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Chapter 383: The most realistic problem

As the saying goes, money is not everything, but it is absolutely impossible to have no money.

It was not easy for Changfeng Team to reach this point in just over two months.

Although this is inseparable from Chen Yefeng, Chu Changkong, Mu Heng and their strength, it still depends on the individual players.

Sometimes, having great strength does not necessarily mean that you can move forward. It also requires an attitude in your heart.

And the degree of attitude is very clear, in order to play well, for the money!

Only after the layup is there any money to take!

Although the Changfeng team may not be better than the top teams, such as Lu Qingkong's Sky Blue team and Su Liyang's Thunder team, it is also much better than most other three-in-class teams.

Looking at the domestic competition, the summer season is about to begin. This is about the quota for the World Championship. Originally, Chu Changkong’s plan was to win the World Championship in one fell swoop and achieve a feat that no one has ever accomplished. From the lowest level The event achieved three consecutive jumps.

But the most realistic problem at the moment makes him a little worried.

The team has no sponsorship. After all, the events that have been experienced for more than two months are not well-known, and even if it is famous in the summer competition soon after, Chu Changkong did not intend to want any sponsorship.

Because of the influx of capital, the entire e-sports will inevitably be filled with flavors that did not belong to it. This is what Chu Changkong didn't want to see, and it was also the reason why he left the LN club.

I originally wanted to see if I could go home to borrow something from my parents after playing the summer games, but now it seems that this matter has to be resolved quickly.

"How about this? How about I transfer you 10,000 first? You know, our team is not sponsored at all, and apart from the bonuses of the previous tournaments, I also spent the rest of our daily expenses. , So I can only put out so much now!"

Chu Changkong didn't have any ink, and while talking, he also took out his mobile phone to transfer 10,000 yuan to the mobile phone.

Although the money has changed, he still sighs silently in his heart. This is not the way to go. You have to find a way to solve this most realistic problem.

Is it true that you have to reach out and control what your family wants? ? ?

Chu Changkong remembered that before he came out, he vowed to say that without relying on them, he must rely on his own strength to make a name in the e-sports circle.

But now it is obvious that only the family can help.

Chu Changkong is also a genius, but he chose the path he likes after all, instead of studying hard step by step and doing what the family said.

But the current situation is that people are not as good as the sky, and after all, they have lost to the most realistic problem.

After all, if you don't get the most basic protection, who will stay in the team and play with peace of mind?

It is good to have dreams, but at least you have to live!

Although Chen Yefeng and Mu Heng said they didn't care, Chu Changkong was indeed very sorry.

They don't care, but they do.

You know, Chen Yefeng directly helped him through a series of cumbersome procedures, and directly gave him the team he originally applied for in the E-Sports Association. This not only saved Chu Changkong a lot of trouble, but also It saved him a lot of money.

You know, Chen Yefeng's application for the team quota in the E-Sports Association is comparable to the current four major teams. As long as a certain amount of capital is injected, he can become the fifth team.

Chu Changkong is even the importance of this kind of team quota. After all, when he was in the LN club, Chu Changkong heard someone bid 100 million to buy the LN team, but it seemed to be rejected.

Therefore, in this way, Chu Changkong's heart is even more uncomfortable.

Although he is solely responsible for all the expenses of the team, but in the same way, if the Changfeng team can really achieve a good result, Chu Changkong will make the most profit.

Let's not say that people followed you to play games regardless of payment. It was just Chen Yefeng's gift that made Chu Changkong feel a little ashamed, and he was very unhappy in his heart.

I asked others to join the team to play the game, but I couldn't even provide the corresponding protection, but I had to let people put money in it.

If you can feel at ease, then you will be really awkward!

"Ten thousand yuan is not enough to be honest, you know the situation in my family, now ten thousand yuan really can't do anything." The degree took a deep breath, and his face was also embarrassed.

You know, before this, the level has been submitted to all e-sports clubs of all sizes, but either they were rejected directly or they couldn't get along with the team.

After finally getting a chance to play professionally, he naturally didn't want to give up.

But there is no way. Although he is very grateful to Chu Changkong for giving him a chance to play a career, this kind of most realistic problem is something that makes countless people a headache.

Looking around, how many people are stumped by a word of money.

No matter what it is, this problem will arise, and you may not necessarily encounter it, but when you encounter it, only you can understand the difficult feeling. This is a kind of pain that cannot be told to others at all!


Chu Changkong also smiled helplessly. Ten thousand yuan was still the most money he could spend after removing all the expenses of the team.

Originally, Chu Changkong felt that it shouldn't be difficult to form a team to play the game. It was nothing more than finding a few good people to run in.

But now it seems that Chu Changkong feels that his thinking is a bit too simple.

"I'm really sorry, when the domestic competition is finished, I will find a way to reissue it to you!"

"I said, eat first, we will think of a solution when the money matters. If it doesn't work, we will solve the problem first. I am not in a hurry. Anyway, I am not short of money for the time being." Mu Heng stretched out his hand and patted Chu Changkong's shoulder. , To ease this awkward atmosphere.

However, where can everyone eat now?

It was a pleasant dinner, but because of a simple problem, it was a bit unhappy, and the fragrant skewers became less delicious.

Mu Heng naturally knows a little about the situation at home. His mother is suffering from illness, and his father is already old. The information age is certainly not as good as other people’s money. It is estimated that the cost of medicine every month is not small expenditure.

Therefore, Mu Heng did not blame the extent of why he had to say such things at this time to destroy the cheerful atmosphere that should have been celebrated today.

After all, he also knows that there is a saying that does not persuade others to be kind.

Moreover, Mu Heng thinks he will do the same if he thinks in another way.

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