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Chapter 371: Back to school

The New Year is nothing special, it's nothing more than a family gathering to eat and drink.

Nowadays, the taste is getting weaker and weaker, and the feeling of childhood is completely gone.

Some people say that this perversion is caused by the increase of age, and some people say that they are full.

In fact, Chen Yefeng feels that the reason why he feels that the taste of the year is getting weaker and lighter is nothing more than the more advanced technology.

With a smart phone in hand, the anticipation and excitement of my childhood are gone.


Time flies quickly, and after the end of the new year, it is time to start school in a blink of an eye.

On this day, Chen Yefeng and Chen Yuan got up very early, and they were at the station early to send Ye Shengxue back to Kyoto.

As a result, after waiting for about ten minutes, Chen Yefeng saw his prospective daughter-in-law slowly appear in his field of vision while pulling the suitcase.

"Where is your cousin?" Chen Yefeng asked subconsciously, but then quickly changed his words: "No, it seems that we are in a relationship. I should say, where is my future sister-in-law?"

"Fuck you!" Ye Shengxue couldn't help rolling her eyes, then helped Chen Yuan tidy up some messy hair, and said: "My cousin has left a week in advance."

"Then why don't you follow along?"

The world is a lesson, Chen Yefeng just said casually, but after hearing this, Nizi became impatient.

"What do you mean?"

"What do you mean?" Looking at Ye Shengxue, whose tone suddenly rose, Chen Yefeng said that he was a bit of a monk at a loss.

"Are you despising me?!"

"Damn! I didn't, don't talk nonsense!"

"Why not, that's what you mean, why don't you hurry up because you dislike me!" Ye Shengxue said angrily.

"You woman is simply unreasonable!" Chen Yefeng's face was dark.

Although she is her future daughter-in-law, she is still a woman after all, and as long as she is a woman, it seems to make people very crazy!

"Huh, didn't you dislike me?" Ye Shengxue curled his lips, and finally took a sip in Chen Yefeng's eyes ready to speak, and then ran onto the train with the suitcase.


This Nizi just left?

Just like last time?

Run away after stealing a kiss?

How can you be so shameless to be a man, let yourself go back in person! ! !

Looking at the train going away, Chen Yefeng thought in his heart.

When he was stunned, Chen Yuan also leaned forward.

"Brother, I am either!"

"What you are!" Chen Yefeng looked at his cousin with her head held high, and immediately reached out and knocked on her forehead without hesitation.

As a result, the latter suddenly grinned and was dissatisfied.

"Brother, you have changed, and you are no longer the cousin of the male **** who followed Xiaoyuan!"

"If you feel itchy, just say, brother must make you enjoyable!"

"Forget it..."

After sending Ye Shengxue away, the two brothers and sisters also packed their luggage, and finally drove to the Magic City Academy.

Before entering the school gate, you can see Wei Zimiao, Chu Sheng, Gao Chao, Wu Liang, and Fan Tong who came to pick you up at the school gate.

"Brother, it's been a long time, do you miss me!" Fan Tong seemed to be more blessed after a year.

He has a big head and a thick neck, which is not the sight of a big money partner!

It is not an exaggeration to describe him in this sentence.

"Yes, of course!" Chen Yefeng smiled haha. It is rare to meet with acquaintances, so he is naturally very happy.

"Good brother, let's talk about it, what do you want to eat tonight, let me treat you!" Chu Sheng said very grandiosely, patting Fan Tong's round belly.

"Don't save me money, who will let us have this capital after the Chinese New Year!!!"

"You can eat whatever you want. If you have a poor appetite recently, you may not be blessed to enjoy your meal."

"How can you live up to Chu Sheng's kindness!" Gao Chao walked up with a smile, and said unceremoniously.

"That's right, you thought I was to invite you, I was mainly to invite your sister!" Chu Sheng also told the truth.

Chen Yefeng also quickly asked his cousin to leave first, although the big guy is a brother, but you want to beat my sister, it must be absolutely absolutely necessary!

After Chen Yefeng dismissed his wish, he also took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and handed out one to everyone.

Several people stood together, lit their cigarettes, and inhaled deeply.

"Let me tell you that my dad recently gave me a lot of money, and Wu Liang and I are also preparing to enter the e-sports industry!"

"You didn't wake up?" Chen Yefeng also knew that the two Crouching Dragon and Phoenix chicks wanted to go professional before. They thought that after so long, they had realized the difference.

However, I didn't expect that after a year, they seemed to expand even more!

"Really, but I'm just going to be a boss. After all, my skills are too good, and most people can't cooperate with me at all. So I plan to sponsor other people. In the future, my brother may also have a pivotal position in the e-sports circle. "While smoking a cigarette, Gao Chao also began to talk about trivial matters.

"Just you??" Chu Sheng squinted at him, as if I didn't believe it.

After all, except for him and Wu Liang, anyone here knows how these two guys operate, only the two of them don't know.

Moreover, if you don't know it, forget it, but still think that all this has nothing to do with yourself, because others can't keep up with your own rhythm!

Especially, this made Chu Sheng, who was tortured by Wu Liang and Gao Dynasty at that time, almost cursed. Do you two have a little rhythm!

Marked points can be changed halfway! ! !

"Forget it, let's not talk about it, I don't know if you have heard of the Chen Group?"

"Chen Group, which Chen Group?"

"Never heard of it, what's up, is it great?"

"It must be awesome!"

"Why haven't you seen it on TV?"

"If you can show it on TV, you can definitely let us know! You don't understand this?"

Hearing how quickly the topics of a few people changed, Chen Yefeng's heart also shook.

It seems that what Wu Liang said makes sense. Although his family has a big business, there is really nothing on TV about the report.

Is it true that, as Wu Liang said, his family may be very good? ? ?

However, do you want to tell them that you are the future heir of the Chen Group?

Do you want to tell this matter yourself, but after thinking about it, Chen Yefeng decided to forget it.

Regardless of whether one's own status is high or low, the affection between brothers will not change.

"According to you, the Chen Group is a big fish! However, this seems to have nothing to do with us. Since we don't want us to know, there must be some truth."

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