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Chapter 395: Game start

Well known.

No matter what time it is, only good communication and a cheerful atmosphere are the best proof of a team's state.

As it is now, when the team is lifeless, no one speaks, and the needle is quietly dropped, this is a very dangerous time.

To describe it in terms of other people's words, that is, it hasn't been beaten yet, and its momentum is half weak, and it has been lost.

No matter when, communication is the key to a team's victory, and a good atmosphere is always the most important.

Like a certain MOBA game, in the eighth year, there was a team with tens of millions of people. Didn't it also lose the game because of the team atmosphere, and ended up in the quarterfinals?

This is difficult to break as the captain of Chu Changkong. In order not to be so difficult to wait for the game and to win the World Championship tickets, he naturally has to stand up and adjust this embarrassing atmosphere.


Chu Changkong patted the table gently, and after focusing all the attention of several people on himself, he smiled and said, "No, it's just a game. You don't need to be nervous. We will definitely be able to advance if we use our previous strength. Yes, don’t be too nervous, how can you relax, believe me, in fact, there is nothing terrible about ordinary professional players!"

"Zhangkong, don't worry, I'm not nervous, I can definitely show my 200% strength!" Although Mu Heng said so, he did vaguely see him holding the mouse. The hands trembled faintly again.

"Two hundred percent won't work, you have to use your five hundred percent, one thousand percent strength! Master, you enlighten him!" Chu Changkong said.

Chen Yefeng nodded, and also asked Mu Heng aloud: "I ask you, what is your name!?"

"What do you mean?" Mu Heng was stunned for a moment, and didn't know why Chen Yefeng suddenly asked this question.

"It's not interesting, just ask, don't be nervous, tell me what your name is!"

"I...I..." Mu Heng stumbled for a long time, and finally said: "I'm not nervous!"

Chu Changkong: "..."

As a result, Mu Heng's words made Chen Yefeng happy.

Mu Heng was also particularly embarrassed. Looking at Chen Yefeng who was smiling like a flower, he threatened directly: "What's so funny, be careful in the game, I won't cooperate with you!"

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, I am a free man, and we didn't have much cooperation."

Mu Heng originally wanted to threaten Chen Yefeng, but in the end he was directly blocked by Chen Yefeng's words, not knowing what to say.

Yes, there is nothing wrong with this. He is a free agent. In the previous games, he acted alone, and sometimes the whole game would not join the team. It is not uncommon!

It made Mu Heng even a little bit accustomed to the team of these three people. If Chen Yefeng suddenly followed the big team, I am afraid he would be really not used to it.

"I said, this is related to the World Cup ticket game, you can relax a little." Mu Heng reminded that in order to get to this point, he has paid all his efforts, and of course there is no room for sloppy.

"Don't worry, as long as you don't give it away later, I can definitely take you to lie down and win!"

"Damn! Don't you have anything other than bragging?" Mu Heng curled his lips when he heard that, with a look of contempt, he didn't believe what Chen Yefeng said.

"No, it's actually my strong point to pick up girls, but I have already been booked, so I only have to be quiet and handsome now!" Chen Yefeng finished speaking, sighed deeply, and looked very sorry. , "To be honest, I may have nothing except handsome now!"

"Oh by the way, and girlfriends, you saw the last time in our video. Tsk tsk, I really envy single dogs like you. You can be lighthearted, you can eat alone, and the whole family is not hungry!"

"Funny boy, look at you!" Mu Heng put up a middle finger, despising Chen Yefeng's bragging behavior.

What's wrong with your girlfriend, it's like no one!

Every male compatriot has a pair of twin girlfriends, OK! ! !

Chen Yefeng said in a few words, although it sounds a bit bitter and mean, let alone, after fighting with Mu Heng, there is indeed an atmosphere that a team should have!

At least not so lifeless as before, much better than before.

Chu Changkong on the side also gave Chen Yefeng a thumbs up in his heart. The Dark Master is worthy of being a master. Whether it is technical or other aspects, he is much more perfect than himself. It seems that he still has a lot to learn from him!

Although it seems that Chen Yefeng is a bit pretending to be a bit coerced and is using his girlfriend to pull hatred for spreading dog food, but a team, no one is pretending to be coerced, no one is hi, can it be a perfect team?

Obviously, it is not!

But, even so. The degree of sitting in the leftmost position is still silent. Logically speaking, the atmosphere of the current team obviously belongs to the kind of bad friend moments where everyone brags and satirizes each other together, but he is like a boring gourd. .

Chen Yefeng saw it in his eyes and also remembered it in his heart.

Of course, he didn't say anything more, after all, he has always believed in one sentence, how useless it is to say!


Time passed by, ticking, like running water.

Soon, all the teams signaled that the referee's equipment was debugged, and the game naturally started.

"Well, based on the number of votes on the scene just now, the big favorites to win the PUBG World Cup Invitational Tournament in London, England are still the Sky Blue team, the Thunder team, the LN team and the last blood red team!"

"If I remember correctly, the blood red team seems to be a dark horse in the last domestic competition. At that time, when everyone was not optimistic, it won a very high ranking!

It is really gratifying. Now the Blood Red team has many fans and people who support them. They are no longer the same as the last time. I hope they can neither be humble nor overbearing and get a good result again! "

"Of course, according to the official list of contestants, our commentator also found the shadow of an old acquaintance!

Yes, this person is the player who has won the highest honor of China FPS shooting game in the world on behalf of China, and is also Chen Yefeng, one of the five world-class professional players recognized by China E-Sports Association so far, ID Black day player! "

Listening to Xi Ling in the commentary, Chen Yuan in the audience was also excited and shouted, "It's my brother, let's talk about my brother! Ah ah ah ah!!!"

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