng was that in addition to his sister's applause, there were other applause at the scene, and the source of the applause was the staff at the scene.

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