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Chapter 393: Genius is not scary, it's scary to work harder than you

"Whose fan is this, so big!"

"Big? What's big?"

"Of course it's age, the figure is seriously inconsistent with age!"

"Who is her brother, I also go to get to know my future elder brother in advance!"

"Wow, isn't this a small wish, I actually saw a real person here!"

"Really, I am even more beautiful than in the live broadcast room!"

"Should we run over and take a photo with her!"

Listening to the whispers of the people around, Ying Yingying, who was with Chen Yuan, also hurriedly reached out and pulled her arm, beckoning her not to be so public.

"Little wish, be quiet, so many people are watching you!"

"I got it." Chen Yuan nodded, smiled, and yelled, brother, cheering with his hands as a loudspeaker, and then he calmed down with satisfaction.

The fans who just recognized Chen Yuan also ran over.

"Are you the anchor Chen Xiaoyuan?"

Seeing the fans who suddenly appeared in front of him, Chen Yuan coughed slightly.

Although she is like a young child in front of her cousin, she acts like a coquettish and cute every day, but when facing her fans, she naturally has to maintain the coercion of an idol.

"Ahem, it's me!" Although she was very happy in her heart, some fans recognized herself, but on the surface, Chen Yuan was still very calm, because she remembered her cousin told herself that it was a bit of a city!

"Great, I finally saw alive!"

Originally, I was quite excited, but after hearing this from my fans, I suddenly didn't know what to say.

However, the little girl is quite calm. She keeps reminding herself that she must not be angry, and she must not be angry. These fans will definitely let themselves sign and take photos with them.

Anyway, I'm also my own fans, so I still have to be nice to them.

"Come on, I'm ready!" Chen Yuan took out his phone, turned on the camera, and adjusted his hair style to the camera. He was already ready to take photos with fans.

However, just as Chen Yuan was ready, he thought about what looks and poss he would put on later, but at this moment, several fans suddenly spoke up.

"Xiao Yuan, to be honest, can you give us the contact information of Brother Uncle!"

"Yeah, Xiaoyuan, to be honest, we have been admiring Brother Uncle for a long time, do you want to give me his contact information, we have to confess to him!!!"

"Yeah, I have liked my elder brother for a long time, so I want to have a wave of friendly interactions with him!"

"Big brother will not play at the top? Which team is he in? Why didn't I see him in the team roster!"

Listening to the words of your fans, Chen Yuan felt like more than 10,000 flies circled around her again, making her wish that she would take a knife and kill a fake fan!

I thought these little fans came to take a group photo with themselves, but I didn't expect that they came to see my cousin!

Although Chen Yuan also admits that his cousin is indeed a very attractive person, but... cousin is not there, take a photo with my magical girl Chen Xiaoyuan, have you wronged you?

What kind of expressions are you all on!

"My brother is in a new team." Although I was very depressed, my cousin's fans are also his own fans, so Chen Yuan still smiled and explained their confusion.

"That's a shame!"

"Yeah, yeah, I thought I could take a photo with my elder brother, but I was blind!"

"Forget it, the eldest brother is not here, make do, take a photo with Xiaoyuan, I think of elder brother when I see Xiaoyuan."

Chen Yuan: "..."

Now she can't wait to find a knife and kill all these fake fans, leaving none!

Take a photo with me Chen Yuan, have you wronged you! ?

After the group photo, Chen Yuan also waved goodbye to a few fake fans.

"What's the matter, dejected, who caused you?" Ying Yingying asked with a smile as she watched Chen Yuan coming back with a look of grief and indignation.

For this little sister who is two years younger than herself, and because of her boyfriend Wang Yang and her brother Chen Yefeng, Ying Yingying still treats him more like a little sister, and the tone of her speech naturally follows. Got to spoil them together.

This is also impossible, because I have spent a lot of time with Chen Yuan, Ying Yingying especially likes this weird little girl.

"It's not my brother yet!" Chen Yuan was very depressed. He thought he was a fan of my magical girl Chen Xiaoyuan. As a result, all of them were fake fans, all of whom came to doting on his cousin.

Sure enough, the whole world is hitting his cousin's idea again!

"Huh?" Ying Ying was slightly stunned when she heard Chen Yuan's answer. "Didn't your brother prepare for the game? Why did he provoke you again?"

Chen Yuan briefly narrated the matter, but the result also caused Ying Yingying to laugh.

"Well, anyway, you are all fans of your brothers and sisters. What's so depressing." Ying Yingying followed the example of Chen Yefeng, reaching out and patted her head, smiling and comforting.


At this time, the atmosphere in the venue is still high, and the cheering voices of various fans are still a bit shocking.

On the other side, a group of Blood Red Team was also filled with emotion.

You know, last year they were just a team struggling to fight at the bottom, but in just one year, they have come to this point, and only they know all the difficulties.

I'm afraid it is nothing more than keeping the clouds and seeing the light.

Of course, Chen Yefeng's help is indispensable for imparting various experiences, and not only in the game, but also some traps in the e-sports circle, which allows the blood red team to come to this point.

"To be honest, I never thought that one day, we would actually be able to get to this point!"

With the blood red team, Ning Fei walked in the team, looking at the crowd of people with so much atmosphere, she was also full of emotion.

For him, he is very satisfied with being able to get to this point. After all, he is not too young now. Whether it is talent or age, it can be said to be the limit.

Although he works very hard, what is the genius for working hard to be useful?

Professionals are all geniuses. The most indispensable thing among professional players is genius, and the least lacking is hardworking people.

Genius is not terrible, what I am afraid of is that genius works harder than you!

Therefore, Ning Fei, who had limited talent, knew that he could reach this point even if he tried harder. It was indeed the limit of the limit.

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