Sign In From the Sky

Chapter 125: The **** dog was miserable

Soon, Lin Feng and Ye Fan returned to Shizhai with the **** dog.

It's just that along the way, Ye Fan and the **** dog have been arguing for a moment.

The **** dog attacked several times, trying to bite Ye Fan's body surface and obtain some Eucharist blood, but they all failed.

Because of the sturdiness of the Eucharist, it has reached a terrible point!

And Ye Fan was also very troubled by the **** dog. This **** dog, who had followed the ancient emperor, was not weaker than his sacred body.

Ye Fan's fist, which could break the mountain and crack the rock, hit the **** dog as if it was tickling this guy, and couldn't move it at all.

And because of this, the **** dog is like a dog skin plaster, relying on Ye Fan, and it almost collapses Ye Fan's toss.

Ye Fan looked at Lin Feng who was immediately entering Shizhai, and suddenly his heart moved, and he looked at the **** dog with a smile on his face and said: "Guzi, tell you a secret, did you see the person in front of you, that's me? Big brother.

He is a born supreme body, in the endlessly distant ancient times, that is a born saint's destiny!

His precious blood is even more precious than my Eucharist! "

The **** dog suddenly raised his ears and looked suspicious. This guy is not stupid, and of course he wouldn't think Ye Fan would be so kind.

"You didn't lie to the emperor?"

"What did I lie to you? If it wasn't for my eldest brother to be more powerful than me, how could I call him eldest brother?

I was really bitten by you to lose my temper. I had no choice but to betray my eldest brother without talking about my loyalty! "

Ye Fan said with a helpless expression.

At this moment, the Black Emperor couldn't help but moved triumphantly. He could see that Ye Fan was indeed losing his temper by it.

Moreover, the Black Emperor was adopted by Emperor Wu Shi in his later years, and he also knew many ancient secrets.

In his later years, Emperor Wu Shi had repeatedly deduced the first emperor of the ancients, Huang Tiandi!

Finally came to a conclusion, Huang Tiandi is arbitrarily determined for eternity, with a rough fate, and is the natural supreme body that protects the human race and even the ten thousand races!

When he thought of this, the black emperor couldn't help his eyes light up, and said in his heart: "The physique the same as Huangtian Emperor, can be called the only second in eternity, and it is similar to the legendary chaotic body, not to be missed!"

So the Black Emperor nodded mysteriously, made a shushing motion, and tiptoed to Lin Feng's back.

However, the **** dog did not notice, and a meaningful smirk suddenly appeared on Ye Fan's face behind him!


The next moment, at the entrance of the village of Shizhai, a stern voice of a **** dog, ghost crying and wolf howling suddenly sounded.

It was obviously a dog, but it was howling like a wolf, like a wolf howling, which made people feel an indescribable misery.

I saw Lin Feng's side, the **** dog covered the dog's mouth with his paws, his face was bitter and hated.

Under its feet are shattered canine teeth.

It just heard Ye Fan's instigation, and wanted to sneak attack on Lin Feng and get some blood from the mysterious supreme body to try it out.

However, it never expected that its blood basin went down, not only failed to rub Lin Feng's body surface, but it was like biting on the **** Jindi soldier, and it suddenly shattered. Steel teeth!

He even collapsed and bleeds!

"My emperor's tooth!"

The screams of the Black Emperor echoed over the entire Shizhai.

And Lin Feng beside it had a playful smile: "Dogzi, do you know what it means to steal a chicken?"

Ye Fan urged the **** dog to bite him, Lin Feng knew from the beginning, and Ye Fan also secretly transmitted the voice.

But Lin Feng pretended not to notice, and let the **** dog bite at him, because he knew the result.

Lin Feng is the supreme body, and the blood of the supreme bone constantly baptizes the flesh, making the physical body's firmness to a terrifying level.

In the three years that Lin Feng was in the Fire Territory, he not only successfully tempered the Great Nine Dragon Seal, the natal soldier, but also tempered his body with the ninth divine fire of the Fire Territory.

Not to mention being within the same realm, even if it is higher than two or three great realms, it is difficult to find someone with a stronger physical body than Lin Feng!

But Ye Fan was laughing and his stomach hurts: "Silly dog, let you bite people, now you're going to be punished!"

"God slain boy, dare you to yin the emperor, wait for the emperor!"

The Black Emperor was furious, painful on the one hand, and angry on the other.

"Where are the wolves!"

"Where is the wolf!"

"These wolf cubs, dare to commit crimes in broad daylight!"

In the Shizhai, Zhang Wuye brought Wang Shu Er Lengzi and other young people, each rushing out with knives, guns and sickles, with a vigilant expression on his face.

They heard the sound of howling ghosts and howling wolves, and thought it was a wolf coming, so they were fully armed and the whole village was dispatched.

When they rushed to the entrance of the village, they discovered that it was not a wolf that was howling more than just a **** dog that was as strong as a calf.

Moreover, Lin Feng and Ye Fan have also returned.

"Two benefactors, you are back!"

Zhang Wuye and their faces were surprised, and Lin Feng and Ye Fan went there for two days, and they were worried.

"This **** dog should be less than two hundred catties. It's stewed in a pot, it's enough for the whole village to eat!"

Er Lengzi looked at the wailing **** dog, his eyes gleaming.

The **** dog suddenly became even more grief and anger. If it hadn't had a bite of teeth that had been broken, and it hadn't slowed down, it would have rushed over and bit the second froze.

Looking at the villagers in Shizhai, they were all aroused by Er Lengzi's words. Looking at the **** dog's eyes, Lin Feng couldn't help but smile and said, "My fellow villagers, this black dog can't eat.

It has followed Emperor Wu Shi. "

Hearing Lin Feng’s words, everyone else was immediately stunned. Only Zhang Wuye gave a violent shock, and then said in shock: "Yes, my ancestor of the Zhang family once said that in his later years, the Emperor Wu Shi Adopted a stray black dog.

It's still alive!

It must have been the Great Emperor Wu Shi who sealed it in the source of God, and sealed it in Zishan! "

With that said, Zhang Wuye respectfully invited Lin Feng and Ye Fan into Shizhai, and of course the Black Emperor.

Zhang Wuye was also respectful of Emperor Wu Shi's pets.

In Zhang Wuye’s home, Lin Feng took out a silver book of more than 100 pages from his arms and handed it to Zhang Wuye: “The remains of the ancestor of the Zhang family thousands of years ago. .

This is the source book I found by his side, and now it returns to the original owner. "

When Zhang Wuye saw Yuantianshu, he burst into tears: "It has been a thousand years, and Yuantianshu has finally seen the sky again!"

But in the end, Zhang Wuye waved his hand and said, "Now that I am in the Zhang family, there are no successful children and grandchildren. If this source book is placed in the Zhang family, it will only cause trouble for the children and grandchildren.

It is better to stay in the hands of En gong first, he is not a mortal, he will live for thousands of years. If my Zhang family has a successful descendant, then I will trouble En gong to pass down my Zhang family inheritance! "

Lin Feng nodded, Zhang Wuye’s reaction was also in his expectation, but this is something of the Zhang family after all, Lin Feng must first respect Zhang Wuye’s Ye Zi, grant It is better for people to fish than to teach people how to fish. My source art accomplishments no longer need the source book.

I know that you need this book urgently, so this source book will be handed over to you for safekeeping. "

Lin Feng handed the source book to Ye Fan, after all, in the original world of obscuring the sky, this source book was discovered by Ye Fan.

Lin Feng, as a variable, can also be regarded as having settled a period of cause and effect.

Ye Fan looked excited, and took the source book: "If that's the case, I'm not polite. The great favor of Brother Lin, Ye Fan is engraved in his heart!"

Although there are some things between Ye Fan and Lin Feng that don't need to be polite, Lin Feng changed hands and handed over something like the source book to himself, which is enough to make Ye Fan's heart very grateful!

Lin Feng smiled and patted Ye Fan on the shoulder: "We, don't talk about this, this source book, you are very good to figure out, if you don't understand anything, please feel free to ask me.

We need to improve our strength as soon as possible, so that we can work together to suppress all enemies in the world of great controversy in the future! "

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