Sign In From the Sky

Chapter 127: The descendant of Miaoyu'an, born!

"Hey, what kind of big things this supreme body and sacramental body have done, actually let the two great ancient families offer such a high price as a reward, and they are going to fight!"

Under the gate of the holy city, a monk exclaimed.

"Don't you know, Ye Fan of the Holy Body has long colluded with the thirteen bandits and looted the mines of the two families of Ji and Jiang, causing the two great families to lose countless.

The supreme body Lin Feng was even more incredible, disappeared for three years, everyone thought he was dead.

But it appeared again three years later, but with his own power, the strong town killed the two elders of the Ji Jiang family and hundreds of children of the two great families!

For the ancient family, this is a naked face slap, how can they swallow this breath! "

Another monk glanced contemptuously at the person who asked the question, and said in a low voice.

Even so, it is inevitable that such a movement would be heard by the children of Ji Jiang's family, causing those people to raise their eyebrows and murderously.

If it weren't for the inside and outside of this holy city, the Ji and Jiang family would not be able to cover the sky with one hand, I am afraid that those monks who talk about the scandals of the family will be killed on the spot!

Among the crowd, Lin Feng and Ye Fan, who had changed their appearances by using the method of changing heaven and earth, suddenly looked at each other and smiled: "Unexpectedly, the heads of this supreme body and sacramental body are so valuable."

The **** dog beside the two of them was Harazi DC: "Wow!

That's a source of 200,000 catties!

At least it can be piled up into a mountain! "

While saying this, the eyes of the **** dog glanced at Lin Feng and Ye Fan from time to time, a pair of dog eyes sneaking around.

Suddenly, Lin Feng and Ye Fan's expressions were slightly darkened: "Gouzi, do you think the 200,000 jin source is important, or is your dog's life important?"

Lin Feng and Ye Fan's words caused the Black Emperor to shrink his neck, and spit out his **** serendipitous manner.

Between it and Ye Fan, no one can do anything about it, but the supreme body of Lin Feng, the Black Emperor is really frustrated.

After all, this evil evildoer who can crumble his mouth full of teeth!

Moreover, in the eyes of the Black Emperor, Lin Feng's terrifying supreme physique was the one who could really make him suffer.

The Black Emperor can only admit counsel.

"Let's go, go into the city, if you have a chance, you can find a way to receive the reward yourself!"

Lin Feng smiled slightly and greeted Ye Fan and the Black Emperor to enter the city.

As soon as they entered the holy city, Lin Feng and Ye Fan felt a vast aura against their faces.

They traveled all the way, and in this oasis of tens of thousands of miles, they had also seen many cities, and those cities were already a bustling and prosperous area in the entire Northern Territory.

But compared with today's holy city, it is undoubtedly the contrast between children and giants.

Now that they had just entered the city gate, they saw a piece of suspended palace gate after another, making Ye Fan's eyes almost stunned.

"Hanging palaces in the sky, and one piece after another, this holy city is really extraordinary.

These palaces, I am afraid they belong to the top forces of the Eastern Desolation! "

Ye Fan said in surprise.

Lin Feng smiled kindly: "Ye Zi, you are wrong.

Like the suspended palace building in front of us, it is just the lowest teahouse in the holy city.

The building a little further away is a relatively ordinary restaurant.

Now the farthest building you can see with the naked eye is an inn run by a third-rate force in the Eastern Wilderness.

As for the ownership of the true Eastern Famine's top forces, they must be close to the center of the holy city, high above them, and some even suspended in the clouds.

If it is not blessed with divine power, it will not be visible to the naked eye. "

When Lin Feng's words fell, Ye Fan was even more shocked: "Such a prosperous palace is actually just the lowest-level teahouse?

This holy city really deserves to be the most prosperous place in the Northern Territory! "

"What's this? Thousands of years ago, this holy city was suspended in the sky. Therefore, the holy city was called the city of gods, meaning the city of gods.

It's just that for some unknown reason, the city of God finally fell on the ground, so it gradually became a city of God. "

Beside Ye Fan, a young man with burning eyes, chewing a piece of tea in his mouth, spoke lazily.

"Brother Lin, Ye Zi, long time no see."

The young man's eyes were very bright, but it was not the kind of shining brightness, but rather a tinge of scent, which is commonly referred to as a piercing light.

"Tu Fei, why are you here!

Also, how did you recognize us? "

The moment Ye Fan saw the young man, he opened his mouth in surprise and surprise.

This young man with scornful eyes is Tu Fei, a descendant of the big bandit who is determined to steal a saint to be his wife.

Tu Fei and them have not seen each other for several months since the last time they parted from the Ji's mine.

Tu Fei suddenly smiled and greeted him: "When I first saw you, I felt a little familiar, but didn't know him.

Later, I used the secret treasure given by my grandfather, and only then could I feel the aura of the thirteen great bandits in Brother Lin's body, so I was sure that it was you. "

As Tu Fei said, he smiled mysteriously, and continued to speak: "This time in the holy city, all the princesses, saints and sons of the holy land families from all sides will gather here.

Let me see if there is any chance. "

As soon as Tu Fei said, Lin Feng and Ye Fan suddenly smiled knowingly. Although what Tu Fei said was vague, they certainly knew what Tu Fei's purpose was.

It is nothing more than to see if there is a chance to abduct a saint to go home to be a wife, fulfilling the wishes of the generations of their old Tu family.

"Brother Lin, this time you have to teach your brothers how to make many saint princesses fall in love with you!"

Tu Fei's big mouth was only three words shy, so he resumed the last topic, and Lin Feng's breathing was suddenly stagnated, and this guy came again.

Ye Fan went straight up, covering Tu Fei's big mouth.

When they entered the city this time, they even changed their appearance in order not to be noticeable.

They don't want to have just entered the holy city, just because this big mouth is full of the world yelling, and being discovered.

At this time, Tu Fei also noticed something, and immediately scratched his head embarrassedly: "Brother, I'm sorry, I was agitated for a while, and I forgot about it.

Now that we met here, let's act together. It just so happens that in the holy city, there are the descendants of other big bandits.

He is the local snake is familiar with the holy city and can guide us and avoid some unnecessary troubles. "

As soon as Tu Fei said, Lin Feng knew that what he said must be Li Heishui.

But Lin Feng shook his head: "Many people are eye-catching, it's hard to act.

Especially being with your descendants of big bandits, it is easier for me and Ye Zi to be exposed.

You can call Li Heishui, let's split up and pretend not to know each other.

When necessary, help each other out again. "

As soon as Lin Feng's words fell, he suddenly saw the street in front of him, and the crowd was an instant sensation: "The descendants of Miao Yu'an are born!"

Hurrah, the street was completely empty in an instant, all of them gathered in the direction of the center of the holy city!

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