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Chapter 381: Someone always hit the idea of ​​my little princess


Although e-sports is not the most attracting money, it is not as popular as the little fresh meat in the entertainment industry.

But the number of domestic teams is almost 10 million starting.

So, very few teams agree to be acquired, unless you can pay more than their own existence value.

Obviously, Chen Yefeng will not idle and have nothing to buy those top teams. Let alone whether people agree or disagree, even if they agree, Chen Yefeng will not agree, because that will mean that many players will have to face certainty. Employment issues.


The establishment of the new team is naturally to start from scratch. Chen Yefeng knows this best.

Of course.

Regardless of whether it is for Chu Changkong or Chen Yefeng, this kind of event can basically be said to be easy to catch.

Two months later, the Changfeng team finally got the qualification to participate in the summer competition of the domestic competition from the lowest level of competition. It can be said that it is almost like a sweeping sweep.

On this day, the weather was a little sultry, and Chu Changkong also called a few people together, and a few people gathered around a small table at the roadside stall.

In addition to waiting for the skewers to be served, there is naturally the summer competition of the domestic competition the day after tomorrow.

"Master, what do you want to eat?" Chu Changkong looked at Chen Yefeng. Although Chen Yefeng had never listened to a command in the most recent event, he could gain a few heads every time he acted alone. Several people formed a tendency to double-team with others.

This made Chu Changkong very depressed. Originally, he wanted to use this kind of competition to find out how good his master is.

But through so many competitions, it seems that the master is not very good, because it seems that none of the people participating in the competition can raise his spirit and show his full strength.

"You can eat anything." Chen Yefeng doesn't really care about eating. Of course, it would be best if he could eat his sister's cooking every meal.

"What about you?" Chu Changkong looked at Mu Heng and the degree two.

The two also ordered something casually.

"Did you see the Blood Red team today?" Mu Heng's eyes were full of envy and sigh. "Last year they seemed to be the same as us. The result was a blockbuster in the domestic competition. Now there are many fans. When I saw them today , They are being surrounded by a group of people asking for autographs. I don’t know when we can be like them!"

"Female fans? Haven't we always had one?" said in a puzzled way.

Although he doesn't know who the young lady who has been excitedly shouting cheering for them is, but as long as it is a fan, it must be beautiful.

"That's the master's younger sister!" Chu Changkong knew Chen Yuan, and immediately explained it to them.

after all.

In these two-month competitions, you can see a lively, cheerful and sweet young lady cheering for them in almost every game.

At first, Mu Heng still had a degree. Both people felt that their team had fans so quickly, but both of them thought that this was probably the reason for Chu Changkong.

After all, Chu Changkong had served in the LN team before.

Although it is not clear why he abandoned the LN team, this does not mean that he did not have fan support when he was in the LN team.

Originally, female fans are very common. Every professional player wants to have fans who support him. This seems to be a good thing.

It’s just that, now two people know that this young lady is not a fan of Chu Changkong when she was in the LN team, nor is she a fan of her own team. It is entirely because her brother is in this team that the younger sister will come here. Cheer up!

Hmm... my enviable sister! ! !

You know, every time the game is over, this female fan will always rush up to give everyone a bottle of water, and smiled and said something hard.

"I said, that is really Brother Feng's younger sister?" Mu Heng's expression was a little weird. Originally, Chen Yefeng told him to call him by name, but the guy said he didn't agree with anything and insisted on shouting after Chu Changkong. master.

This made Chen Ye's limelight so much so that one apprentice is enough, so why are there so many people who strongly recognize him?

So under Chen Yefeng's stern resistance, the two took a step back, and finally Mu Heng called him Brother Feng.

"Could it be your sister?" Chen Yefeng asked instead.

"Thank you, Brother Feng, I will definitely take good care of my sister!"

"Huh??" Chen Yefeng was stunned.

What did you say, this dog actually said such things?

What is our sister?

That is my sister of Chen Yefeng, I can take care of it by myself as a brother, without the need for others to interfere!

The atmosphere was slightly subtle, and Chen Yefeng took a deep look at Mu Heng.

There are always people who make the idea of ​​their little princess again, the last one named Chu Sheng who has been subdued by himself, did not expect another one to appear today!

I advise you to put your mind away, or don't blame Chen Yefeng for being a bad person!

At this time, the owner of the barbecue stall also brought up the skewers ordered by a few people. The aroma was overflowing, and the appetite of the few people was suddenly moved.

No way, although Chen Yefeng is the only heir of the Chen group, he is also a big layman, and he will not be too particular about it.

And who can refuse the charm of skewers! ?

Of course the answer is no!

Therefore, after taking a deep look at Mu Heng as a warning, Chen Yefeng immediately grabbed a stick and ate it to his heart's content.

"Let's not talk about this, Chang Kong, I have been a bit tight lately, when will I settle my salary?" At this moment, he suddenly spoke to the extent that he had not spoken.

Moreover, the first sentence is to ask for money very realistically!

In today's society, everything is done for money. It is unrealistic to have dreams, just as Chen Yefeng said the moment he saw the degree on the first day.

He plays professionally for money, a very realistic reason.

Although Chen Yefeng was quite disgusted with such people, he was relieved when he thought of the differences between people, not everyone is the same as himself, and didn't need to worry about money.

After all, although money is not omnipotent, it is really impossible to have no money.

Since he invited people to form his own team, then Chu Changkong would naturally have to pay equal remuneration.

After several months of understanding, Chen Yefeng also knew that his family was actually not too rich, and he was somewhat considerate of why this person was able to say so bluntly that his career was for money.

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