Sign In From the Sky

Chapter 141: The abyss is frantic, coming out!

"This is comparable to the breath of half a step!"

"Could it really be the Primordial Royal Family?!"

"Brother Lin! Ye Fan! Come back soon!"

Everyone was shocked and roared anxiously.

However, the duo of the duo was already on the line and had to send it!

Ye Fan felt his breath, and his heart was shocked.

The opportunity is here!

This is the hope of breaking the curse of the ancient Eucharist!

Ye Fan thought of the battle between heaven and man, and made a decision in a flash.

He gritted his teeth, he was cruel and stubborn, and quickly collected that big piece of God's Source into his bag!


There was another roar that resounded across the world, alarming the abyss!


From the depths of the dragon's cave, a giant claw shone with golden light suddenly stretched out!

The huge is like a mountain, with countless obscure Dao patterns densely spreading on it, exuding an aura of terrifying horror!


The gust of wind suddenly rose, but the giant claws came out of the cave, rushing towards Ye Fan, with a great stance of squeezing everything!

"Be careful!"

Everyone shouted in surprise.

Upon seeing this, Ye Fan released all his supernatural powers and shouted, "Ding Qi!"


The menacing giant claws were blocked by a big tripod. Even if they had the ability to destroy mountains and fill the sea, they still couldn't attack them, and they swayed toward the rear!

At the critical moment, it was Ye Fan who called out the mother of all things Qi Cao before facing the wall to bear the blow.

However, the light of the cauldron suddenly dimmed, and it was obvious that these gods were also traumatized.

The power of the giant claw is evident!

But Ye Fan didn't have time to think about it anymore. He took back the big cauldron and didn't give the giant claw a chance to chase him. It turned into a escape and swept to the outside at a high speed.

"Brother Lin! Let's go!"

Ye Fan called out loudly, and still reminded Lin Feng to retreat together when it was in distress.

But at this moment, Lin Feng stood indifferently in front of the ancient magical medicine, even if there were ancient creatures out of the mountain, he was still unmoved.

Ye Fan retreated, but the giant claw couldn't make a single blow, so he shifted the target immediately, wrapped in the monstrous power, and then slammed towards Lin Feng!

"Big Brother Lin!"

The crowd called out anxiously.

But it was too late.

The giant claws were already under the hood, the earth and rocks splashed, the stone walls collapsed, and the terrifying wind swept across, and Lin Feng was about to die here!


Lin Feng raised his head, smiled indifferently, his whole body suddenly bloomed with brilliant golden light, and the endless abyss was shining brightly!

A dragon aura that didn't belong to Wanlong's Nest suddenly exploded from his body!

boom! ! !

The dragon gas stirred up a hurricane with a radius of 100 meters, and it became Lin Feng's domain in a flash!

The giant claw invaded, but was blocked by the dragon's energy, a powerful repulsive force broke out, and it actually bounced back to the dragon's lair!

"my God!"

"This is fine too?!"

"What did Brother Lin just do?!"

"Where did he come from the pure dragon spirit?!"

The three people on the periphery were horrified, and they all looked dumbfounded!

And the next moment, a violent dragon roar suddenly came from the dragon's cave!


This time it was three giant claws, and they rushed out of the dragon's cave at the same time, just like three ancient imperfect mountains, they are going to kill Lin Fengzhen!

At this time, Lin Feng smiled, but he took out two Yuanlong Fruits in a hurry.


Swallow it in one bite!

In an instant, the dragon energy that filled the entire abyss, as if being caught in a whirlpool, all surged toward this place!

And that central point is Lin Feng!

"What is Big Brother Lin doing?" Everyone was shocked, but they were at a loss as to Lin Feng's behavior.

Is there a panacea in the face of a disaster, and a leisurely sentiment?

Even if we make a breakthrough, it is too late now!

But only the **** dog showed a shock after seeing this, a pair of black dog eyes flashed non-stop, obviously thinking.

boom! boom! boom!

There were three loud noises in a row, but three giant claws the size of a mountain slapped Lin Feng fiercely!

The divine light flashed within a hundred meters, Lin Feng relied on the Dragon Qi Field to withstand three terrorist attacks abruptly, and he was still strong!

The three dragon claws repeated the same mistakes and were once again bounced back into the dragon's lair.

But a bigger crisis is still brewing!

The breath of the dragon became more and more grand.

The power that oppresses the world and makes the endless abyss tremble, along with the awakening of ancient creatures, is gradually unlocking the seal!

The battlefield where Lin Feng was located suddenly calmed down.

The ice coffin with the female saint lying on it quietly landed not far away.

No one noticed that the female saint's body inside had a slight movement of eyelashes!

"Take out all the source dragon fruits and eat them." Lin Feng said calmly.

When everyone looked around, they saw him slowly leaning down and reaching for the dragon-shaped ancient magical medicine.

"Listen to Brother Lin!"

Ye Fan took out the source dragon fruit and swallowed it without hesitation, and then a faint golden light bloomed all over his body.

Tu Fei and Li Heishui, who were shocked by Lin Feng's bold behavior, also reacted at this moment and hurriedly followed suit. Their bodies also changed.

Yuanlongguo, the top elixir, is said to have the effect of nourishing the body, prolonging life span, and generating dragon energy in the body of the user.

But in addition to this, the source dragon fruit also has a secret effect, which was widely spread in ancient times.

That is to open acupuncture points, let people have the effect of absorbing dragon energy into their own use, tempering the blood of the gods, and permanently increasing the strength of their own physical body!

"what happened?!"

"My body is actually absorbing dragon energy on its own?!"

"It's incredible, this dragon energy can even temper its supernatural power!"

"So cool!"

The three people and one dog all discovered their own changes and exclaimed Yuanlongguo's miraculous effect.

At this moment, Lin Feng was already holding the dragon-shaped ancient magic medicine.

Everyone watched attentively, but saw Lin Feng open his mouth and quickly swallowed the golden bead at the top of the Primordial Magic Medicine, and then the golden light all over his body suddenly became ten times stronger!

The ancient magical medicine that has lost its beads is like an unbounded one. It used to only engulf the purple gas, but now it is spraying the magical liquid!

A drop of divine liquid splashed out, and each drop had the effect of a top-level elixir, but at this moment, it all poured onto Lin Feng's body.

The powerful body that has been tempered in the endless flames is deepening again!

At this moment, Lin Feng's supreme body, like a sun, became the most dazzling existence in the nine heavens and ten earth!


After thousands of drops of magical liquid were splashed, completed its mission and drooped.

Lin Feng gently pulled it off the ground.


If the ancient creatures in Wanlong's Nest had been greatly stimulated, they would show their heads, roar and neigh!

Countless hideous faces are revealed, and the horror is overwhelming, and they meet together, as if to break through the boundless underground!

Lin Feng smiled contemptuously, and in front of all the ancient creatures, he took the ancient magic medicine into the sea of ​​suffering!

This move is undoubtedly the last straw to overwhelm the camel.

The ancient creatures are angry!

The group of demons out of the nest!

To tear Lin Feng to pieces!

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